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Educational organisations, aquaria, science centres, natural history museums, research centres, zoos, media and NGO are at the interface of different publics and very good vehicles for communication towards the public at large. Together they reach hundreds of millions of people each year. World ...
This event will showcase key research by the EU funded Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man’s Impact on European Seas (HERMIONE) Consortium, and demonstrate how scientific research can be utilised by decision makers and competent management authorities to aid the governance and management of deep ...
To present and discuss the Fisheries Expert Group's Scientific Workshop on "Governance for Fisheries and Marine Conservation: Interactions and Coevolution," held in Bergen, Norway, in March 2012. This meeting is organized under the aegis of the Fisheries Expert Group of the IUCN Commission on Ec ...
Scientific, technical and technological aspects of the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine biological diversity
Agenda item 3.12: Coastal and marine biological diversity
7 - 10 March 1997, Jakarta, Indonesia
Marine and coastal biological diversity: implementation tools for the programme of work and analysis of coral bleaching
24 - 29 October 2000, Bali, Indonesia
Marine and coastal biological diversity: progress report on the implementation of the programme of work, including the integration of coral reefs
Reference: (2001-063)
Announcement of the first meeting of the Ad hoc technical expert group on marine and coastal protected areas which will take place in Leigh, New Zealand, from 22 to 26 October 2001
22 - 26 October 2001, Leigh, New Zealand
Reference: SCBD/STTM/MV/va (2002-008)
To: CBD National Focal Points
The Executive Secretary Invites Parties to submit the name of an expert from who may be called upon to serve in the ad hoc technical expert group on mariculture. The nomination of experts should be sent to the Secretariat, by fax or electronic mail, no later than 15 February 2002
Countries having submitted names for the Roster of Experts on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
Item 7.1 of the Provisional Agenda <br> Implementation of the Programme of Work on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
Progress Report on the Implementation of the Programmes of Work on the Biological Diversity of Inland Water Ecosystems, Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity, and Forest Biological Diversity
Progress report on the Implementation of the Programmes of Work<br>Review of Existing Instruments Relevant to Integrated Marine and Coastal Area Management and their implications on the CBD
Progress report on the Implementation of the Programmes of Work-Information on Marine and Coastal Genetic Resources including Bioprospecting
Progress report on the Implementation of the Programmes of Work-Criteria for the Selection of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas
Progress report on the Implementation of the Programmes of Work-Gaps in measures taken to prevent the introduction of Alien Invasive Species and Genotypes that threaten Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, Habitats or Species
Scientific, Technical and Technological Aspects of the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Coastal and Marine Biological Diversity
Report by the Executive Secretary on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
Bioprospecting of Genetic Resources of the Deep Sea-Bed
Item 4 of the Provisional Agenda <br> Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
Report of the First Meeting of Experts on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
Progress report on the implementation of programmes of work on the biological diversity of inland water ecosystems, marine and coastal biological diversity, agricultural biological diversity and the biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands
Item 3.5.2 of the Provisional Agenda <br> Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity: Implementation Tools for the Programme of Work and Analysis of Coral Bleaching
Marine and coastal biological diversity: Progress report on the implementation of the programme of work, including the integration of coral reefs
Marine and coastal biological diversity<br>Progress report on the implementation of the programme of work
Provisional agenda
Organization of work: Adoption of the agenda<br>Annotations to the provisional agenda
The value and effects of marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) on marine and coastal biological diversity: A review of available information
Report of the meeting
Information for participants
The role of protected areas within the Convention on Biological Diversity
Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem
Integrated resource management for sustainable island fish production
Tentative list of participants
Information for participants
Report of the expert consultation on coral bleaching
Analysis of the Coral Bleaching Phenomenon, its Potential Severe Loss of Biological Diversity and Consequent Socio-Economic Impacts
Annotated provisional agenda
Provisional agenda
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Integrated marine and coastal area management and the Convention on Biological Diversity: An analysis of integrated marine and coastal area management documents in relation to the Convention's objectives
Implementation of the programme of work on marine and coastal biological diversity
Provisional agenda
Provisional agenda
Organization of work: adoption of the agenda<br>Annotations to the provisional agenda