Republic of Korea |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Sang Wan Han Deputy Director Nature and Ecology Policy Division Ministry of Environment
+82 44 201 7234 +82 44 201 7238 |
Building #6, Government Complex-Sejong, 11 Doum 6-ro Sejong Special Self-Governing City 30103 |
Mr. Tae-Kwon Noh Senior Researcher National Institute of Biological Resources
+82 32 590 7316 +82 32 590 7230 |
42 Hwangyeong-ro, Seo-gu Incheon 22689 |
Romania |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Roxana Ionescu Senior Adviser Biodiversity Directorate Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
+40 21 408 95 46, +40 72 001 07 01 |
12 Libertatii Blvd. District 5 Bucharest 040129 |
Rwanda |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Djuma Nsanzimana Environmental Education Officer Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
+250 788 863 539 |
P.O. Box 7436 Kacyiru/Kigali
Ms. Henriette Peace Uwamahoro District Environmental Officer Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
+250 787 137 371 |
Kigali |