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The purpose of this side-event is to highlight recent developments to on the central Clearing-House Mechanism and its information services. The side event will include a presentation followed by an online demonstration
Realizing that ABS is a key element to achieve the implementation of CBD Strategic Plan (2011-2020), Parties to CBD also agreed on a having a time bound global Target to achieve the ABS actions. The Aichi Target 16 calls for entry into force of the NP by 2015 and suggest concomitant national act ...
The event invites pioneers in financial reporting to share their national experience and expertise on tracking and reporting on finances to biodiversity.
This event is being organized by CBD, with UNDP and Parties.
Jointly organized by the Global Youth Biodiversity Network and the CBD Alliance, the side event will focus on how engagement by youth, civil society organizations as well as indigenous peoples and local communities adds value to the CBD-process. It will look at ways and platforms for stakeholder ...
The global Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) is managed by UNDP in partnership with the European Union and the Governments of Germany and Switzerland. The side-event will introduce BIOFIN to newly interested stakeholders and present the progress achieved since the launch of the initiative ...
As part of the UNEP project on “Improving the effectiveness of and cooperation among biodiversity-related conventions and exploring opportunities for further synergies” the preliminary results of the findings from the national-level questionnaire, that was sent out to National Focal Points and o ...
The objectives of this side event are to bring attention to the human and social dimension of biodiversity conservation, with a specific focus on exploring mechanism for promoting pro-biodiversity conservation behaviors at the human-biodiversity interphase; and, to start a dialogue with the con ...
This side-event shall give new momentum to the debate on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP). The current work undertaken by the Secretariat, by partners, as well as good practices will be presented. Participants may discuss requirements, opportunities, and barriers in implementing SPP policies.
The Second Dialogue Seminar on Scaling up Financing for Biodiversity took place from 9-12 April 2014 in Quito, Ecuador. The conveners were the Governments of Ecuador, Norway, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Uganda, the European Commission and the CBD Secretariat. Nearly 90 participa ...
This side event shall draw attention to the need for mainstreaming biodiversity into different areas/sectors at the national and international level. Since mainstreaming biodiversity is a crucial element for both the revision of NBSAPs and the current discussions on the Sustainable Development G ...
Christian Prip and Balakrishna Pisupati (both Fridtjof Nansen Institute, FNI) will present the preliminary results of a post-COP10 NBSAP review. The preliminary review assesses NBSAP preparation processes on the basis of the information provided in the NBSAPs; the legal preparedness of countries ...
During this event, a presentation on the pilot phase of the Clearing House will be delivered focusing on the progress of the pilot phase to date and what remains to be achieved. This presentation will be followed by a discussion on the Clearing House with the opportunity for participants to expr ...
Scientific and technical cooperation is a key mechanism necessary for a functional Convention on Biological Diversity. In its guiding principles, Article 18 of the Convention calls for cooperation in the development and implementation of national policies, in human resources development and inst ...