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88 Results
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'Path to recovery': Part one of COP15 closes with hopes high for new global biodiversity accord

UN declares virtual talks have set the stage for the adoption of an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework next year. The first phase of the COP15 Biodiversity Summit in Kunming, China closed today with the UN expressing confidence the week long talks had helped set the stage for the ...

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'Promises are not enough': Campaigners urge Prime Minister to enshrine 2030 nature protection goal into law

Stanley Johnson among group of high profile campaigners calling for government to set a legally-binding nature protection target ahead of pivotal COP15 UN nature talks

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'We cannot afford to wait': UN confirms COP15 Biodiversity Summit to relocate to Canada

Decision to move crucial talks to Montreal later this year spark renewed hopes crucial treaty to combat nature loss can be finalised

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78 financial institutions managing more than $10 trillion in assets urging governments to halt & reverse biodiversity loss.

Together with Ceres, Inc., the Public Policy Advocacy working group of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation coordinated this statement directed to the Global Biodiversity Framework negotiating governments ahead of COP15

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A green revolution for this century: Minister Ford at COP15 on Desertification

Minister for Africa Vicky Ford visited Côte d’Ivoire to attend the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Conference of the Parties (COP) 15.

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Ambassador of Denmark to China on COP15

Thomas Østrup Møller, ambassador of Denmark to China, told CGTN host Tian Wei in an exclusive interview the nature does not respect borders. So when we are exploiting nature, it comes back and it will punish us. He also hoped that we are going to take some ambitious and decisive decisions at COP ...

News Headlines

Biodiversity COP: 6 things you need to know

Leaders from across the world are convening this week as part of the UN COP15 biodiversity conference, which kicks off with high-level talks aimed at setting global targets to reverse biodiversity loss. Here’s what you need to know.

News Headlines

Biodiversity framework: Ambitions running amok at negotiations ahead of CoP15

The world has to wait a little longer for the 15th Conference of Parties (CoP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) where a plan to protect biodiversity will be chalked out.

News Headlines

Biodiversity loss and climate change are humanity’s biggest issues: COP15 is a critical precursor to COP26

Findings in a recent co-sponsored workshop report compiled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) record that biodiversity loss and climate change are two of the most pressing issues ...

News Headlines

CBD COP15 Part 1 Held Online, Kunming Declaration Adopted

Minister HAN Jeoung-ae introduced South Korea's carbon neutrality policies, including the Green New Deal during Part 1 of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) held virtually from 11 to 15 October.

News Headlines

CGTN: Xi Jinping unveils new measures at COP15 to strive for a beautiful China

Beijing on Tuesday unveiled an array of measures to continue the country's endeavor to build a beautiful China as the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) is held in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province.

News Headlines

CGTN: Xi Jinping unveils new measures at COP15 to strive for a beautiful China

Beijing on Tuesday unveiled an array of measures to continue the country's endeavor to build a beautiful China as the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) is held in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province.

News Headlines

COP15 Update in Yunnan, China: The Population of Endangered Species, Green Peafowl, Has Shown Steady Increase

During the meeting, Yang Xiaojun, a researcher from the Bird Group of Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced that, with great efforts, not only has the wild population of the endangered species, green peafowl, shown steady increase, the quality of their habitat has ...

News Headlines

COP15 adopts Kunming Declaration, a message of unity to facilitate future negotiations on biodiversity

A declaration on joint efforts and momentum to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity was passed on Wednesday in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan Province, at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15).

News Headlines

COP15 concludes in SW China's Kunming

The first part of the COP15 UN Biodiversity Conference concluded in southwest China's Kunming on Friday. During the five-day meeting held both online and in person, the global community gathered to review a "post-2020 global biodiversity framework" and agreed on a new set of goals over the next ...

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COP15 exhibit shows China’s 1st 3D-printed dinosaur skeleton

China's first 3D-printed dinosaur skeleton is on display at the ongoing COP15 held in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan Province to showcase China's biodiversity conservation practice and achievement.

News Headlines

COP15 global biodiversity negotiations: EU leading the ambition for a new deal to protect people and planet

From 14th to 29th March, the EU will participate in resumed global biodiversity meetings to advance on the development of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework – a new global accord to halt and reverse the loss of the planet's plants, animals and ecosystems.

News Headlines

COP15 global biodiversity negotiations: EU leading the ambition for a new deal to protect people and planet

From 14 to 29 March, the EU will participate in resumed global biodiversity meetings to advance on the development of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework – a new global accord to halt and reverse the loss of the planet's plants, animals and ecosystems.

News Headlines

COP15 kicks off in China's Kunming with ecological civilization in spotlight

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity officially kicked off in Kunming City, southwest China's Yunnan Province, on Monday.

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COP15 opportunity to encourage nature-positive economic models: UN official

All countries should develop nature-positive economic models to boost climate resilience and protect ecosystems that underpin livelihoods, a senior official of the United Nations has said.

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COP15 provides China with a chance to solidify its global leadership in promoting ecological civilization

After being postponed twice due to the coronavirus outbreak, with a 17-month delay, the first round of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) finally took place this week in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province, considered the ...

News Headlines

COP15 relocated after consultation

The second phase of the United Nations' negotiations over the world's new biodiversity conservation goals through 2030, known as COP 15, has been relocated from the Chinese city of Kunming to Montreal, Canada according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. The meeting is scheduled for Dec ...

News Headlines

COP15 successful, China takes lead in biodiversity, says UN official

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Kunming, China, was "very successful and met all the expectations," said a CBD executive official.

News Headlines

COP15 to create “right political setting” for biodiversity conservation blueprint: expert

The United Nations (UN) biodiversity conference that kicks off in the Chinese city of Kunming on Monday will create “right political setting” for drawing a blueprint for global biodiversity conservation in the future, a leading expert on environmental policies has said.

News Headlines

COP15: China Announces Steps to Help Address the Biodiversity and Climate Crises

During global biodiversity talks at COP15 in Kunming, China, on Monday, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a new international fund to support biodiversity protection in developing countries, and stronger protections within China’s national park system, which provides habitat for 30 percent ...

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COP15: UN biodiversity summit moved from China to Canada

Major UN talks aimed at striking a deal on safeguarding nature have been moved from China to Canada. The COP15 UN Biodiversity Conference began as virtual, online talks in October last year.

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COP15: vice-premier vows more ambitious biodiversity plans for China

Han Zheng declares in conference opening ceremony China will ‘make the protection of biodiversity an important task’. COP15’s aim for specific biodiversity targets helps quantify results and maintain accountability, says director of China’s Institute of Science and Development

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China launches new biodiversity protection fund

Mr Xi was addressing virtually the COP15 global biodiversity summit in Kunming, China. "Developing countries need help and support and solidarity must be strengthened to allow developing countries to benefit in a fairer way," Xi said.

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China ready to lead world's fight to meet biodiversity targets

China has been at the center of biodiversity talks this year. In September, President Xi Jinping announced the country would be carbon neutral by 2060 and next year the COP15 will take place in Kunming.

News Headlines

China steps up construction of photovoltaic bases after COP15

China is accelerating the construction of photovoltaic power stations in deserts to support its environmental protection goals and develop renewable energy after several major renewable energy projects were revealed at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biolog ...

News Headlines

China white paper on biodiversity sets agenda for COP15

The emergence of "ecological civilization" as a major concept to guide humankind in its demanding environmental conservation efforts is not a new concept. Although it appears like the idea is new-fangled, it was first published in the "Scientific Communism, Moscow, Vol. 2" journal in 1984 in an ...

News Headlines

China's Kunming City to host first session of COP15 from Oct. 11 to 15

The United Nations (UN) biodiversity conference has been divided into two sessions, with the first being held between October 11 to 15 in China's Kunming City, an official from China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) said on Wednesday.

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Delegates hash out UN biodiversity goals online

Paris: Country delegates met online on Monday to start tackling a draft agreement for the pandemic-delayed COP15 global summit on biodiversity, days after the new summit date of April 2022 was set.

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Draft report on Desertification and drought to be discussed at COP15

A draft report about effective policy and implementation measures for addressing drought will be discussed during the ongoing session of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) COP15 on Tuesday.

News Headlines

Elizabeth Mrema: ‘A lot still has to be done for a biodiversity agreement’

After two years of postponements and a change in format, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s COP15 biodiversity talks will now take place in Montreal, Canada, this December. There is still much work to do in the coming months, if countries are to secure a new global agreement on protecti ...

News Headlines

Environmental groups urge UN biodiversity talks to embrace ‘Nature-Positive by 2030’ goal

CEOs from 14 of the world’s largest environmental organizations are calling for a global goal to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030, and achieve full recovery by 2050. They are calling for this goal to become the overarching Mission of the new 10-year Global Biodiversity Framework which will b ...

News Headlines

Exclusive: UK and China must continue to stand together to help world meet climate commitments, says UK envoy

At the COP15 in Kunming, Southwest China' Yunnan Province, China demonstrated a strong determination to work with other countries in protecting biodiversity, which is considered a new chapter in biodiversity conservation. The country's efforts of implementing a number of measures to protect and ...

News Headlines

Finland participates virtually and onsite at COP15 in Kunming China

A large Finnish delegation led by Minister of Environment and Climate Krista Mikkonen will participate virtually in the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15 in Kunming China, the Embassy of Finland in Beijing reports.

News Headlines

First part of COP15 closes with ‘broad consensus’ on post-2020 biodiversity framework

After the adjournment of the week-long COP15 meeting on Friday afternoon, representatives and scholars attending the meeting said they expected the second part of the meeting next year to deliver a feasible global post-2020 biodiversity framework built on the political commitment and momentum fo ...

News Headlines

First part of COP15 exceeds anticipations; post-2020 framework will be better implemented: CBD executive secretary

The first part of the COP15 meeting in Kunming has met and exceeded expectations and is expected to provide a roadmap for the effective further negotiations of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, executive secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) ...

News Headlines

Greenpeace calls for unity and action as delegates arrive at biodiversity meeting in Geneva

Geneva, Switzerland – Greenpeace calls for action to increase land and sea protection to at least 30% by 2030 with clear funding and implementation, and to recognise and strengthen the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, as delegates gather at a pre-meeting for this year’s Conven ...

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Greenpeace: Statement on Geneva biodiversity meetings in the run up to COP15 in Kunming, China

The Geneva pre-meeting for The Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 is ending without resolving any key issues – finance, implementation or key targets, including protecting at least 30% of land and sea by 2030 (“30-by-30”), and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities

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IUCN statement on UNCCD COP15 and International Day for Biological Diversity

The 15th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) closes today, 20 May 2022.

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Interview: Concrete actions need to be "fine-tuned" following COP15 Kunming Declaration, says expert

Government officials "now need to roll up their sleeves and agree to concrete actions" on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework for the next decade set out by the Kunming Declaration, a U.S. environmental expert has said.

News Headlines

Investors call for stronger global biodiversity framework to be delivered at COP15

A group of investors worth more than $10.6trn in assets under management has issued a statement ahead of the Convention on Biological Diversity's COP15 next month, calling for heightened global action to end deforestation and ensure sustainable land use.

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Kunming Declaration adopted at COP15

The Kunming Declaration was adopted Wednesday at the ongoing 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province

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Kunming Declaration announced at UN Convention on Biological Diversity – Greenpeace response

The COP15 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) kicked off this week in Kunming, China, with a week of virtual meetings among governments and organisations.

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Land of Diversity – a documentary dedicated to COP15

The power of evolution prevails even in some of the world’s toughest environments. From mammals and reptiles to flowers and leafy plants, the Himalayas have some of the world’s most diverse ecosystems, which have bred the most incredible diversity of life on the planet.

News Headlines

Les grands sommets sur l’environnement sont tous reportés

La réunion de l’UICN sur la nature prévu à Marseille cet été, les sommets COP15 sur la biodiversité et COP26 sur le changement climatique ont été ajournées.

News Headlines

Liberia: World Leaders Call For Robust Action To Tackle Deforestation, Land Degradation And Drought At COP15

From a drop in groundwater level, rivers silt and sediments entering into the sea, the earth exposure to the whims of the weather, from sea erosion, wildfires in California and Australia, to flooding in Asia and heat waves in Europe, disappearance of forests, world leaders at the COP 15 are call ...

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Results for: COP15
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme