Cooperation and Partnerships

Royal Botanic Gardens Kew


Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, is a large botanic garden situated on the edge of London in the UK. With over 250 science staff and over 1 million visitors each year Kew’s mission is ‘to be the global resource for plant and fungal knowledge, building an understanding of the world’s plants and fungi upon which all our lives depend’, also bringing authoritative expertise to bear on the critical challenges facing humanity today

Kew has three strategic priorities in science:
  • To document and conduct research into global plant and fungal diversity and its uses for humanity
  • To curate and provide data-rich evidence from Kew’s unrivalled collections as a global asset for scientific research
  • To disseminate Kew’s scientific knowledge of plants and fungi, maximizing its impact in science, education, conservation policy and management.

Kew contributes directly to Aichi Biodiversity Targets 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

  • Learn more about Kew's contribution to the Aichi Targets HERE
  • Learn about the value of Kew HERE