Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators
In order to operationalize the monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the Conference of the Parties, in decision 15/5, established an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Indicators for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The terms of reference for the AHTEG, outlining four main tasks, are contained in annex II of the decision.
The AHTEG is composed of 45 experts, 30 nominated by Parties and 15 by Observers. The AHTEG has been established for the period to COP-16 and will primarily work remotely; however, two in-person meetings are anticipated. At its first meeting the AHTEG elected Ms. Maria Cecilia Londoño Murcia (Colombia) and Mr. Mr James Williams (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as its co-chairs. Documents for the AHTEG are accessible from this page.
The Conference of the Parties, in decision 15/5, also requested the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with the AHTEG to convene moderated online discussions on the monitoring framework to allow Parties and observers to provide documents and/or comments on issues related to the monitoring framework. The discussion forum is accessible from this page.