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News Headlines

Second Committee Approves Resolutions on Climate, SIDS, Biodiversity

The UN General Assembly’s committee on economic and financial issues (Second Committee) completed its work for the 76th session. The Committee, which had the first all-woman Bureau in the Committee’s history, reached agreement on guidance on biodiversity, convening conferences on SIDS and LLDCs ...

News Headlines

European Green Deal: Commission welcomes political agreement on the 8th Environment Action Programme

The Commission welcomes the provisional agreement reached yesterday between the European Parliament and the Council on the 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP). The 8th EAP anchors the member states' and Parliament's commitment to environmental and climate action until 2030, guided by a long-t ...

News Headlines

COP26 Strengthens Role of Indigenous Experts and Stewardship of Nature

At the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow in November, direct and unprecedented engagement between indigenous peoples, local communities and governments helped unlock sustainable and resilient ways to achieve the Paris Agreement commitments and reverse biodiversity decline. For the fi ...

News Headlines

US cities working to reduce emissions in the absence of bold action in Washington

After the Cop26 conference ended in Glasgow, many activists and climate scientists felt the agreement didn’t go far enough and that the US government was among those who had not backed strong words with enough actual deeds.

News Headlines

The world has made more progress on climate change than you might think, or might have predicted a decade ago

It must be painful for Boris Johnson to be a footnote, especially a footnote in French, but at the end of a very long two weeks, there were always only two outcomes possible at the UN climate summit in Glasgow. A Copenhagen-style meltdown, putting the implementation of the Paris Agreement on hol ...

News Headlines

US-China deal on emissions welcomed by global figures and climate experts

An unexpected agreement between the US and China to work together on cutting emissions has been broadly welcomed by leaders and climate experts.

News Headlines

COP26: US-China climate agreement and fossil fuel spending

There's been a cautious welcome by activists and politicians to the unexpected announcement that the US and China would work together to tackle climate change. The EU and UN say the declaration is encouraging, and an important step, while Greenpeace believes the two nations need to show greater ...

News Headlines

Options, options: As clock ticks on, climate talks wide open

Officials from almost 200 nations worked through the night at the UN climate talks in Glasgow, trying to hammer out agreements on a range of tricky topics in time for a Friday deadline.

News Headlines

COP26: UN chief calls for ambitious agreements as global warming goals on ‘life support’

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 F) is “on life support” with climate talks in Glasgow so far not reaching any of the U.N.’s three goals, but he added that “until the last moment, hope should be maintained.”

News Headlines

COP26: Draft deal calls for stronger carbon cutting targets by end of 2022

Countries are being urged to strengthen their carbon-cutting targets by the end of 2022 in a draft agreement published at the COP26 Glasgow climate summit.

News Headlines

Horse trading set to begin over agreement at COP26

The UK presidency team have set out an ambitious stall in their first attempt to capture progress here at COP26. As well as the specific items mentioned in the document, it also gives us a sense of how the negotiations are going more generally.

News Headlines

Cop26 is creating false hope for a 1.5C rise – the stark reality is very different

Since the Paris agreement in 2015, countries around the world have promised ambitious action on climate change. Six years later, it is clear that they haven’t followed through on that promise. In the latest analysis carried out by Climate Action Tracker, published today, we find that the vast ma ...

News Headlines

Barack Obama arrives in Glasgow ahead of appearance at COP26 today

FORMER US president Barack Obama has arrived in Glasgow ahead of his appearance at the COP26 climate summit. Obama was president as the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 at the COP21 summit in France.

News Headlines

Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation

The need to mitigate climate change, and the role that nature can play in doing so, are recognized under multilateral agreements, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). However, we are collectively on a path ...

News Headlines

World’s scientific advisers call for action on climate change

Senior science advisers and presidents of national science academies in more than 20 countries have signed a statement to world government leaders reiterating the existing scientific consensus and the need for immediate action to address climate change. The signatories call on world leaders to d ...

News Headlines

7 takeaways from COP26 Day 2: Biden slams Xi and Putin, a methane agreement and a deal on steel

he mood in Glasgow was optimistic on Tuesday as world leaders wrapped up their high-level summit at the COP26 climate conference. Several major announcements brightened the outlook on whether the meeting can achieve meaningful results.

News Headlines

‘Either we stop it, or it stops us’: Top quotes from COP26 climate change summit

The summit comes six years after the Paris Agreement was signed by over 190 countries to limit rising global temperatures to well below 2 degree C with a view of reaching 1.5 degree C.

News Headlines

Slow Food at COP26

“Slow Food is ready to make its voice heard during COP26, together with civil society and young people, because the next world climate conference in Glasgow starting on November 1st must accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, ...

News Headlines

Climate and biodiversity: These historic COPs that have marked global climate policy

“The Paris climate agreement is accepted! It was six years ago, during the COP21 in Paris. Laurent Fabius then struck with his hammer the historic approval of a hitherto unprecedented climate agreement.

News Headlines

Wading into uncharted waters of financial evaluation of biodiversity – Endangered Wildlife OÜ

Start-ups have gained a worldwide reputation as movers and shakers of climate-friendly policies. Here in the Baltics, with the European Green Deal and Paris Agreement as north stars, a number of Baltic start-ups are harnessing climate impact technologies towards true industry transformation unde ...

News Headlines

Why the COP26 climate summit will be both crucial and disappointing

“The rain it raineth every day,” Feste tells the audience at the end of “Twelfth Night”. And the cop it coppeth every year. Since 1995 the countries bound by the un Framework Convention on Climate Change (unfccc) have missed only one conference of the parties—when the pandemic struck in 2020. Th ...

News Headlines

For Canada, meeting its current climate targets will be complicated and expensive

The historical pattern holds true with past agreements struck in Rio, Kyoto and Copenhagen. To meet the Paris target and the federal government's revised target unveiled this summer, considerable change is necessary.

News Headlines

I chaired Cop21 when we delivered the Paris agreement. We must go further in Glasgow

In the fight against global warming, the 2015 Cop21 meeting that yielded the Paris agreement has become the landmark Cop. Glasgow Cop26 must be an accelerator of action.

News Headlines

How do we feed our growing population?

Near-record on-farm prices for meat and milk, free-trade agreements that will reduce tariffs ... the news for farmers appears to be getting better and better.

News Headlines

Stop overfishing or we’ll buy elsewhere, top UK fish firm warns European states

The UK’s largest seafood processor is threatening to stop sourcing fish from the north-east Atlantic unless coastal states, including the UK and countries in the EU, reach a suitable agreement on managing populations this month.

News Headlines

Multilateral Environmental Agreements on Chemicals and Waste, Ozone Depletion and Biodiversity

Trinidad and Tobago is leading the way in providing solutions to global environmental issues through multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)

News Headlines

Biodiversity: world leaders are negotiating new targets to protect nature by 2030 – the story so far

This online event will be followed by an in-person one in Geneva in January 2022, and negotiations will formally end in April 2022 in Kunming, China, where the world will agree a post-2020 global biodiversity framework with targets for the next decade.Most countries 196 in total, with the US bei ...

News Headlines

Nature doesn't recognise borders but countries can collaborate to save species—the Escazú Agreement shows how

Nature rarely recognizes national borders. Many Australian birds, for example, are annual visitors, splitting their time between Southeast Asia, Russia, and Pacific Islands.

News Headlines

UN biodiversity talks in China end in funding pledges to reduce loss of species

China, the European Union and Japan were among countries pledging to spend more on slowing down the rapid loss of species at talks this week in China to prepare for a new global biodiversity pact. But critics says the final agreement amounts to a "toothless tiger"

News Headlines

The five biggest threats to our natural world … and how we can stop them

The world’s wildlife populations have plummeted by more than two-thirds since 1970 – and there are no signs that this downward trend is slowing. The first phase of Cop15 talks in Kunming this week will lay the groundwork for governments to draw up a global agreement next year to halt the loss of ...

News Headlines

COP15, COP26 : why two COPs?

The best-known COP is the one on climate. The climate conference takes place every year in different countries. The COP in France in 2015 gave birth to the Paris Agreement on climate change.

News Headlines

World committed to reversing biodiversity loss by 2030: Declaration

The Kunming Declaration, the newest globally-recognized agreement on biological diversity, calls for urgent and integrated action for transformative change for nature and people in order to stop the ongoing biodiversity crisis.

News Headlines

Halt destruction of nature or risk ‘dead planet’, leading businesses warn

World leaders must do more to prevent the destruction of nature, business leaders have warned before a summit in China that aims to draw up a draft UN agreement for biodiversity.

News Headlines

Civil Society Calls On World Leaders To Put Human Rights At The Centre Of Environmental Policy

In the lead-up to historic agreements on climate and nature being made in the next month, more than 150 civil society and indigenous organisations, and academics, from more than 50 countries, have today published an open letter calling on world leaders to put human rights at the centre of enviro ...

News Headlines

Global vaccine rollout vital to securing deal for nature, warns UN biodiversity chief

Governments hoping for a global agreement to halt biodiversity loss must put more effort into access to Covid-19 vaccines for developing countries, the UN’s biodiversity chief has warned.

News Headlines

Not a single G20 country is in line with the Paris Agreement on climate, analysis shows

None of the world's major economies -- including the entire G20 -- have a climate plan that meets their obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement, according to an analysis published Wednesday, despite scientists' warning that deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are needed now.

News Headlines

Most plans for new coal plants scrapped since Paris agreement

The global pipeline of new coal power plants has collapsed since the 2015 Paris climate agreement, according to research that suggests the end of the polluting energy source is in sight.

News Headlines

Mobilizing Wetlands Action: The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands renews partnership with Danone

oday, the Convention on Wetlands and global food company Danone signed a new 3-year agreement to increase global visibility and understanding of wetlands among public and private sector decision-makers.

News Headlines

ILO and IUCN sign an agreement to harness interdependence between jobs and nature

he International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to raise awareness on the interdependence between jobs and nature.

Press Release

Government of Colombia to host hybrid Biodiversity PreCOP featuring heads of state and government to promote ambition for new global biodiversity agreement

Montreal, 26 August 2021 – The Government of Colombia, under the leadership of President Iván Duque Márquez, is hosting a hybrid Biodiversity PreCOP event on Monday, 30 August from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Colombia time/GMT-5) to discuss priorities and expectations for an ambitious and effective ...

News Headlines

Feature: Bringing the world together on climate change

For the past three decades, the international community has been increasingly aware of the seriousness of climate change and its potential impact on human populations. Since then, global efforts have been made to tackle this escalating issue – from the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 to the Paris Climate ...

News Headlines

Landmark Arctic fisheries agreement enters into force

In June, the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement entered into force, bringing to fruition a diplomatic effort that began more than a decade ago.

News Headlines

Delegates hash out UN biodiversity goals online

Paris: Country delegates met online on Monday to start tackling a draft agreement for the pandemic-delayed COP15 global summit on biodiversity, days after the new summit date of April 2022 was set.

News Headlines

Zimbabwe: AfCFTA Should Enhance Bio-Diversity Trading - UN

THE United Nations has called upon Africa to mainstream trade and bio-diversity to unlock wider economic potential under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The continent is regarded as one of the most bio-diverse regions on earth and yet commitments negotiated so far under the lan ...

News Headlines

After delays, U.N. biodiversity agreement expected next year

A United Nations biodiversity summit will be held in two parts, officials said late on Wednesday, confirming another delay to a much-needed global agreement to protect the planet’s nature.

News Headlines

COP15: In-person negotiations on global biodiversity treaty pushed back to 2022

World leaders were set to meet in person in Kunming, China for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15). The discussions were set to take place in order to ratify a “Paris-style” agreement to Earth's sixth mass extinction by improving bio ...

Press Release

New Global Biodiversity Agreement: China to Host a Two-Part Summit on Nature

Montreal, 18 August 2021 - Decisive in-person meetings on a highly-anticipated new UN agreement on biodiversity have been paused for a few more months by the coronavirus pandemic.

News Headlines

Climate scientists reach 'unequivocal' consensus on human-made warming in landmark report

An epochal new report from the world's top climate scientists warns that the planet will warm by 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next two decades without drastic moves to eliminate greenhouse gas pollution. The finding from the United Nations-backed group throws a key goal of the Paris Agreement into ...

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Result 51 to 100
Results for: "micro b3 agreement"
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme