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Regional Initiative on a business platform for 2010 business action.
Panel discussion on assessing the outcome of COP 9 and Position for Future Negotiations especially focusing on plant breeding. Panel members represent a wide range of interests from both developed and developing countries.
To celebrate and present recent progress in establishing Natura 2000, Europe's protected areas network contributing to the CBD programme of work on protected areas. Short interventions by high level representatives from the European Commission, host country Germany, EU Presidency Slovenia, NGOs ...
In Spring 2007 Environment Ministers of the G8 Countries as well as of Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa, and the European Commission laid out a set of goals for halting the loss of biodiversity: the “Potsdam Initiative - Biological Diversity 2010”. While goal No 1 draws on the “econ ...
The side event will present the strategic HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan adopted last year by the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Community. It is an ambitious overarching programme of actions to drastically reduce pollution to the Baltic Sea and restore its good ecological sta ...
Convened by Fauna & Flora International, UNEP Finance Initiative and the Brazilian business school FGV; this side-event will review the progress made by the finance sector since COP 8. Key areas for discussion are i) UNEP FI's CEO briefing which sets out the business case for financial insitu ...
Created in 2003 by the Brazilian government for the conservation of a significant sample of Amazonian biodiversity, the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (ARPA) has developed a range of best practices concerning the management of Protected Areas in Brazil. The ARPA Program is coordinated by ...
The Parties to the Alpine Convention started to set up an ecological network in the Alps approximately 10 years ago. Today this initiative is - together with the issues of climate change and the loss of biodiversity - embedded in a far reaching and overarching context and makes a significant co ...
The high-level panels, including the CEO of GEF, will discuss the future strategic direction and focus of GEF biodiversity program.
A brief overview of relevant decisions, publications and joint activities implemented within the framework of the CBD including examples of national-level activities linking biodiversity and climate change adaptation
To present the experience of the SNAP in Ecuador
The private sector is a primary user of marine and aquatic areas and resources – and is best placed to ensure ocean and lake ecosystem use is sustainable. This side event will highlight private sector initiatives that conserve and sustainably use ocean and freshwater biodiversity – and the needs ...
The side event will highlight the importance and benefits of marine reserves in the high seas, using the case study of the Pacific, where a number of Pacific Island countries are taking action to safeguard their marine resources by calling for marine reserves in three distinct high seas areas wi ...
This event will showcase the experiences of Southern farmers and activists in using agrobiodiversity conservation and an ecosystems approach to small-scale farming as key climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. They will pay special attention to participatory in-situ seed conservat ...
After fifteen years of joint and successful conservation efforts by the “Office Ivoiren des Parcs et Réserves (OIPR)” and its partners (KfW, GTZ, WWF, WCF), securing sustainable financing of the Park management has become a major challenge for the “Fondation Ivoirienne des Parcs et Réserves (FPR ...
This side event will present the process and preliminary outcome of an ongoing assessment initiative on satoyama and satoumi – traditional rural landscapes – in Japan, which has been developed building on the framework of the sub-global assessments of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA). Th ...
Sharing by indigenous peoples on work on indicators relevant for indigenous peoples and the CBD
IFC wishes to announce the initiation of the Biodiversity and Agricultural Commodites Program (BACP) Phase One, an $8 million program to support private-sector initiatives to mainstream the adoption of better management practices in the commodity markets of cocoa, palm oil, soybean, and sugarcane.
This event will build on recent presentations by ABIA, and other NGOs, companies and related research institutions in identifying the continuing challenges and opportunities for development of enabling environments for ABS and attendant generation of social and economic benefits for stakeholders ...
The results and activities of Finnish funded BIODAMAZ Project in Peru and BIOCAN Project in Andean Community countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) will be presented. The relation of the project activities to the needs of the area are discussed as well as collaboration possibilities with o ...
Present the proposal to keep close to one billion barrels of heavy crude in ground. The oil reserves known as Ishpingo, Tambococha, Tiputini (ITT) would remain underground in exchange for intenational compensation of at least 50% of Ecuador`s forgone revenue if extraction had taken place.
L’évènement parallèle consistera en une série de quatre présentations portant sur (i) les approches régionales de conservation et de gestion de la biodiversité (ii) l’approche ″accès et partage des avantages découlant de l’exploitation des ressources génétiques (APA) ″ en Afrique centrale, (iii) ...
Presentation and Panel Discussion and Open Forum
An event in which the WWF and IPAM will present the conclusion of a study related to the potential of the ARPA Program in reducing deforestation and associated carbon emissions in the Brazilian Amazon. The study includes an evaluation of the historical effect of ARPA Program in the management o ...
The world’s four High Seas Marine Protected Areas already in existence will be showcased, presenting how they can work, what different meanings ‘MPA’ can have, and what the different systems/frameworks can be for such an MPA, to further understand the concept.
Stakeholders (land users and decision makers) from four African countries will present and discuss their experiences on joint research and implementation of sustainable use and conservation practices of biodiversity within the African-German BIOTA AFRICA Project. This research project focuses on ...
Discussion on the key role indigenous women play in biodiversity protection and the ways forward in effectively influencing the CBD.
This side event demonstrates why UNESCO-biosphere reserves are innovative instruments for linking conservation and sustainable development. Presently 531 biosphere reserves (BR) in 105 countries are working in this context to make a difference. The sharing of their experience and the co-operatio ...
This event will present the regional set of streamlined biodiversity indicators to measure progress towards the 2010 target, as well as the future plans for assessments based on the set. The event will consist of 2-3 short presentations, followed by an open discussion. Input from SEBI 2010 par ...
Peter Bridgewater, chairman of the UK's Joint Nature Conservation Committee, will provide a narrative considering several of the obstacles to implementing planning; to highlight these obstacles, and suggest possible solutions, the narrative will be interspersed with case studies detailing UK exp ...
A presentation on the UK's Darwin Initiative which assists countries that are rich in biodiversity but poor in financial resources to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) through the funding of collaborative projects which draw on UK biodiversity expertise. The event will expla ...
Presentation and discussion about the Atlantic Rain Forest of Brazil with government and social society representatives • Presentation of biodiversity features of the Atlantic Rain Forest • History and state-of-the art of deforestation and other threatens • Tendencies of natural regeneration an ...
Issues that will be considered include: 1) A review of the purpose, role and monitoring and evaluation system of CTF; 2) CTF governance and legal and financial issues; 3) future roles and opportunities.
Awards Ceremony
Presentation of a first draft of the assessment of agricultural indicators for biodiversity. On the basis of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the draft of the EC for EMAS III approaches to indicators will be developed.
During the side-event, the European Forest Institute will present the results of an assessment of the impacts of biodiversity protection on the availability of wood for the industry. Protecting biological and landscape diversity has resulted in various protection regimes in Europe. At the same t ...
Presentation of the national strategy for biodiversity and future activities. Overview of situation in the field of nature protection in Montenegro.
Co-chaired by H.E. Ms. Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, the panel discussion will include selected high-level speakers such as government ministers and directors of multi and bi-lateral organizat ...
Governments of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia will announce Progress Report of Heart of Borneo Tri-National Plan that has been formulated in the 2nd trilateral meeting in Pontianak, Indonesia, early April (2-5 April 2008).
SCBD, together with UNDP, UNEP and other partners, will introduce the tools developed to assist countries in undertaking national assessment of progress towards the 2010 Target and preparing the fourth national report. A few countries may be invited to share their plans for national assessment a ...
The Andean Community will bring cases of implementation of the Regional Biodiversity Strategy on the Andean Community. Discussion sill be focused on topics such as BioTrade and Access and Benefit Sharing, as well as other regional efforts that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use o ...
While a lot of discussion has taken place concerning two pillars of the Convention (conservation and fair and equitable sharing of benefits) less attention has been given to the third pillar: sustainable use of biodiversity. Given the growing recognition of the linkages between biodiversity, hum ...
Introduction to the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) and their partners (like IUCN) in the worldwide "Amphibian Ark" campaign. Concrete case studies will be presented from Germany and Vietnam and information provided on the European zoos involvement in education and ex-situ conserv ...
This event will launch two new tools developed by the Quebec Government, and its collaborators, to help countries to implement policies on ABS at national level, especially in developing countries. These attractive colour tools, in English and French, are intended to be used by ABS focal points ...