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The event will see the launch of a publication on the title 'Future of Environmental Law' that captures the experiences, lessons learnt from developing and implementing legal istruments and provides a futures scenario from current and innovative areas of science and technology.
Research funded by the European Union contributes to international biodiversity governance in many ways. In this side event we present three such projects. The first shows how biodiversity conservation alleviates poverty in the highland regions of Asia. The second examines issues of scale in bio ...
The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) worked out 9 policy options that could contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of global biodiversity and a few ecosystem goods and services. Policy options are defined here as alternative pathways for policymakers along which to i ...
The Swiss Academy of Sciences presents the first of its kind ABS agreement on Mutually Agreed Terms, containing Model Clauses. The Agreement is adapted to the specific situation of non-commercial research sponsored by public funding. It contains a set of contractual clauses that intends to foste ...
At the 3rd IPBES meeting, held in Busan, Republic of Korea in June 2010, governments agreed to establish a new mechanism to strengthen the interface between science and policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Whilst it will now take a while to become operational, IPBES is likely to signif ...
The Biosphere Ethics Initiative (BEI) is a soft law program of the volunteer-driven Ethics Specialist Group of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, led by the non-profit organization Center for Humans and Nature, with strong support from the IUCN Comite francais, the Paris nationale Museum ...
Employing adaptive management principles and techniques, this side event discusses opportunities to use national legal and regulatory frameworks to adapt biodiversity management to climate change and strengthen resiliency in biodiversity governance. The Environmental Law Institute will release f ...
Forest challenges, such as REDD and access and benefit sharing, are highly cross-sectoral, necessitating engagement across sectors and interests in a complex forest regime. Over the past 10 months, an IUFRO-led Expert Panel on the International Forest Regime carried out a global scientific asses ...
To better interlink biodiversity research and biodiversity policy there are several national science-policy interfaces in different European countries. The German Network Forum for Biodiversity Research and colleagues from Belgium, France, Switzerland and EPBRS present the respective approaches ...
Governance and rights security have significant implications for biodiversity conservation effectiveness and for the livelihoods of people relying on resources within and outside of protected areas. These linkages are recognized in numerous Articles, Programmes of Work, and Guidelines of the CBD ...
In response to the emerging reality of natural resource limits, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, business must anticipate new and changing policies and regulatory frameworks to be developed and deployed by governments to address these pressing environmental challenges. However, busin ...
This side event will present IUCN work on 'Protected Areas and the Law' since COP 9, in particular the Guidelines on Protected Areas Legislation, developed to provide information and guidance on key elements of a modern and effective legal framework, attuned to the present roles and correspondi ...
This side event aims at sharing the efforts of the Mediterranean region under the aegis of UNEP/MAP in making the Millenium Development Goals with regard to the protection of biodiversity and the creation of marine protected areas a reality in the Mediterranean region. 60 min event, including: ...
The Norwegian Nature Diversity Act entered into force on the 1st. of July 2009. Although it was adopted less than a year ago, The Nature Diversity Act has been nominated as Best Biodiversity Policy for the Future Policy Award 2010. The Act is a following-up of national and international obligat ...
This high level event will address how political efforts are needed in order to implement the provisions of two of the most important MEAs. Counting on the participation of developed and developing countries participants, the discussion will include the kind of commitments necessary to reduce th ...
The side event will present the early outcomes of a legal capacity-building project on eight Aichi Targets. It focuses on supporting legal preparedness for measures that address the direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss. The project is taking place in partnership with the Secretariat ...
This side event presents different aspects of how the EU is implementing its committment to the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 through the EU's Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. After a general introduction of the strategy itself, the EU will reflect upon its common implementation framew ...
On behalf of the ICCA Consortium, Natural Justice and Kalpavriksh are undertaking an international legal analysis and a range of national legal reviews of laws that support or hinder conservation efforts by Indigenous peoples and local communities in their territories and areas. The national rev ...
The Whakatane Mechanism aims to support conflict resolution in protected areas by ensuring that conservation practices respect the rights of indigenous peoples and promotes best practices in the implementation of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas. Participants in the side event will hear ...
The CBD has had a deep impact on Indian legislation as various rights based acts regarding the use and ownership of biodiversity and forests were born out of the convention and subsequently increased the opportunities for collaborative governance and management of biodiversity rich areas. The ch ...
This three day workshop aims to establish a framework and action plan to systematically map human relationships to nature and biodiversity. This will provide tools for use by policy makers at community, national and international level, in various important areas. Through increased understandin ...
Mangroves are extraordinary ecosystems that offer countless goods and services to the human population. Their importance and value both economically and ecologically are largely known; despite this nearly all mangrove nations have experienced net losses in mangrove cover in recent decades as a r ...
In order for business to manage their impacts on biodiversity and to contribute more broadly to the biodiversity conservation agenda, governments need to create enabling conditions that allow market forces to be harnessed for conservation. In some instances this will require governments to make ...
The Global Environment Outlook 5 illustrates the increasing pressure on biological diversity worldwide. The predominant threats remain habitat loss and degradation resulting from agriculture and urban development, overexploitation, pollution and invasive alien species. The OECD Environmental Out ...
Organised by the European Commission, the World Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Development Programme, this event will present and discuss three major initiatives aimed at measuring and reflecting nature’s capital in national decision-making and at addressin ...
As a follow up of the Biodiversity Session at the World Summit of Legislators in Rio de Janeiro in 2012, exemplary biodiversity policies and laws will be presented as well as training materials for legislators and policy-makers for future just biodiversity policies and laws.
This will be joint event between the SCBD and UNEP-DTIE (and other partners as appropriate) with regard to the current work being done vis-a-vis Sustainable Public Procurement. This is an issue which has been raised in the business engagement decision and can act as a major driver to ensure not ...
The side-event will present recent OECD work on the economics and policy of biodiversity and ecosystems, including the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050, Green Growth and Biodiversity, and Scaling-up Finance for Biodiversity.
The National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) are an integral requirement of CBD for all the Parties to the Convention. A first round of NBSAP preparation/development/ implementation has been completed by many countries, often financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) th ...
Biorights is a new economic paradigm for environmental conservation that tries to compensate the opportunity costs of commons for wise use of natural resources on which they depend for their livelihood. In developing the South globe important ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity and have si ...
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)’s Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) is joining hand with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), to present how well-managed quarry (mine) activities could bring value to the environment and community at large ...