National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

Revised and updated NBSAPs due by COP16

In decision 15/6, the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties:

6. Requests Parties to revise and update their national biodiversity strategies and action plans in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, following the guidance provided in annex I, aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and its goals and targets, including those related to means of implementation, and to submit them through the clearing house mechanism by the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;

7. Requests Parties not in a position to submit their revised national biodiversity strategies and action plans by the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, to communicate national targets reflecting, as applicable, all the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, including those related to all means of implementation in accordance with the reporting template provided in annex I as a standalone submission by the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties in advance of the full submission of the national biodiversity strategy and action plan;

8. Urges all Parties to use the headline indicators, supplemented by component and complementary indicators and other national indicators in relevant national planning processes, including national biodiversity strategies and action plans, according to their national circumstances;

9. Encourages Parties to adopt the revised or updated NBSAPs as policy and/or legal instruments and to mainstream them (or elements thereof) with broader strategies and plans, such as national sustainable development plans, national development plans, poverty reduction strategies and other relevant national sectoral and cross-sectoral plans, in line with national circumstances and priorities.


NOTE: Visitors can access all NBSAPs on the CBD Clearing-House Mechanism.

China has released its National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2030). It is available in Chinese below, along with an English news summary. An English version of the NBSAP is in preparation.

European Union
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 “Bringing nature back into our lives” constitutes a fundamental part of the EU Green Deal (also known as the EU’s Growth Strategy for post-pandemic recovery and development). The Strategy comprises more than 100 actions aimed at: establishing a coherent EU network of protected areas; launching an EU Nature Restoration Plan; enabling transformative change; supporting the global biodiversity agenda; and tracking implementation progress. An online “actions tracker” has been developed providing current information on the status of implementation of each of the Strategy’s actions. Additionally, a targets dashboard has been developed illustrating progress achieved towards the measurable targets at both the EU level and in the Member States (a set of associated indicators is currently in development). In early 2024, the Commission will release an assessment of progress in implementing the Strategy, including an assessment of the effectiveness of the new EU biodiversity governance framework (with consideration given to whether a legally binding approach to governance is required). The assessment will also provide an overview of EU policy alignment with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. In line with the latter, the EU seeks to protect at least 30% of its land and sea by 2030.

The National Biodiversity Strategy 2030 (Stratégie Nationale Biodiversité 2030) provides a comprehensive response to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The new Strategy is structured around four strategic axes respectively focused on: reducing pressures on biodiversity; restoring degraded biodiversity, wherever possible; mobilizing all stakeholders; and ensuring that the means to achieve ambitions are available (this will not be limited to additional financial resources but also include increased levels of research and awareness-raising and improved governance processes).

The development of the Strategy began in 2019 with an evaluation of the previous Biodiversity Strategy (2011-2020), followed by consultations with the territories and citizens, co-development with stakeholders and experts, and finalized in line with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted at the end of 2022. A unified roadmap for implementation is presented, comprised of 40 measures distributed among the four strategic axes, each associated to: recommendations stemming from the evaluation of the previous Biodiversity Strategy; a description of context and related issues; responsible ministries and steering bodies; pressures identified by IPBES to which the measure responds; targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework to which the measure responds; other concerned actors (e.g. State level, community level, businesses, civil society); and the environments to which the measure applies (e.g. forests, seas and oceans, wetlands, soils). Actions for implementing each measure are also defined, each linked to the ministry or steering body responsible for reporting; an objective; a description; monitoring indicators with, as far as possible, associated target values; and implementation milestones.

The National Biodiversity Strategy 2030 was developed with consideration given to the provisions of the Renewable Energy Acceleration Law, the Energy and Climate Law, the National Low Carbon Strategy, the National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation, the National Strategy for the Sea and Coast, strategic documents for the coastline and overseas basins, the master plans for water management, the interministerial action plan for forests and wood, the National Strategy to Combat Imported Deforestation, and the National Action Plan on Health and Environment, among others.


Hungary's National Biodiversity Strategy until 2030 is available in Hungarian only at the moment. A summary will be made available upon receipt of an English version.


The country’s fourth National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP) 2023-2030 was launched by the Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform on 25 January 2024. Significantly, the NBAP is the country’s first biodiversity plan to have legal backing (under the Wildlife Amendment Act 2023), obliging public service entities to integrate biodiversity in their policies and plans. The Plan was developed with inclusive stakeholder engagement, including: the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) NBAP Steering Committee, the Biodiversity Forum (comprised of independent biodiversity experts), the Biodiversity Working Group, the Business for Biodiversity Platform Steering Group, Government Departments and State Bodies, Local Authorities, Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations, and Community Groups. Lastly, the draft NBAP was submitted to an open public consultation before finalization. The NBAP’s five objectives aim to: Adopt a Whole-of-Government, Whole-of-Society Approach to Biodiversity; Meet Urgent Conservation and Restoration Needs; Secure Nature’s Contribution to People; Enhance the Evidence Base for Action on Biodiversity; and Strengthen Ireland’s Contribution to International Biodiversity Initiatives. Under these objectives, Ireland has set 194 actions to be implemented over the Plan’s lifespan, each associated to a time-bound target, outcomes, measurable indicators and “action owners”. The contributions of the NBAP as well as of relevant policies to implementation of the 23 targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework are described in Appendix 1. The Plan’s actions include efforts to expand the protected areas network to include marine protected areas, tackle invasive alien species, address wildlife crime, develop a national nature restoration plan, and advance ecosystem accounting that will contribute towards natural capital accounts. Actions are also being taken to increase collaboration with authorities at the local level. A Local Authority Biodiversity Officer Programme to support conservation at the community level has been established.


Japan's revised national biodiversity strategy and action plan (2023-2030) is available in Japanese only at the moment. A short summary will be provided upon receipt of the English version currently in preparation. A flier is available in English providing an overview of alignment of the revised NBSAP with the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, including actions to strengthen mechanisms to review and assess implementation, and promote the preparation of revised local biodiversity strategies aligned with the revised NBSAP.


Luxembourg’s (third) National Plan for the Protection of Nature to 2030 (PNPN3) (Plan National concernant la Protection de la Nature - 3ème plan à l'horizon 2030) was adopted by the Government Council on 20 January 2023. The PNPN3 was developed with consideration given to the provisions of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 provided the basis for its structure. The document contains quantifiable measures to be implemented by 2027 and 2030, respectively, defined under four strategic objectives focused on nature protection, nature restoration, transformational change, and international engagement.


The Strategic Plan on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity to 2030 (Plan estratégico estatal del patrimonio natural y de la biodiversidad a 2030) was adopted by Royal Decree on 27 December 2022. Prepared in accordance with the Law on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity (2007), which provides the legal basis for CBD implementation in Spain, the document represents the country’s fourth NBSAP. Experiences gained from implementing the NBSAP 2011-2017 and the conclusions drawn from the last evaluation report were taken into account in identifying priority areas, and respective objectives and measures, to be undertaken over the next years to achieve the SDGs and enable recovery of natural heritage and biodiversity by 2030.

Eight prioritized areas include: 1) enhancing knowledge about natural heritage and biodiversity including, among other measures, the implementation of a national system for the generation, monitoring and governance of knowledge; 2) nature protection and conservation, including measures to conserve geological heritage and geodiversity; 3) ecosystem recovery and restoration, including spaces degraded by extractive and industrial activities, urban ecosystems, nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and natural disaster risk prevention; 4) reduction of threats; 5) international cooperation and participation; 6) financing for implementation; 7) biodiversity consideration in public- and private-sector activities and decision-making; and 8) strengthening the governance system and legislative framework. Budgetary estimates for implementing objectives and measures are proposed. It is also expected that investments in biodiversity will substantially increase by 2025.

Spain also intends to align biodiversity goals and targets with those of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Post-2020 Gender Plan of Action, and prepare monitoring and evaluation reports on implementation progress, further to decisions adopted by COP-15.