> | KB | > | Results |
4 - 8 March 2002, Beijing, China
4 - 5 March 2002, Ottawa, Canada
11 March 2002, San Jose, Costa Rica
13 - 15 March 2002, Montreal, Canada
14 - 16 March 2002, Victoria, Canada
14 - 15 March 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
16 - 20 March 2002, Alexandria, Egypt
17 March 2002, To be determined, Mexico
18 - 22 March 2002, Montreal, Canada
18 - 20 March 2002, Bangkok, Thailand
18 - 22 March 2002, Monterrey, Mexico
18 - 20 March 2002, Montreal, Canada
18 - 20 March 2002, Kingston, Jamaica
19 - 21 March 2002, Nairobi, Kenya
19 - 20 March 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
20 - 21 March 2002, The Hague, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
20 - 21 March 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
22 March 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
25 March - 5 April 2002, New York, United States of America
25 - 28 March 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
26 March 2002, New York, United States of America
29 - 31 March 2002, New York, United States of America
30 March 2002, Washington D.C., United States of America
4 - 5 April 2002, Washington D.C., United States of America
5 - 7 April 2002, The Hague, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
5 - 6 April 2002, Washington D.C., United States of America
7 - 19 April 2002, The Hague, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
7 - 12 April 2002, Melbourne, Australia
9 April 2002, The Hague, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
12 - 14 April 2002, Banff, Canada
16 - 26 April 2002, New York, United States of America
17 - 20 April 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
22 - 26 April 2002, The Hague, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
25 - 26 April 2002, New York, United States of America
13 - 24 May 2002, New York, United States of America
14 May 2002, Washington D.C., United States of America
15 - 17 May 2002, Washington D.C., United States of America
19 - 22 May 2002, Quebec, Canada
20 - 24 May 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
20 - 24 May 2002, Nelson, New Zealand
22 - 24 May 2002, Victoria, Canada
22 May 2002, Montreal, Canada
27 May - 7 June 2002, Bali, Indonesia
28 - 31 May 2002, Mexico City, Mexico
3 - 7 June 2002, Cannes, France
5 - 14 June 2002, Bonn, Germany