Traditional Knowledge Information Portal Traditional Knowledge Information Portal About the TKIP Portal Customary Use Meeting on article 10 c Presentations Network on customary useDiscussion Forum Information Exchange Community Blogs Photo Gallery Resources Bibliographic References Calendar of Events Background MaterialCapacity Building Training Programme 2017-2018 Online Forum on Traditional KnowledgeTraining Programme 2014-2016Nairobi WorkshopCochabamba Workshop Events The Nature and Culture Summit Online Forum on future work on TKDialogue on Post-20202nd IPLCs Dialogue on Post-2020Summit “Muuchtanbal”Dialogue IPBESBiological and Cultural Diversity Further Resources Related Web Sites Key TermsWIPO TK Documentation Toolkit TK Information Portal // Presentations Wednesday // 7.6.2011 Presentations Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 Meeting on article 10 with a focus on article 10 (c) as a major component of the programme of work on article 8 (j) and related provisions of the Convention Tuesday May 31, 2011 Mr John Scott, SCBD, Addis Ababa Principles and GuidelinesMr. Mario Marino, ITPGRFA, The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and - Article 6 of the PGRFA-Treaty UNUMs. Anne McDonald; UNU, Satoumi - coastal communities and fisheries/marine related customary rightsMs. Yolanda Terán, Andes Chinchasuyu, Indigenous expert, Ecuador, Biodiversity, customary sustainable use and poverty alleviationProfessor Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir, Unnayan Onneshan, Property Rights, CSU and DevelopmentMr. Alejandro Argumedo, Andes Association, Potato Park indigenous biocultural heritage for holistic livelihoodsMr. John Tinka, KAFRED,Equator Prize WinnerMr. Hewadhura Gedera Nimalasiri, CDC, Equator Prize WinnerMr. Cesar Antonio Franco Laverde, Corporacion Sierraniagua, Lesson from the Equator Initiative prize WinnersMs Daniela Juarez Villa, Mexico, RITA, Equator Prize WinnerIndigenous and Local Communities and the Forest Peoples Programme, Indigenous and Local community representatives and case studies on 10c Wednesday June 1, 2011 Professor Kazuhiko Takeuchi; Vice Rector of the United Nations University, The Satoyama Initiative and customary use of biodiversityIndigenous and Local Communities and the Forest Peoples Programme Suggestions from 10(c) local initiatives and experiences to the new major component on Customary Sustainable Use Thursday, June 2, 2011 Mr.Robert Hoft SCBD, Indicators for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020Mr.John Scott SCBD,Indicator for TK and Customary UseMs.Joji Carino, IIFB Working Group on Indicators, Indicators Relevant for Indigenous Peoples: Local-global monitoring of human rights, knowledge and well-beingMr.Douglas Nakashima, UNESCO, Linguistic diversity as a proxy for the status and trends of traditional knowledge: An Indicator based on Official National Language Statistics Results and Challenges.Ms.Mary Jane Ramos dela Cruz, FAO’s work and initiatives supporting Article 10c, targets and indicators Friday, June 3, 2011 Mr. Bossou Bienvenu, Ce.Sa.Re.N, Sustainable Management of Sacred Forests in Republic of BeninMr. Felix Monggae,Kalahari Conservation Society, Experiences and challenges in CBNRM/ILC project implementationMs. Kaylena Bray, Seneca International, Traditional Knowledge, Sustainable Use, and Market Access Mr. Sebastian Calle Restrepo, Towards implementation of article 10(c) in Colombia: some key findings
TK Information Portal // Presentations Wednesday // 7.6.2011 Presentations Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 Meeting on article 10 with a focus on article 10 (c) as a major component of the programme of work on article 8 (j) and related provisions of the Convention Tuesday May 31, 2011 Mr John Scott, SCBD, Addis Ababa Principles and GuidelinesMr. Mario Marino, ITPGRFA, The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and - Article 6 of the PGRFA-Treaty UNUMs. Anne McDonald; UNU, Satoumi - coastal communities and fisheries/marine related customary rightsMs. Yolanda Terán, Andes Chinchasuyu, Indigenous expert, Ecuador, Biodiversity, customary sustainable use and poverty alleviationProfessor Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir, Unnayan Onneshan, Property Rights, CSU and DevelopmentMr. Alejandro Argumedo, Andes Association, Potato Park indigenous biocultural heritage for holistic livelihoodsMr. John Tinka, KAFRED,Equator Prize WinnerMr. Hewadhura Gedera Nimalasiri, CDC, Equator Prize WinnerMr. Cesar Antonio Franco Laverde, Corporacion Sierraniagua, Lesson from the Equator Initiative prize WinnersMs Daniela Juarez Villa, Mexico, RITA, Equator Prize WinnerIndigenous and Local Communities and the Forest Peoples Programme, Indigenous and Local community representatives and case studies on 10c Wednesday June 1, 2011 Professor Kazuhiko Takeuchi; Vice Rector of the United Nations University, The Satoyama Initiative and customary use of biodiversityIndigenous and Local Communities and the Forest Peoples Programme Suggestions from 10(c) local initiatives and experiences to the new major component on Customary Sustainable Use Thursday, June 2, 2011 Mr.Robert Hoft SCBD, Indicators for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020Mr.John Scott SCBD,Indicator for TK and Customary UseMs.Joji Carino, IIFB Working Group on Indicators, Indicators Relevant for Indigenous Peoples: Local-global monitoring of human rights, knowledge and well-beingMr.Douglas Nakashima, UNESCO, Linguistic diversity as a proxy for the status and trends of traditional knowledge: An Indicator based on Official National Language Statistics Results and Challenges.Ms.Mary Jane Ramos dela Cruz, FAO’s work and initiatives supporting Article 10c, targets and indicators Friday, June 3, 2011 Mr. Bossou Bienvenu, Ce.Sa.Re.N, Sustainable Management of Sacred Forests in Republic of BeninMr. Felix Monggae,Kalahari Conservation Society, Experiences and challenges in CBNRM/ILC project implementationMs. Kaylena Bray, Seneca International, Traditional Knowledge, Sustainable Use, and Market Access Mr. Sebastian Calle Restrepo, Towards implementation of article 10(c) in Colombia: some key findings