. Management of forest biodiversity, sustainable use to derive products and services and benefit-sharing
Management of forest biodiversity, sustainable use to derive products and services and benefit-sharing
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice:
Recalling decision VI/22, which, in order to assist Parties with the implementation of the expanded programme of work on forest biological diversity, requested the Executive Secretary to compile a report addressing the management of forest biological diversity, sustainable use to derive products and services, and benefit sharing;
1. Welcomes the report on management of forest biodiversity to derive products and services and benefit-sharing (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/9/9/Add.1), which contains country experiences, needs and information gaps on sustainable forest management; and
2. Recommends that the Conference of the Parties at its seventh meeting consider the information contained in sections I to VII of the report and encourage Parties and other Governments to use the information in their implementation of the expanded programme of work on forest biological diversity under its element 1, goal 4, objective 1 on sustainable use of forest resources.