Japan Biodiversity Fund


Following intensive discussions among youth delegates from 31 countries during the International Youth Biodiversity Conference, held in Aichi, Japan in 2010, youth groups decided to work towards the establishment of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN). At the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP11), held in Hyderabad, India, GYBN assumed its role as the voice of global youth in the negotiations under the CBD, to raise awareness among youth of the values of biodiversity and to connect individuals and youth organizations working on biodiversity issues.

Since 2011, the JBF has played a central role in supporting youth engagement in the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and in enhancing the capacity of youth to effectively contribute to the CBD and other decision-making processes. The momentum of youth engagement was maintained through various activities to identify youth priorities for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, with youth carrying a strong voice in its development. The capacity of GYBN to represent youth from all regions and countries has been strengthened, including through the development of over 50 regional, sub-regional, and national chapters that bring together members and active youth within regions and countries, who support CBD implementation at all levels. Moreover, the publication of CBD in a Nutshell, through support from the JBF, has provided a knowledge base, not only for youth, but for the wider community of stakeholders and Parties in understanding the CBD process.

Tools and guidance produced through this programme

CBD in a Nutshell

A 6-episode online series, titled An Elephant Born, and broadcasted by GYBN to celebrate the 10-years of youth contributions to the CBD, is available below:


For more information, please visit the Children and Youth programme page.