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Presentations on the experiences and lessons learned from the creation and development of global mountain ecological networks such as the Carpathians, Alpine, Andean and other mountain ecosystems.
BIOTA-Africa presents: www.biota-africa.org "Research for conservation and regeneration of biodiversity in Africa" Speaker 1: Dr. Karen Hahn-Hadjali (University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Speaker 2: Dr. Souleymane Konaté (University of Abobo-Adjamé, Abidjan, Côte d´Ivoire) Speaker 3: Wolfgan ...
The event will provide an overview of the Brazilian Campaign against Biopiracy. The main focus will be on the Cupuaçu-case. (The name of this amazonian fruit was trademarked). Information panels will provide details also about other cases of Amazonian biological resources that have been patented ...
Learn how Indigenous Biocultural Heritage Areas in Peru are breaking new ground in conservation of biological and cultural resources through a holistic approach to conservation.
Learn how indigenous communities in the Potato Park in Peru are using customary law and local registers in innovative ways to manage and protect traditional resources.
side-event will examine new technologies (nano-scale technologies) affecting biodiversity and agriculture, with emphasis on impacts on global South.
A book (and CD) was developed by 20 experts from around the world at a meeting in South Africa in May 2003. The book is designed to provide tools to policymakers and practioners to improve conservation of pollinators and the ecosystem services they render. The book takes the format of the Prog ...
Sponsored by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Presentations will be made by Dr Antonio Nobre, INPA, Brazil and Andrew Mitchell, Director of the Global Canopy Programme, Oxford, UK, on plans to establish 'Whole Forest Observatories' in Brazil, Ghana, Madagascar, India and Malaysia, co-fina ...
The Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors (PIIPA), a non-profit company located in Washington D.C., is conducting a survey of governmental and non governmental organizations, universities, and industry to determine the world-wide need of developing countries for no or low-cost intellect ...
Panel discussion followed by questions and answers
Presentation of ABS case studies in francophone countries.
Side event focusing on Arctic Flora and Fauna, led by CAFF - Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group of the Arctic Council with assistance from UNEP, WCMC, WWF and other international organizations.
Presentation about the preservation, revitalization and promotion of Aboriginal languages in Canada as a vehicle for the protection of Traditional knowledge.
To inform and discuss current developments on ABS related issues in the Nordic countries.
Presentation of case studies prepared by Indigenous Peoples commissioned by the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB).
Sharing of business experience concerning access and benefit sharing arrangements and the protection of traditional knowledge
The central strategy of the side event Addressing the link between Conservation and Poverty - Community Conserved Areas (highlighting Extrativist Reserves in Brazil) is to – a) Promote the idea of Community Conserved Areas Globally as an important mechanism to address the link between conservat ...
Seminar. Participation of panelist from Canada, France and Brazil, from government and civil society sectors.
A presentation of the different food baskets in the different regions and linking farmers as keepers of agricultural biodiversity, food and nutrition. Actual presentation of different dishes from different regions.
ABIF debriefing session on existing efforts to mobilize amazonian data housed in natural history museums and herbaria
List of threatened plant species of Atlantic Forest. Biological contamination by invasive and alien species that threaten ecosystems on forest fragments. Successful experience with conservation of Araucaria araucana in Argentina.
Comprehension about nature can be get also trhough art language. By using images and symbols, histories and clay, is possible think and speak about value and responsability needed to work with nature. The activity includes working with pieces of clay, creating biodiversity, and the result wil ...
¨Case studies of Dialogues between NGOs and the private sector. Examples of agricultural commodities (such as ¨the Round Table on Sustainable Soy¨) and fossil fuel; Carbon Trading as mitigation measure for Climate Change. Some of these joint efforts have been strongly criticised for not achiev ...
Three recent strategies and assessments-Finland's National Adaptation Strategy, Management Effectiveness Evaluation of Finland Protected Areas, and the Evaluation of the Finnish National Biodiversity Action Plan 1997-2005-will be presented and discussed.
Round table about 1) the Atlantic Rain Forest biome, its situation and tendencies; and 2) Access to biodiversity, benefit sharing and biopiracy in the Atlantic Rainforest biome Launching of the newest “Atlantic Rainforest NGO Network” book: Atlantic Rainforest: A network for the forest
The demonstration will show how on-line applications are processed and how third parties can, at no cost, and at their convenience verify via the World Wide Web, that collected Genetic Resources come with prior informed consent and mutually agreed terms (PIC & MAT)
Joint presentation by the austrian minister for environment, IUCN, the austrian stateforest about concrete actions to reach the 2010 target
Short Presentations and Panel Discussion. 1) What is Avian Influenza (speaker from Pan American Health Organization 2) Avian Influenza as a Threat to Biodiversity: Inter-sectoral collaboration and global networks. (W.B. Karesh, Co-Chair, IUCN SSC Wildlife Health Specialist Group. 3) The I ...
Biodiversity and Systematics Benefit Sharing and Bioethics Sustainability
Beginners Guide to the CBD
This workshop will present the contribution of the UNCTAD BioTrade Initiative and its National BioTrade Programmes to implement the CBD through incentives for small and medium biodiversity business. It will present how the BioTrade Initiative and its partners use trade-related incentives measure ...
The side-event will consist of: an overview of USAID's support for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use activities in developing countries; several case studies; and a period for questions and comments to the presenters. A light lunch will be provided for participants.
This side event will present tools and guidances produced by the oil and gas industry for integration of biodiversity management in operations.
Experts will discuss the links between biodiversity and human health, based on the work done for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and a current report on the links between health and the Rio Conventions
Biodiversity remains one of the most challenging areas for reporting as many companies still have a limited understanding of their relationship to and impact on biodiversity. Many companies have pointed to the need for general background material that helps companies to understand the link betwe ...
Natura will invite representatives from communities, scientists, corporates and governments, from Brazil and other countries, to debate in its own space, alliances, partnerships and alternatives to reconcile conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity with responsible business, in accordanc ...
Presentation of a position paper by the brazilian organizations about sustainability of bioenergy, followed by international discussion about how to how to move from "environmental adequation" vision to the debate on how the production and use of bioenergy could impulse sustainable development i ...
Presentation of outcome of stakeholder consultation and discussion of options for a cross-cutting initiative.
Sustainable production is central to maintaining biodiversity in arid and semi arid areas. The Future Harvest Centres have undertaken major programmes to improve agricultural sustainability and benefit farmers and communities in these vulnerable ecosystems. The Side Event will describe this work ...
This will be the official book release in Brazil of the new book, Transboundary Conservation, produced by CEMEX, Conservation International, Agrupacion Sierra Madre, IUCN, the WILD Foundation and the International League of Conservation Photographers. The book launch will include presentation b ...
This event resulted from a project carried out by the Brazilian Societies of Zoology (SBZ), Botany (SBB), and Microbiology (SBM) and the Reference Center on Environmental Information (CRIA) for the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) in collaboration with the Centre for Strategic Management ...
Brazil is the most megadiverse country in the world, and one of the major concerning endemic species. Otherwise, like much of the other nations, it has many species included in Red Lists of animals and plants (~600 animals and xxx plants). Much effort has been made in the last few decades, eithe ...
Presentations and discussion of an integrated cooperative approach focussed on research for the protection of biodiversity of the Mata Atlântica region. (4-5 speakers from Brazil and Germany) plus discussion Speakers: 1.Representatives of the funding agencies/ministries of Brazil and Germany ...
New initiatives and projects in support of the GTI from several European institutions will be presented and discussed, with the focus on taxonomic capacity building globally and regionally.
Introduction to, and outcomes of the Business and 2010 initiative, summary of business relevant findings of the MA
Summary of outcomes of side events and way forward at the end of COP
The IUCN Commission on Education and Communication has a long record in promoting CEPA as an ‘incentive’ instrument for governments and civil society to build national support for the conservation of biological diversity. The side event will focus on national experiences in with CEPA and priorit ...
Vamos a presentar los resulatados de evaluacion de Ecosistemas Local Indigena de la cuenca Media y Baja del Chirripo, situado en Costa Rica. Esta evalaucion forma parte de las evaluaciones locales impulsadas por Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. LA evaluación fue realizada bajo conocimiento tra ...