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782 Results
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Result 501 to 550

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Between fieldwork and advocacy for the protection of wildlife and biodiversity

2020 is slated to be a “super year” for biodiversity with many challenges ahead of us. At the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), we are ready to face such challenges. After celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2019, we look back upon our achievements and look forward to doing more for ...

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Because Insects Are Key to Our Own Survival,' 73 Scientists Unveil Global Roadmap to Battle Bugpocalypse

Highlighting the "strong scientific consensus that the decline of insects, other arthropods, and biodiversity as a whole, is a very real and serious threat that society must urgently address," 73 international scientists on Monday published a roadmap to battle the world's "bugpocalypse."

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Illegal hunting and bushmeat trade threatens biodiversity and wildlife of Angola

Hunting wild animals has been practised by humans for millions of years; however, the extraction of wildlife for subsistence and commercialisation has become a major biodiversity threat in recent decades. Meanwhile, over-exploitation is reported to be the second most important driver of change a ...

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Sea turtles continue to swim in troubled waters: report

In myths and carvings, sea turtles are reverent creatures, carrying wisdom and worlds on their backs. In Hindu cosmology, the earth is supported by four elephants on the back of a turtle, while Chinese myths celebrate the tortoise as a celestial beast. Today, sea turtles are endangered and in de ...

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Our Vanishing World: Birds

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, it is estimated that the total number of passenger pigeons in the United States was about three billion birds. The bird was immensely abundant, as illustrated by this passage written by the famous ornithologist, naturalist and painter John James Audubon.

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Fighting to save an endangered ape, Indonesian activists fear for their lives

Indonesia’s North Sumatra province, the only known habitat of the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis), has proven to be a precarious place for the ape. Just 800 individuals survive in a rapidly shrinking habitat, and the orangutans, which were only described as a new species in 2017, are al ...

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N.S. won't protect land with 'globally rare' ecosystem that company eyes for golf resort

In the tiny community of Little Harbour on Nova Scotia's Eastern Shore sits 285 hectares of coastal Crown land known as Owls Head provincial park. The name is misleading: it's not actually a provincial park and there are no obvious markings or trails to enter the coastal barrens and wetlands.

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Tigers Extinct in Laos

Are tigers extinct in Laos?That’s the conclusion of a detailed new study that found no evidence wild tigers still exist in the country.What researchers did find during a five-year camera survey of the biodiversity-rich Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area was evidence of snares — lots and l ...

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California commission lists yellow-legged frog as endangered

The state Fish and Game Commission on Wednesday approved protections for five of six populations of the foothill yellow-legged frog.The Center for Biological Diversity had sought protection for the stream-dwelling amphibians under California's Endangered Species Act.

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Rabbit now in danger of extinction – along with 30,000 other animals, birds and plants

Rabbit – more precisely the European Rabbit, found in Portugal, Spain and France – is in danger of extinction, along with over 30,000 animal, bird and plant species. The age-old expression “breeding like rabbits” has fallen foul of the scourge of RHD (Rabbit Haemorrhagic disease) a virus that or ...

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Conservation efforts save 10 species from extinction

Conservation efforts have saved ten species from extinction, including a flightless bird, a parakeet and a trout cod, announced International Union for Conservation of Nature on Wednesday.

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Illegal hunting a greater threat to wildlife than forest degradation

The world has long associated plummeting populations of Southeast Asian wildlife with news of forest degradation and poignant images of deforested lands. Recent studies, however, bring to light another human practice that’s been driving the decline of wildlife numbers in these ecosystems.

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Previously extinct Guam rail saved in rare conservation success

The Guam rail, a flightless bird typically about 30cm long, usually dull brown in colour and adorned with black and white stripes, has become a rare success story in the recent history of conservation.

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Species under increasing threat from climate change: IUCN

Already facing the threat of habitat destruction, hundreds of plant and animal species are now under further pressure from manmade climate change, the IUCN said Tuesday in its updated "Red List of Threatened Species".

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«البيئة»: إحباط تهريب 40 سلحفاة عند الحدود المصرية - السودانية

جحت وزارة البيئة ، فى إحباط تهريب 40 سلحفاة سودانية تم ضبطها عند الحدود المصريةلسودانية بحوزة اثنين من المهربين قبل دخولها البلاد لتهريبها، بعد ذلك للخارج، وتمتالإجراءات بالتعاون بين إدارة محميات الجنوب والجهات المعنية

News Headlines

Egypt thwarts attempt to smuggle 40 tortoises at Sudanese border: Ministry

Egypt’s Ministry of Environment said in a statement on Tuesday that it has thwarted an attempt to smuggle 40 Sudanese African spurred tortoises by two smugglers at the Egyptian-Sudanese border.

News Headlines

Indigenous animal tracking saving Australian marsupials from extinction

CANBERRA, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- A smartphone application that allows indigenous Australian rangers to track endangered species' in their own language has been hailed a success.

News Headlines

A Third of Tropical Africa’s Plants At Risk of Extinction

One-third of — or more 7,000 — plant species in tropical Africa could be at risk of extinction due to climate change and human activities like logging, deforestation from agriculture, and mining, according to a new study published in the journal Science Advances.

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How species in the wild are managing the risks and rewards of sharing space with humans

Endangered monkeys living in the wild are intelligently adapting their lifestyle to fit with their human neighbors, learning to avoid manmade risks and exploiting increased contact with people, new research has revealed.

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Malaysia's last known Sumatran rhino dies

The Sumatran rhino is now officially extinct in Malaysia, with the death of the last known specimen.

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New hope for one of world's most endangered reptiles

Baby crocodiles found living in a remote region of Nepal give hope for the future of one of the rarest and strangest reptiles on earth.

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Rare bird’s detection highlights promise of ‘environmental DNA’

Researchers are increasingly using traces of genetic material in the wild to track endangered species.

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Why We Must Save the Elephants... or Else

Everyone loves elephants.” We hear it a lot, but do we love them enough to want to ensure their survival on this planet? Not as zoo inmates or residents of elephant sanctuaries, but as free-roaming keystone species in savannas and forests living in family groups?

News Headlines

More than 50% of insects have disappeared since 1970, an ecologist warns — even more evidence of an ‘insect apocalypse’

Of the world’s 1 million known insect species, 400,000 are in decline, according to a new report.. Since 1970, 50% of all insects may have disappeared.

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‘Insect apocalypse’ poses risk to all life on Earth, conservationists warn

The “unnoticed insect apocalypse” should set alarm bells ringing, according to conservationists, who said that without a halt there will be profound consequences for humans and all life on Earth.

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Emperor penguins ‘could be wiped out by climate change within 80 years’

Emperor penguins could be wiped out by climate change within 80 years, warns a new study. The fate of the birds – some of the most striking and charismatic creatures on Earth – is largely tied to the fate of sea ice which they use as a base for breeding.

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Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh working to save rare and endangered alpine blue-sow thistle

Conservationists at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh working to ensure the survival of the rare and endangered alpine blue-sow thistle in Scotland are attempting to establish a new population of the species. The beautiful but elusive flower has now been planted along a small gorge at the Water of ...

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Rare baby giraffe makes public debut at Czech zoo

An endangered baby giraffe made his public debut at a northern Czech zoo earlier this week, 12 days after being born in the enclosure.

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Turtle dove flies towards extinction as numbers halve in UK

The turtle dove, Britain’s most endangered bird, continues to plummet towards extinction, its numbers having halved over five years, according to the latest data.

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What does the future hold for SA's endangered species?

A massive 12% percent of South Africa's species are under threat.Those are the worrying findings of a national biodiversity assessment carried out by the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries.

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Our Vanishing World: Insects

About 12,000 years ago, late stone age humans precipitated the neolithic (agricultural) revolution that marked the start of the steady rise to civilization. Coincidentally, this occurred at the same time as the beginning of what is now known as the Holocene Epoch, the geological epoch in which h ...

News Headlines

Is conservation too focused on rarity?

The rarest, most endangered species get the most attention—but common species need help, too. Spurred by dismaying declines of once-abundant insects and birds, this principle is gaining traction in conservation circles. Now a study of plants in northeast Germany, where species abundant just a co ...

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Twelve percent of SA species are threatened - report

A global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystems services has confirmed that species around the world are in rapid decline and 20% of them face extinction.

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How Laos lost its tigers

The last tiger in Lao PDR likely died in terrible anguish. Its foot caught in a snare, the animal probably died of dehydration. Or maybe, in a desperate bid to free itself from a snare crafted from a simple and cheap motorbike cable, it tore off a leg and died from the blood loss.

News Headlines

GWC is Guarding The Future of Life on Earth

Global Wildlife Conservation forges new partnerships to protect the wildlife in Haiti and Honduras.Staving off the staggering loss of biodiversity recently predicted in the U.N.’s Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, as that alarming summary made clear, will require m ...

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Rescuing the world's endangered river dolphins takes cutting edge science and community

River dolphins in the Amazon and Orinoco are under ever increasing pressure from the impact of hydropower dams and mercury contamination from small-scale gold mining, according to results from the first ever river dolphin satellite tagging program released today to mark World River Dolphin Day.

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Rewilding': California man's mission to save honeybees

The staggering decline of honey bee colonies has alarmed experts across the United States, but an unconventional apiculturist in California thinks he has found a way to save them.

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Images offer glimpse into life of endangered Florida panther

The discovery of a female Florida panther lying with a broken leg on a verge outside the town of Naples, south of Tampa, triggered a widespread rescue dash. Conservationists, who had previously fitted a tracking collar to the animal, were aware she had recently given birth. The kittens would not ...

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National census to assess endangered species in Seychelles

A national census is expected to start over the course of this month to assess the endangered species of Seychelles. The annual exercise is being undertaken by the Ministry for Environment, Energy and Climate Change with the assistance of local consultants.

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Germany: Endangered turtle dove is 2020 bird of the year

Known as a symbol of love, peace and happiness, the turtle dove, sometimes knowns as a love bird, is flirting with extinction.

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Saving rare hornbills: Philippines launches conservation plan

Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (PBCF) and the local government of Tawi-Tawi have joined forces on a conservation plan in hope to improve the critically low population of Sulu hornbill.

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Tapanuli orangutan makes IUCN SSC list of world's most endangered primates

Pushed by the aggressive encroachment of forests, Indonesia’s endemic great ape, the Tapanuli orangutan, is officially among the world’s most endangered primates as fewer than 800 currently exist in the wild.

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One in seven plants and animals in SA threatened with extinction, new report shows

One in seven of the thousands of plants and animals assessed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) in its latest four-year study is threatened with extinction.

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Rabbits, plovers, bees and a bear? Toronto adopts strategy to preserve its biodiversity

Rabbits share the West Toronto Railpath with runners and cyclists. A pair of endangered piping plovers nested on the Toronto Islands last summer, producing three fledglings. Within the last 20 years, two of Canada’s most at-risk bumblebee species were both spotted along the Humber River, near Ol ...

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World Animal Day: Shocking Statistics Show the State of Global Wildlife Trade

Researchers have released shocking statistics which highlight the huge scale of the global wildlife trade in time for World Animal Day—an international day of action to raise awareness for animal rights and welfare.

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Habitat loss pushes wildlife to brink

More than two fifths of species, including mammals, birds and butterflies, have declined significantly in Britain in the past 50 years because of damage to their habitat, according to a wide-ranging assessment.

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Disappearing birds: the ecological disaster society is ignoring

A report in the academic journal “Science” of the disappearance of three billion wild birds over 50 years in Canada and the United States ruffled the media for one day, maybe two, and went away.

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The loss of biodiversity, its importance and preservation actions

The UN's Biodiversity chief said in 2018 that we have a few years to protect nature's diversity or else be the first species to document our own extinction. Biodiversity — made up of ecosystems, species and genetic diversity — is in danger globally. Up to one million plants and animals now face ...

News Headlines

Biodiversity collapse in UK continues

More than two-fifths of UK species including animals, birds and butterflies have seen significant declines in recent decades, a major study shows. The State of Nature report, which draws on scientific monitoring since the 1970s, warns there is no let-up in net losses for the UK's wildlife.

News Headlines

Illegal wildlife trade thrives on Facebook, internet forums

The lizards are frantic and the turtles plodding, but both scrabble to escape the perspex containers that hold them. The reptiles, some in small boxes and fetching prices of up to thousands of euros, are on sale at the Terraristika — Europe's largest reptile trade fair and a suspected wildlife-t ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 501 to 550
Results for: ("Endangered Species")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme