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Consideration of the need for and modalities of a protocol for the safe transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms
22 - 26 July 1996, Aarhus, Denmark
Agenda item 3.7: Capacity-building for biosafety
12 - 16 May 1997, Montreal, Canada
13 - 17 October 1997, Montreal, Canada
5 - 13 February 1998, Montreal, Canada
17 - 28 August 1998, Montreal, Canada
14 - 19 February 1999, Cartagena, Colombia
22 - 23 February 1999, Cartagena, Colombia
1 July 1999, Montreal, Canada
The world's governments will hold informal talks here from 15 to 19 September in an effort to build political momentum for the conclusion of a legally-binding agreement on reducing any potential risks resulting from the transboundary movement of living modified organisms (LMOs)
15 - 19 September 1999, Vienna, Austria
Reference: (2000-004)
Letter form the Executive Secretary regarding full powers to sign the Protocol and the model of full powers
Reference: SCBD/EDM/BPU/CS/lr (2000-007)
Letter from the Executive Secretary to the National Focal Points about the Adoption of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity and interim arrangements
1 - 8 May 2000, The Hague, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
8 - 12 May 2000, Ottawa, Canada
Reference: BSP/HZ/KGM (2000-011)
Letter form the Executive Secretary to the CBD Focal Points on the meeting of technical experts and the Biosafety Clearing-House
29 - 30 May 2000, Grenada, Spain
Reference: SCBD/EDM/BPU/CS/LR (2000-012)
Letter form the Executive Secretary to the CBD Focal Points on the signature to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety during COP5
13 - 16 June 2000, Rome, Italy
21 - 22 June 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
3 - 5 July 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
Reference: EDM/HZ/BS/CS/LR (2000-013)
Remainder letter from the Executive Secretary to the CBD Focal Points on nominations for the meeting of technical experts on the Biosafety Clearing-House
Reference: SCBD/SEL/DO (2000-015)
Letter from the Executive Secretary to the CBD Focal Points on signing the Cartagena Protocol during the Millenium Summit
8 - 13 July 2000, Saskatchewan, Canada
10 - 14 July 2000, Waterloo, Canada
11 - 14 July 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
Reference: SCBD/EDM/BPU/CS/LR (2000-016)
Participants in the Meeting of Technical Experts on the Biosafety Clearing House (Montreal, 11-13 September 2000)
Reference: EDM/BS/KGM/BP (2000-017)
Letter from the Executive Secretary to the CBD Focal Points on new signatures to the Cartagena Protocol
3 - 8 September 2000, Berlin, Germany
4 - 10 September 2000, Petra, Jordan
7 - 9 September 2000, Rome, Italy
11 - 13 September 2000, Montreal, Canada
14 - 15 September 2000, Montreal, Canada
22 - 23 September 2000, Cambridge, United States of America
25 - 29 September 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
27 - 29 September 2000, Paris, France
2 - 4 October 2000, Charmey, Switzerland
2 - 6 October 2000, Trieste, Italy
3 - 5 October 2000, Paris, France
Reference: EDM/BS/CS/LR (2000-028)
Notification from the Executive Secretary inviting IGOs and NGOs to nominate representatives to attend the First ICCP meeting, to be held in Montpellier, France (December 11-15, 2000)
Reference: EDM/BS/CS/LR (2000-029)
Notification from the Executive Secretary requesting the CBD and ICCP National Focal Points of developed countries to nominate delegates who will attend the First ICCP meeting, to be held in Montpellier, France (December 11-15, 2000)
Reference: EDM/BS/CS/LR (2000-030)
Notification from the Executive Secretary requesting the CBD and ICCP National Focal Points of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to nominate delegates who will attend the First ICCP meeting on biosafety, to be held in Montpellier, France (December 11-15, 2000)
9 - 13 October 2000, Edinburgh, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
9 - 11 October 2000, Toulouse, France
Reference: (2000-037)
Parties and/or organizations interested in organizing side events during the first meeting of the ICCP in Montpellier are invited to contact the Secretariat's Meeting Services Officer