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India urged caution as the United Nations Security Council deliberated on the impacts of climate related disasters on international peace and security. Participating in the open debate in the UN Security Council on Friday, India pointed out the pitfalls arising from viewing actions to tackle cli ...
Our planet is in the midst of its sixth mass extinction, the worst since dinosaurs roamed the earth, 65 million years ago. Every 14 minutes, an elephant is killed in Africa, while a Rhino is slaughtered every 11 hours.
Addis Ababa — International organizations working in wildlife conservation expressed their keen interest to enhance their support to Ethiopia's efforts in improving its conservation system.
Food production around the world must rise by half in the next 30 years to sustain a global population expected to top 10 billion by 2050.
Coral reefs are demolished from within by bio-eroding sponges. Seeking refuge from predators, these sponges bore tunnels into the carbonate coral structures, thus weakening the reefs. Scientists from the Royal NIOZ Netherlands Institute for Sea Research have uncovered how the sponges hollow out ...
Tropical deforestation is a major contributor to climate change and loss of local and global ecosystem functions. Latin America accounts for a large share of remaining tropical forests, but also features deforestation rates well above the world average.
Antibiotic-Resistant Genes (ARGs) that were first detected in urban India have been found 8,000 miles away in one of the last 'pristine' places on earth, a new study has shown.
Thousands more fish have died in a key river system in drought-hit eastern Australia just weeks after up to a million were killed, authorities and locals said Monday, sparking fears an ecological disaster is unfolding.
To defeat the intertwined pandemics of obesity, hunger and climate change, governments must curb the political influence of major corporations, said a major report Monday calling for a 'global treaty' similar to one for tobacco control.
The bill to train two dogs to guard a penguin colony: $18,000. Set up camera traps in one of the world’s most remote, understudied rainforests in New Guinea: $16,000. Build game fences to allow elephant movement between Botswana and Zambia: $560,000.
Researchers have genetically modified chickens that can lay eggs that contain drugs for arthritis and some cancers. The drugs are 100 times cheaper to produce when laid than when manufactured in factories.
This mysterious new ecosystem is being called the ‘subterranean galapagos’ and it’s almost twice the size of earth’s oceans. We’ve never seen anything like it.
While most people in the northern hemisphere are blanketed under snow and actual blankets, Beneath the Waves is outside and on the waters of the Caribbean, helping make their vision come true: oceans that have thriving shark populations.
Did you know that turtles belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world? Did you also know marine turtles actually swam with the dinosaurs millions of years ago?
We have to move from agreeing on what to do to doing what has been agreed upon to protect the planet from global warming, said chief of UN Environment’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit Tim Christophersen during an interview with the Global Landscapes Forum.
A multi-million pound project led by UNEP-WCMC is announced today, aiming to make trade a positive force for both marginalised people and nature conservation.
From searching for insects, to birds, to different plant species with their unique names, animals, nature lovers in December braved the Lonyiri 25km nature walk in Kidepo valley national park and ventured out in the newly discovered nature walk, to indulge in nature.
Sacred groves in Kerala temple helped preserve the bio-diversity of the land. While many have disappeared now, in others, temples have grown bigger and wide roads paved through these forest patches.
Thousands of environmentally important sites across England are coming under threat as the government body charged with their care struggles with understaffing, slashed budgets and an increasing workload.
The data obtained from India’s tiger action plan (2012-2018) released on Monday shows that despite the tiger population increasing, the tiger habitats and corridors have witnessed urgent need of protection especially after scores of incidents were tigers were killed while traversing these corrid ...
The government plans to designate waters around the Izu-Ogasawara oceanic trench as a marine protected area (MPA) that limits fishing and other human activities.
Microplastics flushed into the oceans are causing mussels to lose their grip, a new study warned. The tiny particles of plastic fragments are affecting the ability of mussels to attach themselves to their surroundings and triggering an immune response in the mollusc.
A new NASA study shows that warming of the tropical oceans due to climate change could lead to a substantial increase in the frequency of extreme rain storms by the end of the century.
Did you know that on June 8, 2019, the world will be celebrating World Oceans Day? Did you also know that 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans? If you didn't know, you should be thanking me right now. Without the oceans right now you and I might be nonexistent. Every living thing on t ...
While attempts to reduce plastic usage have taken many forms, including McGill’s plastic water bottle ban and much ado about straws, some McGill researchers are approaching the situation from a different angle, by replacing the controversial polymers with biodegradable alternatives.
The traditional dhow is made from wood, but an ambitious new project is making waves in the waters of East Africa. A dhow made entirely from recycled plastic aims to go on at least two expeditions this year.
The US icebreaker Nathaniel B Palmer leaves Punta Arenas in Chile on Tuesday to begin an expedition to Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier. The huge ice stream in West Antarctica is currently melting, and scientists want to understand its likely future contribution to sea-level rise.
A coalition of investors is calling on McDonalds, KFC, and other fast food suppliers to take swift action on climate change. The group, with around $6.5 trillion under management, want the chains to cut carbon and water risks in their dairy and meat suppliers.
A 30-year-old orca whale has died after a brief illness at SeaWorld Orlando, the park announced on Monday. Kayla, who was born in captivity in Texas in 1988, was one of 20 whales still housed at the company's parks.
When it comes to trees storing carbon, don't underestimate the little guys, according to new study.Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their roots and leaves. Florida International University ecologist Jason Vleminckx and a team of researchers found small trees can st ...
In pursuit of wealth creation and economic development we are destroying the very nature we depend on - this must change, says Maxwell Gomera
We've known for a while that honey bees are smart cookies. They have excellent navigation skills, they communicate symbolically through dance, and they're the only insects that have been shown to learn abstract concepts.
Seal behaviour in the Antarctic will be studied by academics from the University of St Andrews to find out how fast a massive glacier is melting.
For the past few million years the world's oceans have existed in a slightly alkaline state, with an average pH of 8.2. Now, with carbon emissions escalating, there is more CO₂ in the world's atmosphere. This dissolves in the oceans, altering the chemistry of the seawater by lowering the pH and ...
For the first time, scientists have read the whole genetic code of one single tiny mosquito. Traditionally, it has been difficult to extract enough DNA from insects and other small organisms to build a high quality genome for a single individual.
North America’s fox squirrel, the venomous striped eel catfish (SN: 4/29/17, p. 28) and 64 other species are now considered invasive threats to existing species in the European Union, scientists report online on December 12 in Global Change Biology. Emphasis on the word ‘threat.’ None of these o ...
Chinese researchers in biodiversity have announced that they have identified a new species of toad in southwest China's Yunnan Province.
Our oceans are linked intrinsically to the health of our planet. The sea sequesters much of the carbon dioxide that we have released into the atmosphere, thereby slowing global warming.
Climate change is likely to push Europe’s critically endangered eels even closer to extinction, a new study have revealed.Populations have been in freefall for decades due to a combination of overfishing, pollution and dams being constructed along rivers, blocking their traditional migration routes.
For the first time, scientists have linked climate change to the mass migration flows that followed the Arab Spring in North Africa and the Middle East a few years ago.
Hollywood star and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was pictured in a friendly exchange with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on Tuesday after the pair met to discuss the upcoming Austrian World Summit.
Even if we somehow stopped climate change dead in its tracks right now, recent research shows that more than a third of the world’s 200,000 glaciers would melt anyway.
ASEAN Biodiversity Hero from Malaysia Professor Emeritus Dr. Abdul Hamid Zakri was one of the awardees of the prestigious 2018 Midori Prize for Biodiversity which “honors three individuals who have made outstanding contributions to conservation and sustainable use at local and global levels, and ...
Participation is widely seen as a cornerstone of sustainable resource management, and it’s a pillar of Kenya’s 2010 constitution, too. In the remote highland forests and water catchments of the country’s Rift Valley region, the involvement of the community in undertaking science work has deliver ...
While Amazon rainforests remain the world’s largest intact forest, according to recent research, the seemingly untouched forests were in fact manmade food forests. For thousands of years, humans were dependent on forests for food. In time, villages and farms replaced forests.
If you see a forest in Ethiopia, you know there is very likely to be a church in the middle, says Alemayehu Wassie. Wassie, a forest ecologist, has spent the past decade on a mission: preserving, documenting and protecting the unique biodiversity in pockets of forest that surround Ethiopia’s ort ...
We tend to think of insects and bugs with the words “harmful “and “pests” unaware that worldwide, just a little bit of fraction, no more than 20 percent of all insects, cause harm to humans or damage crops.
Those were just drops of honey, they were so incredibly sweet,” says German artist Uli Westphal. “Those were really magnificent. And they were tiny, like the red currant berry.”
Si Brasil integra el cultivo de caña de azúcar para etanol con la alimentación del ganado bovino en las mismas tierras de producción, contribuiría a satisfacer las demandas mundiales de alimentación y combustible sostenible sin aumentar la deforestación ni promover ninguna otra forma de cambio e ...
In a consensus document posted online this week, some of the world’s largest conservation organizations are calling for 30 percent of the planet to be managed for nature by 2030—and for half the planet to be protected by 2050. But exactly what counts as “protected”—and how countries can reach th ...