Bosnia and Herzegovina |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Zlata Grabovac Assistant to NFP CBD BIH Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism
+387 33 726 721 +387 33 726 747 |
Hamdije Cemerlica Sarajevo 71000 |
Barbados |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Kim Downes Agard Senior Environmental Officer Ministry of Environment and National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy
+1 246 535 4385 |
Warrens Towers II Warrens, St. Michael Bridgetown |
Ms. Yolande Howard Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment and National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy
+1 246 535 4354 |
Warrens Towers II Warrens, St. Michael Bridgetown |
Bangladesh |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Farhina Ahmed Secretary Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
+880255100433 |
Bangladesh Secretariat Building No. 6, Level 13, Room No.1309 Dhaka |
Belgium |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Han de Koeijer CHM NFP Department of Invertebrates Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
+32 2 627 42 67 +32 2 627 41 41 |
Vautierstraat 29 Brussels B-1000 |
Burkina Faso |
CHM Web: (English)
M. Robert Madja Louari Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement
+226 50 31 24 64 |
01 BP 6486 Ouagadougou 01 |
Bulgaria |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Nadya Mihaylova Chief Expert Biodiversity Department, National Nature Protection Service Directorate Ministry of Environment and Water
+359 2 940 6611 |
22 Knyagina Maria Luiza Blvd. Sofia 1000 |
Bahrain |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Nouf Ali Al-Wasmi Senior Environmental Specialist Supreme Council for Environment
+973 17386582 +973 17386556 |
P.O. Box 18233
Burundi |
CHM Web: (English)
M. Berchmans Hatungimana Directeur général Office Burundais pour la Protection de l'Environnement (OBPE)
+257 79 81 24 77 |
B.P. 56 Gitega Bujumbura 2757 |
Benin |
CHM Web: (English)
Mme Gnido Amandine Assogba-Deleke Director of Wildlife, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Ministère du Cadre de Vie et des Transports, chargé du Développement Durable
+229 9751 8572 |
Cotonou |
M. Chaffra Charles Yabi Ministère du Cadre de Vie et des Transports, chargé du Développement Durable
+22997195515, +22995450474 |
BP 2156 Abomey-Calavi Cotonou |
Bahamas |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Rhianna M. Neely-Murphy Director Department of Environmental Planning and Protection Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
+1 242 322 6005, 6 |
Charlotte House, Ground Floor Charlotte & Shirley Streets Nassau P.O. Box N-4849 |
Bhutan |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Sonam Tashi Director Department of Environment and Climate Change Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
+975 17115160 |
Post Box 466 Thimphu |
Botswana |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Oikanyeng O. Mlandu Natural Resources Officer I Department of Environmental Protection Ministry of Environment and Tourism
+267 390 2050 |
Private Bag 0068 Gaborone |
Ms. Tuelo Nkwane Principal Natural Resources Officer I Department of Environmental Protection Ministry of Environment and Tourism
+267 3902050 |
Private Bag 0068 Gaborone |
Belarus |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Volha Sazonava Head Main Department for Regulation of Waste Management, Biological and Landscape Diversity Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
10 Kollektornaya Street Minsk 220048 |
Belize |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Rasheda Garcia National Biodiversity Office Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change
Market Square Belmopan |