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3756 Results
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Result 451 to 500

News Headlines

How to talk to consumers about climate change

I’ve been asked this question a lot: How can we most effectively talk to consumers about climate change? Last month, Dieter Holger at The Wall Street Journal asked about it in relation to carbon labeling. My answer (which was indeed quoted) was that most consumers don’t know what the hell a carb ...

News Headlines

Climate change is making Europeans vote for Green parties — in some places more than others

Experience of extreme climate events in Europe (especially warmer temperatures) makes people more concerned about the environment. This is making people more likely to take political action — most notably, voting for Green parties, a new study suggests. For the researchers, this could help bette ...

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How the speed of climate change is unbalancing the insect world – podcast

The pace of global heating is forcing insect populations to move and adapt – and some aggressive species are thriving.

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A third of Americans are already facing above-average warming

More than a third of the American population is currently experiencing rapid, above-average rates of temperature increase, with 499 counties already breaching 1.5C (2.7F) of heating, a Guardian review of climate data shows.

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Climate change: Top companies exaggerating their progress - study

Many of the world's biggest companies are failing to meet their own targets on tackling climate change, according to a study of 25 corporations.

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Beijing’s scant snow offers a glimpse at the uncertainty — and risks — of future Winter Olympics

The postcards and posters from most Winter Olympics call attention to the thick powder and ice-covered mountains we expect from winter mountain sports. But this year will be a little different.

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Web 3.0 meets climate action – Climate Weekly

Like it or not, web 3.0 is here to stay, with blockchain at its heart. It’s time to get up to speed on what the latest internet revolution means for climate action.

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Treasure in tree rings: Using untapped tree ring data to calculate carbon sequestration

Having a solid estimate of the amount of carbon that forests can pull from the atmosphere is essential for global accounting of climate change—leaders are counting on forests to pull a good chunk of human-produced carbon back to earth.

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River Basins Around the World—Including in India—Vulnerable to Increased Flood Danger Due to Global Warming: Study

River basins around the world, including in India, are vulnerable to increased flood danger from rising global temperatures, according to new research.

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Never-ever-seen climate changes in India – The concerns and solutions

Climate change is a massive threat to humanity, and therefore, many countries are trying to combat its detrimental effects. South Asia, notably India, will be one of the critical places influenced by climate change in its extremes in the coming years, owing to its diversified geography.

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UN Report: Measures Against Climate Change and Global Warming not Sufficient

Climate change and global warming have been a primary focus of the recent conference between the UN and its member countries in October and November 2021.

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The frog and the gecko: why tropical species are at greater climate risk

The effects of climate change – extreme heat waves, wildfires of unprecedented magnitude and devastating floods – have now been occurring for several decades, and the COP26 climate agreement reached in Glasgow will not be enough to keep global warming below 2°C, as the French climatologist Benja ...

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Survey: More Business Leaders Sense the Urgency of Climate Change

A new global survey of senior corporate executives challenges the common perception that companies are overlooking climate change risks, a concern that is especially prevalent among millennial and Gen Z employees.

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Fragile Cities Are Being Inundated With People Fleeing the Impacts of Climate Change. How Can They Cope?

When the rains never arrived in the East African nation of Somalia in 2016, nor in 2017, hundreds of thousands of rural residents were forced to abandon their lands and livelihoods due to one of the most severe droughts in decades.

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Climate change will ‘greatly impact’ avocado and cashew farmers

Climate change will be having its impacts felt in a myriad of ways in coming decades and one way will involve depriving farmers in tropical countries of suitable conditions to grow important crops such as coffee, cashew nuts and avocados, scientists say.

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Extreme weather has cost Europe about €500bn over 40 years

Severe floods and other extreme weather have cost Europe about half a trillion euros in the past four decades, with Germany, France and Italy the worst-hit countries.

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Guest post: Does renewable energy threaten efforts to conserve biodiversity on land?

The world is facing a climate and ecological crisis. The two planetary crises occasionally pull in the same direction: restoring faltering coastal ecosystems, such as mangroves and saltmarshes, sequester carbon, buffer against more frequent extreme weather events and provide for nature.

News Headlines

Svalbard's Arctic heritage is threatened by climate change

Cultural heritage sites are irreplaceable sources of historical information, providing insight into the social, religious, and economic life of our ancestors. They are important markers of identity, and constitute attractions to both locals and visitors, and can thus play an important role in a ...

News Headlines

OPINION: There can be no climate action without targets to protect wetlands

Safeguarding and restoring shrinking wetlands is our last, best defence against global warming and biodiversity loss

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Opinion: Germany needs to invest in nature to defend against floods

Today's first international World Wetlands Day should prompt action to restore these vital ecosystems to protect communities, biodiversity and prevent future disasters, writes Jane Madgwick of Wetlands International.

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Why Nature is More than a Carbon Sink

According to Anderson Tanoto, managing director, RGE, carbon credits are a commodity to be valued and traded. They are also a bellwether of rates of investment in climate and nature.

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Scotland hopes to save wild salmon by planting millions of trees next to rivers

Millions of trees are being planted beside Scotland’s remotest rivers and streams to protect wild salmon from the worst effects of climate heating.

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What does climate change have to do with snowstorms?

Bostonians may have grumbled about digging out from almost 2 feet of snow after a historic snowstorm clobbered the Northeast in late January 2022, but it shouldn't have been a surprise. This part of the U.S. has been seeing a lot of storms like this in recent decades.

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Infographic: How wetlands can help fight climate change

Wetlands – land consisting of swamps or marshes – have, during the centuries, been demonised as places of pestilence, drained for agriculture or urban development, and polluted or paved over.

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Vegetation-based climate mitigation in a warmer and greener World

The mitigation potential of vegetation-driven biophysical effects is strongly influenced by the background climate and will therefore be influenced by global warming. Based on an ensemble of remote sensing datasets, here we first estimate the temperature sensitivities to changes in leaf area ove ...

News Headlines

Snowfall in the Sahara desert: an unusual weather phenomenon

Snowfall in a hot desert may seem a contradiction but snow has been recorded several times in the Sahara Desert over the last decades, most recently in January 2022. Thus, snowfall may be unusual but is not unprecedented in the region.

News Headlines

Climate change, unhealthy soil, trees aid thrips attack at Muthalamada

Climate change, soil deterioration, unhealthy trees and excessive use of pesticides have been found to be key factors contributing to the devastating thrips attack that has threatened to decimate the season’s yield from the mango orchards of Muthalamada in Palakkad district.

News Headlines

‘We relied on the lake. Now it’s killing us’: climate crisis threatens future of Kenya’s El Molo people

Mombasa Lenapir briefly strokes the waters of Kenya’s Lake Turkana with his hand as he boards the rickety canoe. A piece of hippo tooth or kalate, dangles from his right earlobe, evidence that he once killed a hippo in his younger years, a rite of passage.

News Headlines

Simple tips to fight climate change with your garden

Gardeners are very much aware of climate change since the act of gardening draws our attention to it every day. As Canadians march uneasily towards our 2030 deadline for carbon neutrality, land stewardship is becoming more central to the discussion.

News Headlines

Penguins offer varied clues to Antarctic climate change

Peering through binoculars from an inflatable motorboat bobbing in frigid waters, polar ecology researchers Michael Wethington and Alex Borowicz scan a rocky outcrop on Antarctica's Andersson Island for splatterings of red-brown guano that might signal a colony of penguins nearby.

News Headlines

Hospitals at greater risk of flooding as the climate changes need better evacuation plans

With hospitals under strain from COVID-19, we need to safeguard them against another threat set to increase as the world warms. That threat? Flooding. Many Australian hospitals were built on cheap land near rivers.

News Headlines

Earth Could Lose Half of its Coffee-Growing Land Because of Climate Change

Scientists in Switzerland assessed potential impacts of climate change on three of the most globally traded crops produced by many tropical smallholder farming systems, coffee, cashew, and avocado crops. Their latest finding offered a not so good news in the coffee-making world, by far the most ...

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What will climate change actually look like on the Prairies?

When looking at our climate, we know our temperature is rising. Globally, annual mean temperatures have risen just over a degree since 1880.

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Climate change may be supercharging Northeast snowstorms

The weekend blizzard that slammed coastal Mid-Atlantic and New England with up to 30.9 inches of snow and howling winds is consistent with climate science research showing how the characteristics of these winter storms are changing.

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How Evaluating Risk Can Prepare You for the Worst of Climate Change

Risk assessment in today’s economy means evaluating factors far outside the obvious. Moody’s Analytics takes a broad-based view of commercial real estate by examining the world around it and using their vast data analytics capabilities to determine and quantify alternative dimensions of risk.

News Headlines

Simple steps on climate change can make 'real difference'

Let’s face it — hearing about climate change can be overwhelming. We’re told so many of the things we rely on — the way we heat and cool our homes, the cars we drive, and the products we buy — are making climate change worse. But as overwhelming as it can be, there is still reason for hope.

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Video: Hibernation is getting weird thanks to climate change

You might think hibernation is just a nap that bears take during the wintertime, but it's really much more complicated and climate based.

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Iguanas fall from trees as cold snap hits Florida

Iguanas are falling from trees in Florida as the US Sunshine State is hit with unusually cold weather conditions. In South Florida, temperatures reached a low of -4C (25F) early on Sunday, the National Weather Service (NWS) said.

News Headlines

New flood maps show US damage rising 26% in next 30 years due to climate change alone, and the inequity is stark

Climate change is raising flood risks in neighborhoods across the U.S. much faster than many people realize. Over the next three decades, the cost of flood damage is on pace to rise 26% due to climate change alone, an analysis of our new flood risk maps shows.

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How a humble mushroom could save forests and fight climate change

The conversion of forests to agricultural land is happening at a mind-boggling speed. Between 2015 and 2020, the rate of deforestation was estimated at around 10 million hectares every year.

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Climate change one day at a time - in pictures

Blipfoto members, or ‘blippers’, choose to record a single photo from their day. This unique community of photographers enjoy recording life as they see it. Perspectives on climate are often presented as ad hoc events so it’s not often we get to see a global perspective of public opinion and per ...

News Headlines

How Climate Change Will Affect Plants

We human beings need plants for our survival. Everything we eat consists of plants or animals that depend on plants somewhere along the food chain. Plants also form the backbone of natural ecosystems, and they absorb about 30 percent of all the carbon dioxide emitted by humans each year. But as ...

News Headlines

Coffee may become more scarce and expensive thanks to climate change – new research

The world could lose half of its best coffee-growing land under a moderate climate change scenario. Brazil, which is the currently world’s largest coffee producer, will see its most suitable coffee-growing land decline by 79%.

News Headlines

Climate change threatening buried UK treasures

Climate change is threatening to destroy treasures buried in the UK as the soils that protect them dry out. A Roman toilet seat, the world's oldest boxing glove, and the oldest handwritten letter by a woman are some of the extraordinary objects discovered in at-risk British peatlands.

News Headlines

Life in the Arctic: the reindeer herders struggling against the climate crisis –

As the arctic warms four times faster than the global average, Europe’s only indigenous population is under threat. For centuries, the Sámi people have herded reindeer throughout northern Europe.

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Climate emergency: Keeping homes cool on a warming planet

Rising temperatures are leading to a surge in demand for cooling. But, ironically, the more we rely on energy-intensive air conditioners, the more the planet warms. What are the other options?

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What drove Perth's record-smashing heatwave, and why it's a taste of things to come

Perth smashed its previous heatwave records last week, after sweltering through six days in a row over 40℃—and 11 days over 40℃ this summer so far. On top of that, Perth has suffered widespread power outages and a bushfire in the city's north.

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Climate change could shift 45 per cent of fish stock to new economic waters by 2100, Canadian study finds

As climate change increases and oceans warm up, it could have a huge impact on the fishing industry due to fish populations shifting from the waters of one country to another, according to a new Canadian study.

News Headlines

Mangroves: Saudi efforts to protect nature’s guardians of the ecosystem

As part of the Saudi Green Initiative, which was launched last year with the aim of tackling climate change, reducing carbon emissions and improving the environment, 10 billion mangrove trees will be planted across the Kingdom.

News Headlines

Acting now on climate change is Canada’s best financial bet

A recent pilot study by the Bank of Canada and the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) highlighted that slow action on climate change will increase the related financial risks.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 451 to 500
Results for: ("Climate Change and Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme