Japan Biodiversity Fund

Technical Support for NBSAP Development, Revision, and Implementation

In its decision X/2COP10 adopted the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and urged Parties and governments to develop national and regional targets and to review and update their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to align with the new Strategic Plan. The decision also emphasized the need for capacity-building activities and the effective sharing of knowledge to support all countries, especially developing countries, to implement the Strategic Plan. 

The Japan Biodiversity Fund (JBF) has facilitated the development, revisions, updating, and implementation of NBSAPs through: 


ABT 17These activities supported progress towards the achievement of Aichi Biodiversity Target 17: 
‘By 2015 each Party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementing an effective, participatory, and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan.’