The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

Details of Measure

General Description
Country or Region Peru
Official Title Ordenanza del Gobierno Regional de Cusco No. 048-2008 sobre Acceso a los Recursos Geneticos y a los Conocimientos Tradicionales
Level Sub-national
Sub-national Entity Cusco
Type of Measure Regulation
Status of Measure Entered into force
Date of Entry into Force 2009-01-15
Additional Information
Full-text of Measure Document

Main ABS Elements

ABS Element
Description Relevant articles and sections
National Focal Point Link to Peru - National Contacts
Competent National Authority
Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente Art. 4-7, 9, 24-28
Minimum standards of access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge in Cusco region Art.1-3
Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedures
Bioprospecting requirements Art. 9
Community PIC process, requirements and elements. Art. 12-19
Ex-ante evaluation of impacts Art. 25
Research activities requirements Art. 11
Mutually Agreed Terms (MATs)
Benefit-sharing Art. 22
MAT minimum content Art. 21
Compliance Mechanisms
Monitoring, supervision and control Art. 24, 26, 27
Technical and legal assistance to the communities Art. 28
Traditional Knowledge Associated to Genetic Resources
PIC Art. 12-19
Protocol for access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge in accordance with costumary law and national and international legislation Art. 30
Register and databases of collective traditional knowledge Art. 29
Register of bioprospecting activities and research in peasant and indigenous communities Art. 8