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  • Side Events (83)



  • Protected Areas / In-Situ Conservation (83)

Aichi Targets


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83 Results
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Side Event
COP 12

Amazon Protected Areas Program (ARPA): past 10 years, future 25 years – financially sound and sustainable Protected Areas for the Biome on a continent wide scale

The event intends to address the accomplishments after 10 years of implementation of the ARPA Program and its future: the 25 year strategy for achieving financial sustainability and sound management of Protected Areas. This is a follow-up side event on the launching of the ARPA for Life initiati ...

Side Event
COP 12

FUNBIO: a strategic mechanism in pursuit of financial sustainability of Brazilian protected areas

Support for Protected Areas (PAs) have been the main focus of the work of FUNBIO the past 18 years. On the one hand, FUNBIO designed financial mechanisms for resource mobilization from different sources and on the other hand has created mechanisms to assure that these resources reach the PAs as ...

Side Event
COP 12

Privately managed protected areas – helping achieve the Aichi Targets

Privately managed protected areas (PPAs) are underrepresented in national protected area systems and under reported internationally despite the fact that they are a rapidly growing element of the conservation estate. This side event will draw on the results of a two-year project which has review ...

Side Event
COP 12

Protecting Brazilian Nature: Improving the Protected Areas System, Knowledge and Conservation Tools

The Biodiversity Conservation Actions Support Program, which was launched by the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection in 1991, has invested over US$ 14 million in Brazil on 1,377 projects by 480 institutions. These projects have benefited 445 protected areas and have studied 235 enda ...

Side Event
COP 12

Smart Protected Areas (PAs) and Bird Ringing Atlas

This year, India has communicated its new National Biodiversity Targets to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which are guided by the Aichi targets. Working towards mainstreaming biodiversity conservation, one of the new National Biodiversity Target pertains to 'protection of ecologically r ...

Side Event
COP 12

The ASEAN Heritage Parks: Effectively Managing Ecologically Representative Protected Areas in Southeast Asia

The ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs) are protected areas in Southeast Asia which are known for their unique biodiversity and ecosystems, wilderness and outstanding values. The establishment of the AHPs stresses that the ASEAN nations share a common natural heritage and should collaborate in efforts t ...

Side Event
COP 12

EcoValores Mexico: Mainstreaming Natural Protected Areas´ ecosystem services within the development agenda

Mexico´s Natural Protected Areas (NPA) provide ecosystem services necessary to human wellness and key economic activities. However, multiple anthropic pressures and limited infrastructure, financial and human resources compromise their effective management and the provision of ecosystem services ...

Side Event
COP 11

Protection Pioneers of the Baltic Sea – joining regional forces in marine biodiversity protection

The best inventions are often first discovered in smaller scale, pilot projects, and test rounds – locally, or regionally, instead of globally. If these are, at the same time, closely connected to Governments, science communities and the commercial sector of several countries, the chances for su ...

Side Event
COP 11

Managing Biodiversity Conservation and Wildlife Protection at Landscape and Transboundary Scales in South Asia

Biodiversity conservation has largely focused on protected areas, which are dispersed in wider landscapes, often surrounded by land use that exerts pressure on them. A number of significantly rich biodiversity areas also lie at the international boundaries between countries in South Asia. It is ...

Side Event
COP 11

Regional Conservation Trust Funds - insights and perspectives for the future of transnational Protected Areas finance

Regional Conservation Trust Funds have become increasingly important in delivering finance for nature conservation on a transnational scale over the past years. They offer unique opportunities concerning access to finance, efficiency gains and knowledge management for Protected Areas, particular ...

Side Event
COP 11

New Models for Engaging Local Communities in the Stewardship of Protected Areas: Lessons from World Heritage

High profile protected areas, World Heritage sites and Biosphere Reserves may serve as “learning laboratories for sustainable development” and demonstration sites for new ways to sustain ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. This workshop will feature models that make a practical local-to-g ...

Side Event
COP 11

Traditional knowledge and area-based management measures in marine and coastal ecosystems

This event will focus on area-based forms of conservation and management measures in marine and coastal ecosystems, highlighting the successes of community-based management. This event will have speakers from different parts of the world.

Side Event
COP 11

UNDP support to achieve the Aichi 2020 target 11 through recognition and protection of indigenous peoples’ and community conserved areas and territories (ICCAs)

This side event will profile support provided by UNDP to achieve the Aichi 2020 Target 11 through recognition and protection of indigenous peoples’ and community conserved areas and territories (ICCAs) as "effective area-based forms of conservation". The event will showcase various toolkits, app ...

Side Event
COP 11

Financial Sustainability for Protected Areas’ System: the Brazilian case

This event will describe and analyze the latest mechanisms to support the financial sustainability of the Brazilian Protected Areas’ System. Environmental compensations, as described in Brazilian law, are demanded when infrastructure projects generate significant environmental impacts. Compensat ...

Side Event
COP 11

National Park Evaluation: The efficiency of German national park management and the applicability and transferability of the evaluation procedure at an international level

In 2004, the 7th Conference of Parties (COP7) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agreed upon the Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA, VII/28). This programme is aimed at establishing and maintaining comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative national ...

Side Event
COP 11

MPAs for People and Sustainable Development

Changing the mindset and reframing the debate around MPAs – and addressing the common misperception that MPAs benefit biodiversity but not people – is much needed to stimulate greatly increased political support for ocean protection. In this event, experts from key sectors including the tourism ...

Side Event
COP 11

Protecting biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic

Description of areas meeting EBSAs criteria in North-East Atlantic region, building upon the Hyeres workshop in response to SBSTTA 16 recommendation, including the roadmap for the future refinement and finalization of Hyeres report, and the current status of the OSPAR MPA network.

Side Event
COP 11


Element 2 of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) on Governance, Participation, Equity and Benefit Sharing was identified in decision X/31 as an issue in need of greater attention. The Executive Secretary , the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and other relevant organizat ...

Side Event
COP 11

PA Governance in India – where do we stand in terms of tenure, relocation, and possibilities of coexistence?

The CBD has had a deep impact on Indian legislation as various rights based acts regarding the use and ownership of biodiversity and forests were born out of the convention and subsequently increased the opportunities for collaborative governance and management of biodiversity rich areas. The ch ...

Side Event
COP 11

Evidence based protected areas management. New information from the World Commission on Protected Areas – Species Survival Commission Joint Task Force on Biodiversity and Protected Areas

Protected areas serve many purposes but, at their core, they must protect biodiversity. The global community has set aside 13% of lands and 1% of seas in protected areas and the Aichi targets commit to increasing that significantly by 2020. There is a growing literature that indicates protected ...

Side Event
COP 11

Integrating Conservation and Livelihoods around Protected Areas through Scalable Technological Solutions

WWF-India with support from SEED launched a project in 2007 on "People and Protected Areas:Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Partnership with Local Communities" to coordinate and support the efforts of local and grassroots VOs promoting innovative mechanisms to enhance local livelihood ...

Side Event
COP 11

Interpreting and tracking Aichi Target 11 – What does success look line for protected areas systems globally and in Asia?

This side event will provide guidance on the different elements of Target 11 and launch the Protected Planet Report 2012. The report, the first in a new series of regular reports prepared by UNEP-WCMC, IUCN and a wide range of partners, summarizes global progress towards Target 11. The side eve ...

Side Event
COP 11

The Whakatane Mechanism: Addressing equitable governance and management in protected areas

The Whakatane Mechanism aims to support conflict resolution in protected areas by ensuring that conservation practices respect the rights of indigenous peoples and promotes best practices in the implementation of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas. Participants in the side event will hear ...

Side Event
COP 11

Áreas Protegidas y Mecanismos Complementarios de Conservación - Perú

Presentación de Perú con panel internacional de expertos

Side Event
COP 11

Measuring and Monitoring Protected Area Management Effectiveness: Lessons from the Field

The side event will be jointly hosted by the GEF operational focal point of India, the Wildlife Institute of India and the Global Environment Facility. The objective of the side event is to share best practice on measuring and monitoring protected area management effectiveness using experiences ...

Side Event
COP 11


The first phase of the CBD-led LifeWeb Initiative has been highly successful with 78 countries and 17 donors agencies participating and the facilitation of 62 matches totaling close to 200M Euros in developing countries for the expansion and strengthening of protected area systems. This session ...

Side Event

Strategic implementation and the LifeWeb Initiative

Demonstration of effective and strategic funding coordination for implementation of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas.

Side Event

Capacity Building for Implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas - E-learning modules

This event will showcase the series of e-leanring modules for each goal of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas plus climate change and Marine Protected Areas, freely available in languages.

Side Event

Global progress on Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 (protected areas) in marine and coastal environments, with case studies from the LifeWeb and HERMIONE projects

The side event will review global progress with marine protected areas (MPAs) and explore practical and innovative ways to accelerate progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 11. At the side event we will present key findings from the Protected Planet Report 2012 on the current status and tren ...

Side Event


The simple fact is: there is not enough money currently being made available to adequately implement the Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) and achieve the Aichi Targets. Even if there was enough money going around, in many cases, countries do not yet have the capacity to implement the ...

Side Event

High Seas Marine Protected Areas

Experiences in establishing and implementing a network of ecologically representative, well-managed Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), improving the management of existing MPAs, reducing the threat of external threats, such as human activities and climate change, to MPAs.

Side Event

Progress and Opportunities for Financing Protected Areas and related Aichi Targets in context of the CBD LifeWeb Initiative

This side event will: 1. Update progress on funding matches, donor partners and submissions of Expressions of interest from recipient partners 2. Convey the instrument of financing roundtables and progress made 3. Profile key successes since COP10 4. Introduce version 2.0 of the carbon/biodive ...

Side Event
COP 10

An introduction to DOPA, a Digital Observatory for Protected Areas

The Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) is a biodiversity information system currently developed as a set of interoperable web services at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in collaboration with other international organizations, including GBIF, UNEP-WCMC, Birdlife ...

Side Event
COP 10

Monaco and Marine Protected Areas

Within the framework of the COP-10 and in presence of HSH the Sovereign Prince, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation organizes a side event entitled “Monaco and Marine Protected Areas”. During this event, a presentation will be given on projects led by the Foundation in the field of biodive ...

Side Event
COP 10

Experience in Implementing High Seas Marine Protected Areas

The side event will showcase the first successfully installed High Seas MPAs and the approaches organizations have taken for the establishment. From the North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea and the Southern Ocean speakers will present institutions’ responses to the challenges of protectin ...

Side Event
COP 10

Making it Happen – Building a partnership to expand successes on protected area targets

An innovative transboundary approach has proven to be successful for delivering on protected area targets in 5 regions worldwide. Partnership is at the heart of this success. This active working session will bring together new potential partners to explore lessons learned and identify ways forwa ...

Side Event
COP 10

Advances in marine conservation in Chile: lesson learned, virtuous partnership and challenges for new MPAs

Since the time of Chile’s canoeist populations along its coasts, Chile has a long outstanding history of maritime vocation in the southeastern Pacific. In the last decade, this vocation has been reinforced by the need for the sustainable use of marine resources and their environments, which has ...

Side Event
COP 10


The National Parks Administration of Argentina will formally announce the creation of four Marine Parks (maximum figure of Marine Protected Areas in the country) in Argentina´s Sea. The initiative will be recognize by WWF with the Leaders for a Living Planet award. The side event is hosted by th ...

Side Event
COP 10


IMPTF calls for the introduction of a modified mechanism that would provide funding to qualifying projects existing within established and recognized Connectivity Conservation frameworks (or corridors) which can be regional as well as intra-national (with national approval), at least until count ...

Side Event
COP 10

Progress in the implementation of conservation strategies in the Amazonas state (Brazil) towards CBD targets

Amazonas state is working on a consistent conservation policy since 2003, which includes the establishment and implementation of new protected areas, the reduction of deforestation levels, climate change related initiatives, among others. Analyses and results will be focused on the progress achi ...

Side Event
COP 10

Protected areas in Mesoamerica: A basis for enhancing livelihoods and addressing climate change.

The Mesoamerican region is known as one of the biodiversity hotspots of the World. The countries of the region have undertaken multi-year processes to identify the priority areas, strategies, and financing needs required to ensure the ecological representation and effective management of biodiv ...

Side Event
COP 10

Indigenous Peoples and Protected Territories in Russia

Presentations from various regions of Russia made by indigenous representatives concerning the work in the field of protected areas, positive and negative outcomes of the process.

Side Event
COP 10

Protected Areas and the Law

This side event will present IUCN work on 'Protected Areas and the Law' since COP 9, in particular the Guidelines on Protected Areas Legislation, developed to provide information and guidance on key elements of a modern and effective legal framework, attuned to the present roles and correspondi ...

Side Event
COP 10

Moving the Needle on Ocean Protection

During this side event, we will launch a report titled “Moving the needle on Ocean Protection” that has been prepared for COP10 and that focuses on the implementation of the 2012 target of establishing Marine Protected Areas Networks. The report will provide evidence-based advice on improving an ...

Side Event
COP 10

Results and impacts of the first phase of implementation of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (Arpa), in Brazil

Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (Arpa) is a programme of the Brazilian government to protect 60 million hectares of natural ecosystems in the Amazon region of Brazil, aiming to conserve a representative portion of the Brazilian Amazon biodiversity, to maintain important ecosystem services ...

Side Event
COP 10

Biodiversity and Marine protected areas: Building capacities for the development of regional MPAs networks toward effective large marine ecosystem-based management

Panel session with three components : 1. Presentations of the recommendations on “ Biodiversity and MPAs” - 5th Global Ocean Conference in Paris-UNESCO – May 2010 ( session "preserving life" implemented by French Marine Protected Areas Agency) 2. Regional MPAs networks initiatives: - CAMPAN ...

Side Event
COP 10

Nuts and bolts: putting together financial sustainability of protected area systems

Over the past two years, The Nature Conservancy and UNDP have collaborated with 18 govts in the Latin America Region to better understand the existing and needed levels of financing for protected area systems to meet the targets of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas. Coupled with econ ...

Side Event
COP 10

The Rights on Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas: identifying criteria for the Work Program on Protected Areas

Protected areas will fail in their delivery if the interests of local communities are ignored. Too often are the rights of indigenous peoples to their land ignored when protected areas are being identified and proposed. ‘Consent’ and ‘control’ are benchmarks against which the establishment and ...

Side Event
COP 10

Improving PA Governance for Secure Livelihoods and PoWPA Implementation in Southern Africa

Effective and equitable governance is critical in helping to ensure that protected areas (PAs) meet their conservation objectives, while enhancing livelihood security of local people. Governance is an important element in the realization of CBD objectives, in particular within the Programme of W ...

Side Event
COP 10

Facing the Challenges of Mountain Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Changing Climate across the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region

During the side event, ICIMOD aims to invite a high level delegation from its eight regional member countries namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region. A panel discussion by the high level delegation is envisaged. ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 50
Results for: ("Side Events") AND ("Protected Areas / In-Situ Conservation")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme