Communication, Education & Public Awareness



In Tegucigalpa, at the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the CBD video on climate change and biodiversity was posted on the intranet as a means of raising awareness among the 750 employees. Additionally, posters and other printed materials were presented at the main entrances of the bank beginning on 21 May.

The Secretariat of Natural Resources and the Environment (SERNA) organized several days of activities, in conjunction with other partners, to commemorate the International Day for Biological Diversity. Chiminike Interactive Nature Centre organized a photography competition for all ages, and an art competition for primary and secondary school children. On 18 May, a panel of judges picked the three winners in each category. All submitted paintings and photographs were displayed until the 23 May at the Nature Centre.

On 19 May SERNA organized a guided visit to La Tigra National Park for two primary schools. The students were given the opportunity to experience the characteristics of a protected area and learn about the activities that take place as part of the management strategy of the park. At the “Rosy Walter” National Zoo, on 22 May, guided visits and tours were provided for schools of lesser means, to encourage the children to learn more about the country’s fauna, ecosystems and habitats, as well as the importance of conserving biodiversity in general.

In the two auditoriums of the Chiminike Interactive Nature Centre, SERNA organized a one-day symposium on 22 May. This symposium included seminars on the impacts of climate change on various ecosystems and species, presented by specialists in these fields. Videos and movies concerning climate change were also shown, as were videos and documentaries on the biodiversity of the region. The day ended with an outdoor concert at the centre.

For more information and photos of the events click here - Spanish only

On 22 May, approximately 200 young people, from Christ the Worker School, gathered to celebrate IBD. The day’s program began with a presentation of IBD by the General Director of Natural Resources and Biodiversity, Mr. Arcadio Choza, from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MARENA). This was followed by a documentary video called, “Almendro: Tree of Life,” which showcased hundreds of Honduran species, and focused on the large parrot, the Lapa Verde, which is presently listed as endangered.