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  • Side Events (2627)



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2627 Results
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Result 901 to 950

Side Event
COP 10

Results and impacts of the first phase of implementation of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (Arpa), in Brazil

Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (Arpa) is a programme of the Brazilian government to protect 60 million hectares of natural ecosystems in the Amazon region of Brazil, aiming to conserve a representative portion of the Brazilian Amazon biodiversity, to maintain important ecosystem services ...

Side Event
COP 10

As the World Burns: Soap Operas and Social Marketing as Tools to Combat Climate Change in the Caribbean

Small islands are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, protected areas, economies, tourism and the communities that live there. While global attention has been brought to bear on this issue, there remains a critical communications challenge: how to effectively en ...

Side Event
COP 10
Side Event
COP 10

Removing barriers and encouraging participation in data sharing

The Friends of the Conservation Commons came into force in January 2010 (www.conservationcommons.net) through signature of the Charter by three founding members. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (U ...

Side Event
COP 10

International Youth Work for Biodiversity

Youth from fourteen countries have drafted an International Youth Accord on Biodiversity. This side event will showcase the Accord, and highlight youth biodiversity projects from around the world with various speakers and multimedia presentations. It will also include a framework for youth rep ...

Side Event
COP 10

Integrating Religious Values and Greater Stakeholder Participation into Environmental Governance

Organised by VIVAT International, an international Catholic NGO, and the Institute for Social Ethics of VIVAT's affiliate, Nanzan University, a Catholic university in Nagoya. The panel of two Catholic religious and a lay member of an Anglican order will open the discussion on the need for a m ...

Side Event
COP 10

Vanishing Tiger - Will the iconic species and Asian Biodiversity survive the Asia century?

This side event will explore the relationship between the strengthening position of Asian countries and the survival of its rich biodiversity, including the Tiger. The 21st Century is commonly regarded as the Asia Century. The Asian Development Bank estimates that about $750 billion per year wil ...

Side Event
COP 10

International Wetland Awards

The World Wetland Network (WWN) is running a new international NGO wetland awards scheme and will be announcing the winners at the CBD CoP 10. Awards will be given for best practice in wetland management, best wetland restoration scheme, and highlighting wetlands at risk.

Side Event
COP 10

Activities for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Hyogo Prefecture

In accordance with its“Hyogo Biodiversity Strategy” the Prefectural Government is undertaking, together with people of Hyogo, NPOs and private companies, significant efforts, for example, in order to improve and revitalize the ecosystem of“Satoyama”, and use the outcomes and experiences of this ...

Side Event
COP 10

Sacred Natural Sites; Conserving Biological and Cultural Diversity

Sacred Natural Sites are considered nodes of biological and cultural diversity that form a global, physical as well as a social conservation network which is currently unrecognized, underfunded and under threat. While launching the book “Sacred Natural Sites; Conserving Nature and Culture” this ...

Side Event
COP 10

Strengthening Governments- Civil Society partnerships for enhanced CBD implementation

Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado will preside over this event which will present how the BirdLife International Partnership, a science-based organisation with local-global structure that is made up of more than 100 non-governmental organisations, is collaborating with CBD Parties and the ...

Side Event
COP 10

See what we see, Hear what we say....

We want to show climate disaster pictures of Bangladesh that is, see what we see and we want to let the world know about Bangladesh and their duties for climate that is, hear what we say...

Side Event
COP 10


Presentations and panel discussion addressing major activities of Life on Earth Committee that has been formed across public and private sectors, and industrial and academic institutions. A goal of the Committee is to promote and facilitate understanding of the importance of domestic biodiversit ...

Side Event
COP 10

Biodiversity and Marine protected areas: Building capacities for the development of regional MPAs networks toward effective large marine ecosystem-based management

Panel session with three components : 1. Presentations of the recommendations on “ Biodiversity and MPAs” - 5th Global Ocean Conference in Paris-UNESCO – May 2010 ( session "preserving life" implemented by French Marine Protected Areas Agency) 2. Regional MPAs networks initiatives: - CAMPAN ...

Side Event
COP 10

UNESCO's Man and Biosphere (MAB) Program, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Japanese activities

Symposium will be held on MAB activities in Japan and the world linked with ESD to highlight the relationship with “sustainable use of ecosystem services”, in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japanese Ministry of the En ...

Side Event
COP 10

Sustainable Infrastructure Development consistent with biodiversity conservation in Japan

Japanese approaches (experiences and techniques) for harmonizing development and biodiversity will be presented to formulate agreements on the Revised Strategic Plan of the Convention. Japan has experienced environmental problems caused by rapid development, and has solved them through various ...

Side Event
COP 10

Nuts and bolts: putting together financial sustainability of protected area systems

Over the past two years, The Nature Conservancy and UNDP have collaborated with 18 govts in the Latin America Region to better understand the existing and needed levels of financing for protected area systems to meet the targets of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas. Coupled with econ ...

Side Event
COP 10


This side event will highlight experiences acquired through the GEF’s programmatic approach to biodiversity conservation in West and Central Africa. Lessons and best practices will be presented. Delivering impacts in the field will be the guiding thread. Take home messages and recommendations fo ...

Side Event
COP 10


Demostrate progress in the implementation of the program of work of protected area in the Amazon Biome, as complementarity effort among the Amazonian countries’ national system of protected areas. The Ecosystem Based Vision of Biodiversity Conseration for the Amazon Biome has the goal of comple ...

Side Event
COP 10

Ocean Industry Leadership in Addressing Marine Biodiversity Challenges

The World Ocean Council is the international, cross-sectoral industry leadership alliance on ocean sustainability that is tackling the single most important factor affecting marine biodiversity - the way business is done in the marine environment. The ocean supports a wide range of uses - shippi ...

Side Event
COP 10


A side event to present The Green Wave its achievements and various activities and chart its future.

Side Event
COP 10

Temperate Grasslands Conservation Initiative

An information and discussion session about the world's most altered biome and the earth's most endangered ecosystem - temperate grasslands. The event will further discuss the Temperate Grasslands Conservation Initiative (TGCI) and the work TGCI is doing to protect temperate grasslands across ...

Side Event
COP 10

Heart of Borneo Trilateral Event: From Vision to Action

The main purpose of this event is to celebrate achievements in the Trilateral Implementation of the Heart of Borneo Initiative, launch their commitments to sustainable financing and joint support to REDD+ in the Heart of Borneo.

Side Event
COP 10

Corporate Reporting on Ecosystem services

The Global Reporting Initiative, UNEP WCMC and CREM release research and development publication on Ecosystem Services and Sustainability Reporting. The publication is designed to support existing producers of sustainability reports and to support future GRI Working Groups seeking to devleop sec ...

Side Event
COP 10

The Rights on Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas: identifying criteria for the Work Program on Protected Areas

Protected areas will fail in their delivery if the interests of local communities are ignored. Too often are the rights of indigenous peoples to their land ignored when protected areas are being identified and proposed. ‘Consent’ and ‘control’ are benchmarks against which the establishment and ...

Side Event
COP 10

Global partnership for ecosystem valuation and wealth accounting: learning from other initiatives and country experiences

Biologically diverse ecosystems in countries served by the World Bank provide an array of valuable economic services to people. The benefits of conserving ecosystems frequently outweigh the costs but conversion occurs anyway, because many ecosystem benefits are public goods. Some public goods ...

Side Event
COP 10

The Sangha Tri-National Landscape: an African Test-Bed for Conservation Innovation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

The Sangha Tri-National (TNS) Landscape in Central Africa covers over 32,000 km2 and includes three contiguous national parks managed in coordination with each other: Lobeke National Park in Cameroon, Dzanga-Ndoki National Park in the Central African Republic, and Nouabale-Ndoki National Park in ...

Side Event
COP 10

Investing in Biodiversity and Economic Prosperity: An Integrated Approach to an economically and environmentally prosperous Greater Mekong Subregion

In 1992, the governments of the six countries that host the Mekong River formed the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program, a platform for promoting investments in key priority sectors through stronger economic integration. As with economic development challenges, threats to biod ...

Side Event
COP 10

The Universal Value of Biodiverse “Ussuri Taiga” Forest of Southern Russian Far East: Tiger Protection and Indigenous Peoples Sustainability

Middle and Upper Bikin River basin (11,500 km2), a habitat for about 50 Amur tigers and a traditional homeland of the Udege and other indigenous peoples is in need of international attention and effective conservation as the area contains the largest intact Ussuri-Taiga forest in southern Russia ...

Side Event
COP 10

Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (AP-BON)

Introduction of the progress and implementation plan of AP-BON as a regional network under GEO-BON, which aims to strengthen scientific basis for biodiversity observation through integration of data and information in Asia-Pacific region.

Side Event
COP 10


Launch by South Africa’s Minister of Environmental Affairs, Minister Buyelwa Sonjica, on behalf of the Department of Environmental Affairs, in collaboration with the South African National Biodiversity Institute, supported by the United Nations Development Programme, of a publication aimed at a ...

Side Event
COP 10

FPIC: Experiences of Indigenous Peoples

The SEARCO and IPF, with support from Misereor conducted a two year project on FPIC aimed at learning from direct experiences of indigenous communities. The project looked at how FPIC was used by indigenous communities in securing their rights to lands and resources, including biological resour ...

Side Event
COP 10

Health, Biodiversity and Traditional knowledge: Strengthening linkages

The side event will focus on mechanisms to advance self reliance in health and nutritional security at a local community level. Case studies will be used to demonstrate how available biological resources and specific knowledge within communities can be utilized for this purpose, through a proce ...

Side Event
COP 10

Engaging the CBD to Build on Existing Biofuel Sustainability Initiatives

The primary objective of this side event is to demonstrate how existing biofuel guidelines and standards address ways and means to promote the positive and minimize the negative impacts of the production and use of biofuels on biodiversity. Additional objectives are to discuss the linkages to ot ...

Side Event
COP 10

Where the Wild Things Are: The Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) and an A-Z of sites of biodiversity importance for business

The Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) for Business provides key decision-makers with access to comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date biodiversity information to support critical decisions. For the first time, users can access critical biodiversity information at the site level whic ...

Side Event
COP 10

USAID’s Biodiversity Programs: International Development through Conservation Action

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) invests more than $US 200 million per year in biodiversity conservation in approximately 60 countries. For more than 30 years, USAID has supported projects that promote conservation of species and habitats in ways that reduce poverty and impro ...

Side Event
COP 10

Improving PA Governance for Secure Livelihoods and PoWPA Implementation in Southern Africa

Effective and equitable governance is critical in helping to ensure that protected areas (PAs) meet their conservation objectives, while enhancing livelihood security of local people. Governance is an important element in the realization of CBD objectives, in particular within the Programme of W ...

Side Event
COP 10

Ecosystem based management and adaption lessons from the Pacific

As part of the Pacific's celebration of the International Year of Biodiversity, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)-Fiji and its partners will launch an Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) guide for the EBM practitioners in the Tropical Western Pacific, which is based on lesson learned from four ye ...

Side Event
COP 10

Waste and Biodiversity

Waste mangaement based on 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) approach helps towards biodiversity. On the one hand, reduced levels of waste generation, or efficient use of resources, would reduce the burden on natural resources including forests and water; thus, leading to conserve and support biodiv ...

Side Event
COP 10


ETC Group will provide the latest updates on Terminator, Trancontainer and other ways that terminator technology is rearing its ugly head.

Side Event
COP 10

Facing the Challenges of Mountain Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Changing Climate across the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region

During the side event, ICIMOD aims to invite a high level delegation from its eight regional member countries namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region. A panel discussion by the high level delegation is envisaged. ...

Side Event
COP 10

Integrating Biodiversity management into the building materials sector

The event will focus on what are the risks and opportunities related to biodiversity in the building material sector. The Biodiversity Management System, which has been proposed for Holcim by the IUCN-Holcim Independent Expert panel will be presented, followed by an interactive discussion on the ...

Side Event
COP 10

An Attempt of Higher Education to Integrate the Rio Conventions – Seeking Environmental Leaders for Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Desertification

This event intends to introduce unique and ambitious higher education program, Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP). NUGELP focuses simultaneously three crucial areas such as biodiversity, climate change, and water and waste management. This combination is rare as one ...

Side Event
COP 10

The Green Development Mechanism (GDM) and innovative finance

In light of the deliberations of the Parties on innovative financial mechanisms, this side event will explore how a GDM could generate additional funding from the private sector in support of biodiversity and development. A high-level panel will discuss the case for further consultation and work ...

Side Event
COP 10

A Joint Programme of Work on biological and Cultural Diversity

The International Conference on Biological and Cultural Diversity – for development, held in Montreal 8-10 June 2010, with over 230 participants from Parties, International organizations, IPOs, NGOs and civil society, has recommended a joint programme of work lead by UNESCO and the SCBD to explo ...

Side Event
COP 10


In response to the emerging reality of natural resource limits, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, business must anticipate new and changing policies and regulatory frameworks to be developed and deployed by governments to address these pressing environmental challenges. However, busin ...

Side Event
COP 10

Hyogo Environmental NGO/NPO Symposium Resolutions

Global climate change is predicted to have profound effects upon ecological systems and human society. The conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use are also challenges of great importance for mankind as means of addressing global climate change. To slow down global climate change and ...

Side Event
COP 10

OISCA's Experience in Sustainable Agriculture with Agro-Ecosystems and Biological Diversity Conservation

OISCA International, has approximately 50 years experience as the NGO involves an international cooperation and rural development in the Asia-Pacific region. Among the OISCA experience, especially the rural development of sustainable agriculture and human resources development with training of o ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 901 to 950
Results for: ("Side Events")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme