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IDLO invites COP 12 delegates to learn about the latest tools, innovations and initiatives available to assist CBD Parties to use law to support the national implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The IDLO-SCBD Legal Preparedness for Achieving ...
The side event will focus both on the ongoing work for the decisions to be taken at COP 12, as well as an assessment of the implementation of previous COP decisions. Joint side event between CBDA and TWN
The side event will explore how the Regional Seas Convention and Action Plans Programme, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary and has supported CBD decisions since 1992, can strengthen its support in implementing CBD decisions in the coming years. As part of the 40th celebrations the Progra ...
Se presentaran estudios de caso sobre el rol de las mujeres indigenas en el uso consuetudinario de la biodiversidad.
Panelist will present progress, experiences, plans and perspectives on mutually supportive national-level implementation of the CBD/Nagoya Protocol and the access and benefit sharing mechanisms pursuant to the International Treat on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.