National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

Monitoring Framework - Background

The draft monitoring framework was published online in November 2020. It was prepared in the light of decisions 14/1, 14/34 and 14/35 and recommendation WG2020-1/1 of the first meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and in response to paragraph 13 of SBSTTA recommendation 23/1 in which the Subsidiary Body requested the Executive Secretary to prepare a document identifying, among other things, options for a monitoring framework and possible baselines, taking into account the outcomes of the second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (WG2020-2), and to submit the document to SBSTTA-24 for its consideration.

It was developed on the basis of the indicators identified in decisions XIII/28, XI/3 and X/3, existing reporting processes under the Convention and its Protocols, the indicators used for monitoring the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as indicators developed by the members of the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership.

The preparation process also took into account information previously provided to WG2020-2 and submissions received in response to the peer reviews conducted in regard to Notifications 2019-108 and 2020-045.