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1009 Results
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Result 551 to 600

News Headlines

My beef with scapegoating meat in climate change conversation

The meat industry is a popular target to blame when we analyze the biggest contributors to global warming, but the belief that adopting a purely meatless diet to combat climate change may not be enough.

News Headlines

Namibia: Agriculture and the Ecosystems

Agriculture is concerned with rearing animals and the cultivation of crops whilst an ecosystem simply refers to a community of living organisms such as plants and animals together with the non-living components such as the air and soils, interacting with each other in their environment.

News Headlines

Natural biodiversity protects rural farmers' incomes from tropical weather shocks

A big data study covering more than 7,500 households across 23 tropical countries shows that natural biodiversity could be effective insurance for rural farmers against drought and other weather-related shocks.

News Headlines

Nature-inspired solutions to sustainably increase crop yield

GAIN4CROPS is developing novel disruptive technologies to overcome one of the main constraints of photosynthesis: the photorespiration, a process that reduces CO2 assimilation efficiency, and thus biomass yield and agricultural productivity.

News Headlines

Ndumo Game Reserve: The complicated balancing act of subsistence farming and nature conservation in KwaZulu-Natal

As cultivated fields expand and grazing cattle explore ever further in the Ndumo Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, researchers worry about unresolved efforts to address human poverty while also trying to protect the ever-shrinking spaces left for wildlife and nature conservation.

News Headlines

Nestlé scientists uncover low carbon and drought-resistant coffee varieties

In a new breakthrough, Nestlé plant scientists have developed a generation of low carbon coffee varieties, through classical non-GMO breeding that harnesses the plant’s natural biodiversity.

News Headlines

Net Food Importer Turkey Grapples with Challenges of Food Self-sufficiency

Despite latest research showing Turkey lagging in overall food sustainability, progress in sustainable agriculture appears to be a bright spot in the country’s troubled agriculture industry.But local farming groups, NGOs and international bodies, while welcoming government efforts to promote sus ...

Press Release

New Initiatives to Conserve and Protect Earth’s Agricultural Biodiversity for Future Generations.

Norway has launched the Svalbard International Seed Vault, which will act as a safety net in case seeds already stored in commercial gene banks are destroyed, or are decimated in a global catastrophe. Norway’s “Noah’s Ark” project aims to safeguard crop diversity by storing about 1.5 billion se ...

Side Event
COP 10

New Models to Share Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

New Models to Share Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

News Headlines

New biodiversity initiative launched

A new locally-led farm and community biodiversity initiative has been launched by the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Pippa Hackett.

News Headlines

New network for farmers to share climate change mitigation measures

A new peer-to-peer network has been launched for farmers and crofters to share climate change mitigation measures.

News Headlines

New pathways for sustainable agriculture

Hedges, flowering strips and other semi-natural habitats provide food and nesting places for insects and birds in agricultural landscapes. This also has advantages for agriculture: bees, flies, beetles and other animal groups pollinate crops and control pest insects in adjacent fields.

News Headlines

New publication examines consequences of groundwater depletion to agriculture

A new Council of Agricultural Science and Technology, or CAST, paper examines the causes and consequences of groundwater depletion throughout the U.S. with a focus on how this will affect agriculture—the largest sector of groundwater use.

Press Release

New report addresses need for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into agricultural production and management in East Africa

Montreal, 5 July 2016 –The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have launched a technical guidance document which aims to promote mainstreaming of biodiversity and ecosystem services into agriculture thr ...

News Headlines

New research outlines 5-course ‘Menu of Solutions’ to achieve sustainable food future

Washington, D.C. 17 July 2019 — With the world’s population expected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050, a major new report shows the global food system must undergo urgent change to ensure there is adequate food for everyone without destroying the planet.

News Headlines

New ‘Reawakened Foods’ Campaign To Promote Global Biodiversity Through Storytelling

According to North America-based NGO, The Lexicon, 30,000+ edible plants are available to include in our diets, however, more than 50% of the world’s plant-based nutrition is based on only three crops. This threat to our global biodiversity in the fields impacts our food systems and causes infer ...

News Headlines

News analysis: Advancing food security through GMOs

For any country to advance its economic growth, Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), analysts say, it must be at the forefront of its key sectors such as environment, health, industry and agriculture.

News Headlines

Nigeria: 'Those Claiming Organic Agric Can't Feed Nigeria Are Ignorant'

Dr Olugbenga AdeOluwa is the Vice-President of the Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria (AOAPN). He spoke with Head of Agro-Economy Desk, FEMI IBIROGBA on what organic agriculture implies, how it can feed the growing population and dangers inherent in genetically modified ...

News Headlines

No degree, no problem for this rice innovator

Despite lacking a college or university education, farmer Pham Van Nhut in Mekong Delta province of Ben Tre has made great contributions to agricultural development in his community.

News Headlines

No substitute for honey

How adulteration and bee malnutrition threaten the future of this food, the bees that make it, and all the other plants they pollinate.

News Headlines

No tilling, no chemicals: A S.African farmer's response to climate change

It's spring in South Africa, and Danie Bester's tillers are rusting in a corner of his farm. Freshly-turned earth stretches for miles on other farms as his neighbors prepare their fields.

Action by

Nominations for the Regional Workshop for Africa on Ways and Means to Promote the Sustainable Production and Use of Biofuels, 17 to 19 November 2009, in Accra, Ghana

Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/ac/68834 (2009-116)
To: CBD National Focal Points in Africa

In paragraph 12 of decision IX/2 the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity requested the Executive Secretary to convene regional workshops on the sustainable production and use of biofuels, subject to the availability of financial resources, aiming at considering wa ...

pdf English 
Action by

Nominations for the Regional Workshop for Asia on Ways and Means to Promote the Sustainable Production and Use of Biofuels, 25 to 27 November 2009, in Bangkok, Thailand

Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/ac/68835 (2009-117)
To: CBD National Focal Points in Asia

In paragraph 12 of decision IX/2 the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity requested the Executive Secretary to convene regional workshops on the sustainable production and use of biofuels, subject to the availability of financial resources, aiming at considering wa ...

pdf English 
Side Event
COP 10

OISCA's Experience in Sustainable Agriculture with Agro-Ecosystems and Biological Diversity Conservation

OISCA International, has approximately 50 years experience as the NGO involves an international cooperation and rural development in the Asia-Pacific region. Among the OISCA experience, especially the rural development of sustainable agriculture and human resources development with training of o ...

News Headlines

OPINION: Greener agriculture is a win for farmers, food companies and the environment

Conventional farming is one of the world’s greatest drivers of climate change and biodiversity loss, and we’re running out of time to reverse its adverse effects. But there is good news too: the largest study ever done on sustainable farming supports the idea that regenerative agriculture could ...

News Headlines

OPINION: Innovative financing of resilient food systems key to global security

Financing climate-smart rice production is key to global food security and urgently needed to avert social unrest

News Headlines

OPINION: Why our broken food system is overshooting the Earth's planetary boundaries

The global food system is the main driver of the ecological and climate crises pushing natural systems beyond the boundaries of a safe operating space for humanity

News Headlines

Odisha Adopts Champion's Vision to Safeguard its Biodiversity

Organic farming and environment conservation through protection of forest resources in Odisha has made Professor Radhamohan, a Padma Shri award winner this year, an icon beyond the boundaries of his state. Many come to his not-for-profit organisation, Sambhav, based in Nayagarh district to learn ...

News Headlines

Oil palms need one-ninth of land used by other vegetable oil crops

A palm oil task force of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has released the results of a study showing that palm oil production is the most efficient in terms of land use compared with other vegetable oils, which need nine times more land to produce the same amount of oil.

News Headlines

Olive oil industry under increasing threat from 'olive leprosy'

One of southern Europe’s most important staples, olive oil, is under pressure from a potentially deadly disease that new research shows could infect nearly all of the productive areas of Italy, Greece and Spain.

News Headlines

On agrobiodiversity, the Andes can teach the world much about crop conservation (commentary)

Two of the world’s most ubiquitous and important crops have a 7,000-year-old backstory, which can be traced to the Andes in South America, where maize and potatoes have long been cultivated for food.

News Headlines

On course for healthier, more sustainable soil

If we want to transition to a greener, healthier and more climate resilient Europe, it is important to ensure our soils are in good condition. However, the quality of soils is worsening because of unsustainable management practices, depletion of resources, climate change and pollution

News Headlines

On the frontier of science for food and agriculture

Nuclear weapon tests offer valuable insight into how to measure soil erosion and enable the restoration of healthy soils we need to grow our food.

News Headlines

One year on, are MEPs ready to boost biodiversity and farm to fork strategies?

When the European Commission announced the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies, exactly one year ago, we estimated that they could be potential game changers for EU nature, food and farming policies.


Opportunities to provide inputs to the work of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/AC/88272 (2019-067)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, relevant organizations

pdf English 
News Headlines

Opportunity to deliver ‘much-needed change’ to agricultural policy

A report ‘Towards a New Agricultural and Food Policy for Ireland’ sets out recommendations to government in the hope that it will deliver much needed change to Irish agricultural policy.


Recommendation X/9

Options for a cross-cutting initiative on biodiversity for food and nutrition

News Headlines

Organic Green New Deal? Comprehensive climate change policy must address the American food system

In the face of worsening climate chaos and massive economic inequities wreaking havoc on the nation, a broad coalition of social justice and environmental organizations and visionary politicians such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are building momentum for a Green New Deal. All electe ...

News Headlines

Organic farm advantages in biodiversity and profits depend on location

For organic farms, size matters: not so much the size of the farm itself, but the size of the neighboring fields.A large-scale analysis published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Jan. 27 found that organic agriculture sites had 34% more biodiversity and 50% more profits ...

News Headlines

Organic is the future

On a wintry afternoon, at her farm Navdanya in the Himalayan foothills, noted ecologist Vandana Shiva spoke on the future of the organic farming movement in India. Excerpts:

News Headlines

Our Growing Food Demands Will Lead to More Corona-like Viruses

As panicked consumers flock to grocery stores, emptying shelves in preparation for homebound quarantines that could last for weeks, the coronavirus pandemic is revealing an alarming longer-term concern about the world's growing appetites and the stresses they impose on a warming planet.

News Headlines

Our Thanksgiving Menu has Lost a Few Crops

The modern Thanksgiving plate has turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and — of course — pumpkin pie. But long before Thanksgiving, there were other agricultural plants in the Americas. Those domesticated crops are now extinct. Scientists, like Dr. Logan Kistler, Curator of Archaeobotany at the Smi ...

News Headlines

Our food system is no longer fit for the 21st century. Here are three ways to fix it

Food is part of our cultural identity and, at the most basic level, essential to our survival. Over the past 200 years we have seen unprecedented development of agriculture and the global food industry, which now brings many people reliable, affordable access to an extraordinary variety of food.

News Headlines

Our meat obsession is destroying the planet: Solution is to change how we see animals

Globally, we eat around 318 million tons of meat every year. By 2050, that figure is projected to reach 517 million tons. This rising number reflects how farming animals like pigs, chickens and cows for consumption by humans has been largely normalized as essential to our existence.

News Headlines

Parboiling husked rice reduces arsenic content - study

[NEW DELHI] Arsenic contamination in rice poses a serious health risk in many parts of the world. But an international study has shown that husking rice before parboiling reduces arsenic content, potentially lowering the risk of cancer.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 551 to 600
Results for: ("Agricultural Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme