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The UNU IAS and Lancaster University (CESAGEN) will present the latest direct and proxy empirical evidence on the likely impact of the introduction of disclosure of source of genetic resources in patent applications
The US Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service is sponsoring this brief presentation of preliminary findings from a research study on the movement and use of non-plant agricultural genetic resources currently being conducted in the US. The presentation will illustrate common chall ...
Speakers will address how – in the longer term – access and benefit sharing norms under the International Regime could be fashioned to support the use of microbial genetic resources in agricultural research and development, ultimately contributing to increased food security. Because there is not ...
Recent allegations have flagged five patent applications by Nestle as contravening international and domestic South African law relating to access of genetic resources. This event will explore the theoretical and practical "ins and outs" of the draft protocol on access and benefit sharing, drawi ...
This event will provide an overview of some of the most recent developments in synthetic biology and explain in what way they constitute a challenge to the Access and Benefit Sharing regime.
Speakers will highlight the importance of the Treaty and share information about the flows of germplasm facilitated by the CGIAR Centres under the Treaty's framework.
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will update the participants on the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) process (namely the renewed mandate of the IGC and the decisions of the last session regarding ...
This side event will present research-based solutions regarding how to develop functional user country measures.
The event will provide information on the experiences and update on recent developments in the operation and functioning of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing, as well as the Benefit-Sharing Fund under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture