Communication, Education & Public Awareness

Cooperation with the
International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)

In fulfilment of some of the key objectives of programme element 3, the Secretariat initiated consultations with the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) to explore opportunities for joint efforts to develop professional capacity of biodiversity educators and communicators. As a direct follow-up to these consultations, the Secretariat will prepare a comprehensive discussion paper articulating the role of research, training and education in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the safe application of biotechnology. The paper will be presented at the 28th IUBS General Assembly and International Conference on Biological Sciences, which will be held in Cairo in Egypt from 18 to 23 January 2004. The paper will also be the subject of more detailed review and discussion in a facilitated workshop side event to be held during the IUBS Conference.

The focus of the discussion paper will be on articulating the strategic role of academic and research communities in supporting biodiversity education and training, including through the establishment of appropriate networks to deliver the required training and education initiatives. The workshop side event discussions will use the content of the discussion paper to articulate practical suggestions to guide the development and implementation of joint efforts in biodiversity education and training and focused on the following major outputs:

1. Identification of priority areas of focus for the development of joint efforts in biodiversity education and training;

2. Review of the proposed content, formats and delivery of education and training initiatives/programmes in the identified priority areas of focus;

3. Review of the proposed partnerships and related institutional arrangements to support the development and generation of the identified initiatives/programmes;

4. Review and articulation of a realistic short-to-medium timeframe, perhaps with a phased approach for the identified initiatives/programmes; and

5. Identification of priority action items to initiate immediate follow-up activities and also to maintain the momentum of discussions and related outcomes.

Further details on cooperation with IUBS are contained in document UNEP/CBD/GEEPA/4/2/Add.4. In addition, the report and the recommendations of the IUBS workshop will be submitted as an information document for the consideration of COP-7