Traditional Knowledge Information Portal


Friday-9 December 2016
Excursion to the Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka'an
Facilitated by: SEMARNAT and CDI representatives

VENUE: Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka'an

  • Registration
  • Departure from Hotel Moon Palace Arena to the Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka'an.
  • Arrival at the Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka'an.
  • Indigenous ceremony to begin the work of the -Múuch’tambal Summit.
  • Walk through the Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka'an and experience exchanges on topics including:
    1. Collective actions of indigenous peoples and local communities related to the conservation and customary sustainable use of biodiversity;
    2. Relationships between biological and cultural diversity
    3. Traditional knowledge and customary use of biodiversity
  • Mexican Working Group to develop the national declaration for the Muuch’tambal
  • Return to Moon Palace Arena Hotel
  • Arrive back at the Moon Palace Arena Hotel

Saturday-10 December 2016
Opening ceremony
Facilitated by: SEMARNAT and CDI representatives

VENUE: Moon Palace Arena Hotel (Multipurpose Room, Universal Building, 2nd Floor)

  • Traditional Ceremony
  • C.P. Nuvia Magdalena Mayorga Delgado, General Director of the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI)
  • Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the SCBD
  • Ing. Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)

High Level Panel
Facilitated by: International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity

  • The contribution of Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices across the Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Tourism Sectors. Mr. Ramiro Batzin, Global Coordinator of the IIFB
  • UNESCO in Action to Strengthen the Links between Biological and Cultural Diversity. Mr. Qunli Han Director of the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, Secretary of the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme
  • Financing Indigenous Peoples Conservation Initiatives. Mrs. Yoko Watanabe, Senior Biodiversity Specialist and Focal Point for Indigenous Peoples., Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  • The role of biological and cultural diversity in the German International Cooperation. Dr. Matthias Krause, Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo de Alemania
  • Outcomes from 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity to Promote and Strengthen links between Biological and Cultural Diversity. Mr. Tsunao Watanabe, Representative of UNU and the Ishikawa Prefecture, Government of Japan.
  • Outcomes from the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) Day at COP13: Contributions of IPLCs to Aichi Targets and Sustainable Development Goals. Dr. Jamison Ervin, Head, UNDP Global Biodiversity Programme, UNDP.
  • Updates on progress of the Global Support Initiative for ICCAs as a contribution to Aichi Targets 11,14 and 18 of the CBD. Dr. Terrence Hay-Edie. UNDP GEF-Small Grants Progamme.
  • Experiences on the empowerment of indigenous peoples in the context of biodiversity Mr. Jesús Guadalupe Fuentes Blanco, President of the Advisory Counsel of the CDI , Mexico
  • National process (Mexico) of indigenous pre COP13 fora. Mr. Ricardo Campos Quezada President of the Red Indígena de Turismo de México (RITA A.C.).

Panel 1:Traditional Knowledge, Innovation and Practices (in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and tourism)
Facilitated by: Pernilla Malmer (SwedBio)

  • Introduction to the CBD and the Joint Unesco-CBD Program on Links between Biological and Cultural Diversity, Mr. John Scott, Secretariat of the CBD
  • Practical experiences linking cultural and biological diversity, Mrs. Eleanor Sterling, Chief Conservation Scientist, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States.
  • Financing mainstreaming of biodiversity in productive sectors based on Indigenous Peoples' traditional knowledge and experiences.
  • Recent developments in the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC), Mr. Claudio Chiarolla

Presentation on experiences on the mainstreaming of biodiversity

  • Community-led economic development through sustainable community forest management Mr. Feliz Ruiz Pacheco. Bienes Comunales de Ixtlan, UCOSIJ-AC (Oaxaca, Mexico)
  • Traditional practices for management and conservation of pollinators, Ms. Thingreiphi Lungharwo, Naga Women Union, (India)
  • Experience for the promotion of sustainable forest managment and marine resource conservation. Mr. Daniel Hernán Ancapan Marileo, Comunidad Indigena Manquemapu (Chile)
  • Learning platform and educational tourism as outcomes of 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity Promoting and Strengthening links between Biological and Cultural Diversity, Mrs. Mikiko Nagai, Office manager, UNU-IAS OUIK

Audience exchange of experience

Conclusions and key messages

Panel 2: Use, management and conservation of biodiversity
Facilitated by: Ramiro Batzin (Co-chair of the IIFB)
  • Plan of Action on Customary Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. Mrs. Joji Carino, Forest People Programm (FPP)
  • Outcomes of the Global Consult on the Rights of Farmers under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Mr. Kent Nnadozie, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, FAO
  • Food systems and Indigenous Peoples, Mr. Alvaro Pop, President of the UN Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues

Presentation on experiences on the mainstreaming of biodiversity

  • Project for the improvement of rice varieties (RiceBED project).Mr. Masayuki Kurechi. President of the working group about rice, of Ramsar, Japan
  • Traditional innovative systems of use, manage and conservation of the ecosystem in the framework of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Costa Rica. Mr. Donald Rojas, President of the National Group, Costa Rica.
  • Repatriation of traditional knowledge. Dr. Yolanda Teran. Indigenous Women’s Biodiversity Network.
  • Use of traditional knowledge and practice for sustainable fishing. Ms. Aydah Vahia. Coordinator of the Indigenous Peoples Network of the Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands.
  • Protection of the Montes Azules Reserve through community participation. Mr. Enrique Chankin Chanuk. Topche Ecoturistic Center.

Audience exchange of experience

Conclusions and key messages

Sunday-11 December 2016
Panel discussion and round-table 3: Community governance and biodiversity
Facilitated by: Lucy Mulenkei (IWNB)

  • Strengthening self-governance of indigenous peoples for the revitalisation, protection and sustainable use of biodiversity. Mrs. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples
  • Indigenous organization and territory governance models. Chief Tony James, South Central People’s Development Association (SCPDA), (Guyana)
  • Indigenous Conservation Areas (ICCA) and their contribution to the Aichi Targets. Dr. Taghi Farvar, Cenesta (Iran)
  • Sacred sites and ceremonial centers of the Wixarika people and their relation with the good management of the biodiversity and the defense of the culture. Mr. Héctor Montoya Robles, Wixarika (Mexico)

Presentation on experiences on the mainstreaming of biodiversity on community governance and biodiversity

  • Community Protocols Development experience. Mr. Daniel Mpoiko Kobei, Ogiek Peoples Development Program (Kenya)
  • Mesoamerican Biocultural Protocol Development. Mr. Onel Masardule Arias, Fundacion para la Promocion del Conocimiento Indigena, (Panama)
  • Guidelines for a community protocol on conservation, protection and access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources for indigenous Kofan nationality from Ecuador. Mr. Rodrigo de la Cruz, Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indigenas de la Cuenca Amazonica (COICA)
  • Management and conservation of marine resources, Mrs. Chrissy Grant, Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, (Australia)
  • Experience on the promotion of incentives for conservation and sustainable use of forest resources (including payments for environmental services and certified production).Ms. Yesenia Carolina Alvarado Chavez, Asociacion de Comunidades Forestales de Peten (Guatemala).
  • Management of biodiversity in the Zimapán Valley, Hidalgo for social and cultural development. Mrs. Elvia Beltrán Villeda, Red Indígena HñaHñu (México) MIHARI: Networking coastal communities to manage Madagascar's small-scale fisheries sustainably. Mrs Vatosoa Rakotondrazafy, National Coordinator of Madagascar' Locally Managed Marine Areas Network - called MIHARI Network

Audience exchange of experience

Conclusions and key messages

Declaration, Presentation of conclusions and next step forward
Facilitated by SEMARNAT and the SCBD

  • Presentation of International Declaration
  • Presentation of National Declaration

Cultural Night-Reception / 20th Anniversary International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
Facilitated by the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
  • IIFB remark, Mr. Ramiro Batzin and Mrs. Lucy Muleneki, Co-chairs
  • Remarks from the Government of Mexico. Mr. Jorge Legorreta, Head of the Coordinating Unit for Social Participation and Transparency, SEMARNAT
  • Remarks by Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the SCBD
  • Remarks from the GEF, Mrs. Yoko Watanabe, Senior Biodiversity Specialist and Focal Point for Indigenous Peoples.
  • Presentation of the Local Biodiversity Outlook (LBO) by Forests People Programme (FPP)
  • Awards’ Ceremony
  • Artistic and cultural presentations of indigenous peoples
  • Closing remarks