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Study explores how temperate rainforests can aid the fight against climate change

There is global recognition that woodland expansion could be one of the most effective solutions in the fight against climate change. However, new research has shown that the level of growth needed to produce the amount of trees required by UK targets is unlikely to be achieved through natural m ...

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Report outlines how oceanographic infrastructure can reach net zero

A new review has outlined how the UK's oceanographic research infrastructure must transition to become net zero by 2040. The report supports UK Research and Innovation's (UKRI) target of becoming net zero by 2040. It was led by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) working with seven other lead ...

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Scientists Express Need for Transformative Changes To Halt Biodiversity Loss

More than 50 scientists from 23 countries came together to deliver to governments a synthesis of the science informing and underpinning 21 targets laid out in Aichi Biodiversity Targets. These 21 targets are referred to as post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and are part of the UN Conv ...

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First NI environment strategy 'should be more ambitious

More than 30 organisations and individuals have called for greater ambition in Northern Ireland's first-ever environment strategy. It comes after a Stormont committee was told the target for increasing woodland cover was outdated.

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Biodiversity faces its make-or-break year, and research will be key

Biodiversity is being lost at a rate not seen since the last mass extinction. But the United Nations decade-old plan to slow down and eventually stop the decline of species and ecosystems by 2020 has failed. Most of the plan’s 20 targets — known as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets — have not been met.

News Headlines

Siam City Cement Group and IUCN continue partnership to support SCCC Group’s sustainability ambition 2030 and biodiversity conservation in Asia

Siam City Cement Group (SCCC Group) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) extended their partnership for another three years by formalizing a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) recently to support the implementation of the INSEE Sustainability Ambition 2030 targeting N ...

News Headlines

Reversing destruction of biodiversity should be top priority

Over 50 experts say reversing biodiversity loss will take take more than placing protection on land and sea zones. Setting aside 30% of the worlds land and oceans is just measure one of the 21 targets in the first draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), however experts are saying even ...

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Germany ‘must triple pace of emissions cuts’ to meet 2030 target

Germany missed its climate target for 2021 and is likely to miss them again this year and next, according to vice chancellor Robert Habeck, who said the country “must triple the pace of emission cuts” to reach its 2030 goals.

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Scottish forestry’s ambitious targets to balance environmental, economic and social outcomes

Well before world leaders headed to Glasgow for November’s COP26, the Scottish Government, along with the rest of the UK, had already committed to some very ambitious tree-planting targets.

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New tool launched to track Europe’s 3bn trees target

Under the European Green Deal, the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 commits to planting at least 3 billion additional trees in the EU by 2030.

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In wildlife traffickers, the internet finds a cancel target everyone agrees on

But as more tech companies join the cause, and algorithms to weed out trafficking keywords grow more sophisticated, traffickers are becoming savvier and evolving new ways to keep operating in the internet’s vast gray zone.

News Headlines

How Fashion Can Deliver on COP26 Ambitions

Amid mounting evidence of fashion’s dramatically negative climate impact, countries, communities and companies are mobilising around protecting the planet. However, a new era of climate action will be required if fashion is to meet ambitious targets to reverse the damage being done.

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COP26: UK 'nowhere near' meeting targets agreed at Glasgow climate summit

The UK is "nowhere near" meeting emissions targets enshrined at the Glasgow climate summit, official advisers have warned.

News Headlines

Stand against climate crisis is stand against gender violence

The climate crisis and environmental degradation are fuelling gender-based violence. Women and gender minorities at the forefront of environmental resistance movements are a prime target of violence. They are threatened, intimidated, attacked, or killed while defending their homes, communities, ...

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Island conservationists identify key barriers to meeting biodiversity targets

The failure to meet global biodiversity targets clearly indicates the need for more effective biodiversity management and conservation efforts, and this in turn requires better understanding of the current barriers to success.

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The barriers to achieving island biodiversity targets

A study indicates the greater necessity for biodiversity conservation, analysing 33 barriers to reaching biodiversity targets and how nations are to better manage island ecosystems

News Headlines

Island conservationists identify key barriers to meeting biodiversity targets

Research with island conservationists in the Western Indian Ocean revealed a raft of barriers operating across management levels, which interfere with their ability to achieve local and national conservation objectives. The most common problems were limited capacity, limited resources and a lack ...

News Headlines

Big banks want to act on climate change — so what's stopping them?

As the dust settles from the recent UN climate summit in Glasgow, there's still plenty of debate about what was actually accomplished at COP26 and how various nations will reach the lofty environmental targets they've pledged.

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To limit future flooding in Sydney, COP26 pledges need action

It's easy to get lost in the numbers from COP26. For two weeks, world leaders gathered to discuss emissions reduction targets for the next five years.

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‘A step in the right direction’: EU reacts to COP26 deal

The United Nations target of containing global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius “remains within reach, but the work is far from done,” said Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission.

News Headlines

How the circular economy can help transform food to fight climate crisis and build biodiversity

With the climate and biodiversity COPs in progress, one part of the economy increasingly finds itself in the spotlight: food. Our current food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss and accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, spurring businesses and policymakers alike ...

News Headlines

COP26: Draft deal calls for stronger carbon cutting targets by end of 2022

Countries are being urged to strengthen their carbon-cutting targets by the end of 2022 in a draft agreement published at the COP26 Glasgow climate summit.

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China’s top Cop26 delegate says it is taking ‘real action’ on climate targets

China has detailed and concrete plans on how to meet its climate commitments, and is pushing those plans forward vigorously, unlike some countries that are “paying lip service” to their climate targets, the head of delegation for China at the Cop26 climate talks has said.

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Cop26 is creating false hope for a 1.5C rise – the stark reality is very different

Since the Paris agreement in 2015, countries around the world have promised ambitious action on climate change. Six years later, it is clear that they haven’t followed through on that promise. In the latest analysis carried out by Climate Action Tracker, published today, we find that the vast ma ...

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Hit $100bn target or poor countries face climate disaster, the Gambia tells Cop26

Rich countries must hit their $100bn climate finance target in the last week of Cop26 or it will be catastrophic for the poorest nations suffering the most from the climate crisis, the Gambian environment minister has warned.


Invitation to the webinar on proposed headline indicators for access and benefit-sharing: Goal C and Target 13 of the draft post-2020 global biodiversity framework - 23 November 2021

Reference: SCBD/NPU/DC/TS/JR/89990 (2021-077)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant organizations

pdf English 
News Headlines

Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation

The need to mitigate climate change, and the role that nature can play in doing so, are recognized under multilateral agreements, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). However, we are collectively on a path ...

News Headlines

CoP26: Humanity is compressing millions of years of natural change into just a few centuries

Many numbers are swirling around the climate negotiations at the United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, CoP26. These include global warming targets of 1.5 degrees Celsius and 2.0℃, recent warming of 1.1℃, remaining carbon dioxide budget of 400 billion tonnes, or current atmospheric CO2 of 415 ...

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Ireland would need to cull up to 1.3 million cattle to reach climate targets

Up to 1.3 million cattle would have to be culled in Ireland to reach anticipated government targets for reducing greenhouse gases in the agriculture sector, a new report has concluded.

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COP26: US to stop methane leaks from oil and gas wells

The US is set to announce measures to prevent millions of tonnes of the greenhouse gas methane from entering the atmosphere. The measures will target methane leaking from oil and gas rigs across the US.

News Headlines

Leaders issue doomsday warning to tackle climate crisis

World leaders ramped up the rhetoric on Monday in an attempt to revive sputtering international climate negotiation. The COP26 conference in the Scottish city of Glasgow opened on Monday, a day after the G20 economies failed to commit to a 2050 target to halt net-carbon emissions – a deadline wi ...

News Headlines

G20 Leaders Agree To 1.5°C Global Warming Target With 'effective & Meaningful Actions'

The global leaders at the just-concluded Group of Twenty (G20) Summit committed to the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C with "meaningful and effective actions", apart from many other concrete decisions on "sustainable and inclusive growth (of) Countries...across the world".

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World Leaders to Focus on Climate Change as Major Conference Opens

More than 100 world leaders are gathering for a summit Monday as work begins at a two-week U.N. climate conference, with areas of focus expected to include pledges for emissions targets and funding to help developing nations cope with impacts from climate change.

News Headlines

Hard or soft law: what’s the status of EU sustainable agriculture goals?

With the recent reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the European Commission wants to make the EU’s farming subsidy programme more performance-oriented. However, non-binding targets and national leeway might hinder the Commission’s quest to keep track of results.

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Canada’s marine protected areas aren’t as safe as you think

As the globe’s “do or die” UN climate conference gets underway next week, Canada must scale up efforts to meet its ambitious ocean conservation targets to simultaneously prevent the wholesale collapse of marine biodiversity and tackle climate change, experts say.

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If all 2030 climate targets are met, the planet will heat by 2.7 C this century

If nations make good on their latest promises to reduce emissions by 2030, the planet will warm by at least 2.7℃ this century, a report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has found. This overshoots the crucial internationally agreed temperature rise of 1.5℃.

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For Canada, meeting its current climate targets will be complicated and expensive

The historical pattern holds true with past agreements struck in Rio, Kyoto and Copenhagen. To meet the Paris target and the federal government's revised target unveiled this summer, considerable change is necessary.

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How to know if a country is serious about net zero: Look at its plans for extracting fossil fuels

Fresh emissions targets from Saudi Arabia and Australia—two of the world's largest fossil-fuel producers—are due to arrive just in time for global climate talks in Glasgow. These would commit the two countries to reducing domestic emissions to net zero by around mid-century—though both are expec ...

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Climate finance for poor countries to hit $100bn target by 2023, says report

The longstanding target for providing climate finance to the developing world will be met within two years, according to a report ahead of the UN Cop26 climate summit.

News Headlines

Biodiversity: world leaders are negotiating new targets to protect nature by 2030 – the story so far

This online event will be followed by an in-person one in Geneva in January 2022, and negotiations will formally end in April 2022 in Kunming, China, where the world will agree a post-2020 global biodiversity framework with targets for the next decade.Most countries 196 in total, with the US bei ...

News Headlines

Video: How can we eat without cooking the planet?

Professor Susan Jebb , Oxford's diet and population health expert maintains, "We cannot meet Net Zero targets without changing our diet.". Talking in the latest of 10 videos from leading Oxford experts in the run up to the COP26 climate conference, Professor Jebb points out that agriculture acco ...

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Climate action needed to avert 'health catastrophe'

To achieve sustained recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and avoid an "impending health catastrophe," countries must commit to targeted action on climate change, health experts have urged ahead of the UN climate summit, COP26.

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Biodiversity: world leaders are negotiating new targets to protect nature by 2030 – the story so far

“Putting biodiversity on a path to recovery is a defining challenge of this decade.” So begins the Kunming Declaration on biodiversity, adopted at the 15th UN biodiversity conference on October 13 2021, otherwise known as COP15.

News Headlines

China’s ecological red line system, BRI to help countries achieve post-2020 targets

China expressed a strong ambition to further strengthen biodiversity protection at the first global meeting convened by the UN on ecological civilization on Monday, and analysts who highlighted China's achievements in and contributions to the global biodiversity agenda believe many of China's pr ...

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World Leaders mobilise resources to combat biodiversity crisis and Build Back Better

Governments adopted a high-level declaration to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 and provide the political momentum needed to meet the targets of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. TRAFFIC is encouraged by the commitments made at the UN Biodiversity Conference 2020 in Kunming, China, ...

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30×30 is not a one-size-fits-all biodiversity target (commentary)

The recently issued Kunming Declaration from the High-Level Segment of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference lays the foundation for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to be negotiated next year. Its stated goal is to reverse the extinction crisis and build an “ecological civ ...

News Headlines

Funding, indigenous people key to success

This week's online summit Part One sets the stage for a decisive face-to-face meeting in April. Among the new targets is one advanced by the Campaign for Nature (CFN): protect 30 per cent of the world's land and marine areas by 2030. These should consist of protected areas and "other effective a ...

News Headlines

Businesses Urge World Leaders to Do More on Biodiversity

As the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) takes place remotely this month (October 11-15, 2021), chief executives of a number of major companies have signed an open letter from the Business for Nature coalition to world leaders, urging them to do more and to set more ambitious targets on biodive ...

News Headlines

Danish envoy hails China’s handling of wandering elephants

The political leadership of China, the presidency of the COP15, takes the biodiversity issue seriously so that it's important for the rest of the world to follow suit amid insufficient efforts to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, set up 10 years ago, the Ambassador of Denmark to China said ...

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Results for: "aichi targets"
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme