Cultural Night-Reception / 20th Anniversary International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
Facilitated by the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
- IIFB remark, Mr. Ramiro Batzin and Mrs. Lucy Muleneki, Co-chairs
- Remarks from the Government of Mexico. Mr. Jorge Legorreta, Head of the Coordinating Unit for Social Participation and Transparency, SEMARNAT
- Remarks by Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the SCBD
- Remarks from the GEF, Mrs. Yoko Watanabe, Senior Biodiversity Specialist and Focal Point for Indigenous Peoples.
- Presentation of the Local Biodiversity Outlook (LBO) by Forests People Programme (FPP)
- Awards’ Ceremony
- Artistic and cultural presentations of indigenous peoples
- Closing remarks