The Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity is currently comprised of 21 national and regional initiatives, all working towards greater business engagement on biodiversity-related issues.
The Global Partnership is thus a network of networks linking the various initiatives so that they can share information and good practices, and cooperate on common projects with a view to mainstreaming biodiversity concerns into businesses. The Global Partnership gets also involved in select COP mandated projects.
The makeup of
national or regional initiative is different; however, all connect businesses, governments and other key stakeholders in encouraging information sharing and the facilitation of greater understanding and action on biodiversity conservation by businesses at the national and regional levels. The objective of these efforts, taken in conjunction with those of partner organizations, is to increase the number of companies with a significantly reduced negative impact upon biodiversity (or even a net-positive impact) and to mobilize and enable them to act as positive influencers upon other entities throughout the economy.
The Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity and its member initiatives were established further to the business engagement decisions taken at COP 10
(Decision X/21/1d and 3a) and COP 11
(Decision XI/7/1 and 5a). Their establishment demonstrated the increased understanding that business needs to play a critical role in addressing the serious environmental problems facing us, including the loss of biodiversity.
In addition to direct access to the CBD Secretariat and its process, Global Partnership members benefit from
e-newsletters, webinars, use of the Global Partnership logo, as well as
annual meetings.
An elected Executive Committee and Chairperson overseas the Global Partnership.
Global Partnership Newsletters
The Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity newsletters are published roughly once every quarter and feature updates and events from the various member initiatives as well as other information relevant to the Global Partnership. We invite submissions from all members and those developing national initiatives. Please contact
gbpp@cbd.int for more information or with your article.
E-NewsLetter: Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity