The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

Interim National Report on the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

Submission of the interim national report

In decision NP-1/3, paragraph 4, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (COP-MOP) requested Parties to the Protocol to submit an interim national report on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, as called for under Article 29 of the Protocol, twelve months prior to the third meeting of the COP-MOP. The decision also welcomes submissions of relevant information by non-Parties.

Accordingly, Parties and non-Parties were invited to submit to the Secretariat their interim national report, through the ABS Clearing-House, by 1 November 2017, in the format and following the guidelines for submission contained in decision NP-1/3.

All reports submitted are available at the ABS Clearing-House.

How to submit the interim national report

Countries should submit the report online through the ABS Clearing-House in an official language of the United Nations. The submission format is available on the ABS Clearing-House at the following address:

For more information on how to submit the report online please refer to the step-by-step guide available here:

Only if it is not technically feasible to submit online, Parties may resort to offline submissions using the form available on the ABS Clearing-House. Countries should send the report via email to the Secretariat (, and include a scanned copy signed by the ABS Clearing-House publishing authority.

The Secretariat is available to provide technical support for the publication of information in the ABS Clearing-House and to assist in the submission of the interim national report. For any questions or assistance, please contact:

Analysis of the interim national reports

The reports submitted are available on the ABS Clearing-House. The ABS Clearing-House also hosts a report analyser tool that enables the analysis of information contained in the interim national report by question, country/ies or region. In addition, the Executive Secretary, in the context of the first assessment and review of the Protocol, prepared the following analysis documents based on the information provided in the interim national reports and the ABS Clearing-House as of 22 February 2018:
  • Document CBD/SBI/2/INF/3 provides for each question of the interim national report (a) disaggregated data of the “yes”/“no” responses provided by Parties and by non- Parties ; and (b) a qualitative analysis based on the information provided in the text entries and includes an indication of different types of information provided in response to a question. The analysis aims to identify the progress in, and constraints to, the implementation of the Protocol at the national level. Given the wealth of information provided, the note also provides examples of approaches taken and activities carried out by countries to implement different aspects of the Protocol.
  • Document CBD/SBI/2/INF/4 provides additional statistical details by disaggregating information by CBD regional groups on the “yes”/“no” responses provided by Parties and non-Parties to the questions contained in the interim national report.