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Jambo Africa Tourism Organisation Network
Jambo Africa Tourism Organisation Network is a Community Based Organization (CBO) in Western Kenya headquartered in Bungoma town addressing four major issues: Eco-tourism, Nature conservancy, Socio-cultural diversity and developing new skills.
Subject(s): United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - 2011-2020

Painting a New World
Painting a New World - Peindre un Nouveau Monde (PNMW) is a non-profit organization founded in 2008 by Agnes and Andre Chatelain.

We believe that art has the power to create positive change for the benefit and sustainability of communities locally and in developing countries.

The principal goals of The Gift of Art project are that students learn about important humanitarian issues and illustrate their creativity on their mural. They then engage local merchants and businesses to sponsor their art work thereby contributing directly to the aid of local and international communities. PNMW is proud to support International mural projects in Africa and Haiti. PNMW provides funding to local initiatives to employ artists to design and paint murals on school walls while engaging and educating children about their environment and future.

Subject(s): United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - 2011-2020

The Global Invasive Species Programme
The Global Invasive Species Programme is an international partnership dedicated to addressing the global threat of invasive species, whose mission is to conserve biodiversity and sustain livelihoods by minimising the spread and impact of invasive species. GISP provides support to the implementation of Article 8(h) of the Convention on Biological Diversity and has contributed extensively to the knowledge and awareness of invasive species. The GISP partnership includes CABI, IUCN, the South African National Biodiversity Institute and The Nature Conservancy, as well as memoranda of understanding with other institutions and organizations.
Subject(s): Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

United Nations Environment Programme
The importance of biological diversity to human society is hard to overstate. An estimated 40 per cent of the global economy is based on biological products and processes. Poor people, especially those living in areas of low agricultural productivity, depend especially heavily on the genetic diversity of the environment.
Subject(s): Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Agricultural Biodiversity; Clearing-House Mechanism; Forest Biodiversity; Marine and Coastal Biodiversity; Biodiversity for Development; International Year of Biodiversity - 2010

USAID Environment
USAID has recognized the potential for environmentally sound enterprises to sustain people’s livelihoods while conserving important biodiversity. The Agency is helping communities gain the technical and management skills needed to undertake alternative enterprises, as well as access to credit and markets for their products. For example, USAID empowered the Koija community in Kenya to manage an ecotourism operation, facilitating the development of spin-off enterprises, with women's organizations and a youth organization.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity