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Administración de Parques Nacionales - Argentina

"Argentina's National Park Administration is part of the National State, and has been created to protect and to offer to the world, emblematic samples of the natural and cultural heritage. The Administration has 37 protected areas, covering approximately 3.700.000 hectares (around 400 provincial protected areas also exist in our country, covering approx. 17.900.000 hectares).

To have protected areas is to be aware of the country's richness to plan its future and develop its present. Thus, protected areas must become tools for sustainable development, and as such true opportunities of growth, work and social equity".

Caretakers Environment International
Nuestra visión
Contribuir a la formación de una sociedad mejor que contribuya a preservar el ambiente para formar parte de un mundo más justo y en armonía con la naturaleza. Esto es lo que nutre el trabajo cotidiano de A.Gu.A.

Nuestra misión
Es crear conciencia, es contribuir al desarrollo sustentable en la comunidad local y regional mediante proyectos y programas de Educación Ambiental para crear una actitud responsable y comprometida con el desarrollo humano, con la sociedad y la naturaleza.

Law 25675/2002 National Law on Environment - Argentina
The National Environmental Law defines the minimum standards to ensure a sustainable environmental management, biodiversity protection and the implementation of sustainable development. Including requirements of environmental disclosure and information that have to be provided by the responsible of acts or activities that could impair the environment. Defines that the responsible of activities or developments should present a sworn declaration declaring if such activities will impact the environment, and describes the content of the environmental impact assessment, including at least a detailed description of the project, the identification of the environmental consequences and related mitigation actions. Regulates various aspects of environmental reporting, basically through two of the tools included and "environmental management tools", described as the "Environmental Impact Assessment" and "the system for diagnostic and environmental information".
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Municipalidad de Bahía Blanca - Argentina
From Cultural Instituto of White Bay, was conceived like an opened, interacitveo, dynamic space, where “education” and “fun” are not opposed. It tries to popularize sciences and the subjects related to the protection and the sustainable use of environment.

More information about the activities of the Museo de ciencias in Bahia Blanca can be found by clicking here (ES/EN).

Programa de Agricultura Urbana, Subsecretaria de Economía Solidaria – Secretaría de Promoción Social – Municipalidad de Rosario. - Argentina
Esta red de huertas comunitarias constituye un espacio productivo ecológico donde se cultiva una elevada diversidad de variedades y especies de semillas sobre las que se carece de información. El manejo de estos recursos fitogenéticos es desarrollado por una comunidad de huerteros y huerteras entre los que se encuentran campesinos tradicionales emigrados del norte del país a la ciudad de Rosario, incluidos descendientes del pueblo guaraní, que han incorporado sus conocimientos sobre el manejo de recursos fitogenéticos a la práctica productiva de las huertas urbanas de Rosario.
Subject(s): United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - 2011-2020