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Announcement of Projects Selected to Receive Support from the Bio-Bridge Initiative Following the Fourth Call for Proposals

Reference: SCBD/IMS/NP/ET/CPa/89988 (2022-053)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 

6th European Congress of Conservation Biology: “Biodiversity crisis in a changing world”

22 - 26 August 2022, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czechia

News Headlines

‘It sustains us all’: IPBES report calls for accounting of nature’s diverse values

A focus on valuing nature through the lens of the market has contributed to the global biodiversity crisis, according to a recent report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

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United States announces partnership to reduce ocean plastic pollution in Indonesia

The United States, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program, joined Circulate Capital, an impact-focused investment management firm, and Prevented Ocean Plastic Southeast Asia (POPSEA), a plastic recycling company that is developing sorting and ...

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Where did these holes in the ocean floor come from? 'Nobody knows,' says scientist

Social media users consider aliens or sea monsters — but NOAA researcher suspects an animal culprit. Mysterious, neatly aligned holes have been discovered deep in the ocean — and scientists are stumped about their origin.

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Marine heatwaves have devastating impacts on marine life in the tropical western and central Pacific Ocean region

Research published in Global and Planetary Change examines the trends and projected frequency, intensity and duration of marine heatwaves (MHWs). A MHW is a 'discrete, prolonged anomalously warm water event' lasting five or more days, with temperatures warmer than the 90th percentile relative to ...

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Ocean variability contributes to sandstorms in Northern China

Extreme events such as the "North China Super Sandstorms" in March 2021 have significant impacts on human life, socio-economics and agricultural production. In addition to local meteorological conditions, sea surface temperature (SST) variability in different ocean basins also contributes to san ...

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The sharks of the St. Lawrence, managers of the ocean pantry

The basking shark feeds on the surface with its mouth wide open to filter plankton, explains the St. Lawrence Shark Observatory (archives).

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Midwest forests lost 8,000 years of stored carbon in just 150 years new animated maps track the changes, revealing lessons for climate projects today

“Plant a tree” seems to be the go-to answer to climate change concerns these days. Booking a rental car online recently, I was asked to check a box to plant a tree to offset my car’s anticipated carbon dioxide emissions. In 2020, the governor of my state, Indiana, launched an initiative to plant ...

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Marine protected areas celebrated for safeguarding SA’s biodiversity

Cape Town - Following the success of the first Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Day, celebrated last year on August 1, numerous environmental and conservation groups were stressing the importance of MPAs in South Africa and their role in protecting ocean ecosystems while also raising awareness for t ...

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Saffron, biodiversity and glaciers: Kashmir’s women scientists lead climate action

Several women scientists from Kashmir are at the forefront of research to tackle changing climatic patterns that threaten local ecologies, livelihoods and networks that sustain them. Scientists Nasheeman Ashraf, Ulfat Majeed and Mehreen Khaleel come from different backgrounds and work in differe ...

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We Can’t Fight Climate Change Without Fighting for Gender Equity

As the climate crisis becomes increasingly urgent, organizations around the world have begun investing in a wide array of environmental sustainability initiatives. Some of these efforts target technological solutions, while others prioritize behavioral or economic changes, but what the vast majo ...

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Plastic in the Depths: how pollution took over our oceans

By now, it is well known that the oceans swirl with plastic. More than 8m tonnes pour into the seas every year, spewed out via rivers, dumped along coastlines or abandoned by fishing vessels.

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IUCN and MoCC launch Pakistan’s First-ever Climate Change Gender Action Plan

IUCN comes forward with new commitments and initiatives in its Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP) to strengthen the resilience of women and girls in the face of climate-related impacts, while aiming to accelerate progress and support gender-responsive climate action plan.

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New study suggests seafood retailers can protect biodiversity and profitability

An increase in seafood sustainability matched with greater supply chain disclosure could improve the health of world's oceans while boosting the profitability of major retailers, an investigation by Planet Tracker has found.

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The role of women in biodiversity conservation

Environmental experts have underscored the need to fully explore and utilise women’s potential in contributing to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

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Offshore fish farms: a new wave of food production … or the ‘wild west’ of ocean pollution?

The enclosures stretch the length of an Olympic-size swimming pool, but from above they appear as floating dots scattered across the ocean. Inside, fish mill about as the submerged pens sway to the currents of the open sea.

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How the Ocean Sustains Complex Life

Search “ocean zones” online, and you will see hundreds of illustrations that depict the same vertical profile of the sea. The thin, top layer is the “sunlight” or epipelagic zone, which receives enough light for photosynthesis by phytoplankton, algae and some bacteria.

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Scientists discover world's longest underwater avalanche after rescue of lost data

Prompt action by scientists recovered sensors drifting across the Atlantic Ocean that held data on a seabed sediment avalanche that traveled for 1,100 km to ocean depths of 4,500 km.

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Marine ranching helps restore biodiversity in south China island

When Wang Aimin, then a professor of oceanic science at Hainan University, started helping with marine ranching by dropping artificial reefs into seawater in 2011, he was ridiculed by local divers.

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Global warming causes northward shift in southern limit of seagrass Zostera marina

Global warming has caused an increase of the average upper ocean temperature by 0.07°C per decade. These temperature increases affect marine species and ecosystems in many ways, including enhanced mortality of key habitat-forming species such as seagrass, changes in species distributions, and a ...

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Why you can’t put a price on biodiversity

Putting a price tag on necessities will always be a challenge. The climate crisis has shown us over and over how we struggle to estimate the actual worth of a product—whether it’s a cheap plastic bottle that ends up living for hundreds of years in the ocean or fossil fuels which are made afforda ...

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Urgent nature action needed to salvage Sustainable Development Goals: UN report

The climate crisis, COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine are threatening to stall progress on several key environmental targets under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), humanity’s blueprint for a better future, warns a new report from the United Nations.

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Consumption levels contributing to biodiversity loss, says EA chief

The EA says action will be required to address the levels of consumption in wealthy countries, which contribute to the loss of biodiversity, and that sustained effort will be required from many people and organisations at forums like the COP 15 meeting of the UN Convention on Biological Diversit ...

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Harris to request $600M for ocean resilience in Pacific Islands

Vice President Harris on Tuesday will request $600 million in funding for economic development and ocean resilience, which is intended to build on efforts that enable U.S. fishing-fleet access to the Pacific and combat the scourge of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.

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IPBES Values Assessment: integrating indigenous and local knowledge with scientific knowledge leads to more just and sustainable social and ecological outcomes

The assessment unveils important findings. It reveals that decision-making processes that support representation and consideration of diverse values and integrate indigenous and local knowledge with scientific knowledge have more just and sustainable social and ecological outcomes.

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Final destination deep sea: Microplastics' impact on ocean floor even greater than assumed

Senckenberg researchers Serena Abel and Angelika Brandt, together with colleagues from the Alfred Wegener Institute—Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and Goethe University in Frankfurt, have investigated microplastic pollution in the Western Pacific Kuril-Kamchatka Trench.

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The pace of the transition to an environmentally sustainable economy

In watching the reaction of advocates and experts to the Supreme Court's decision in EPA v. West Virginia, I was struck by their dismay that the EPA would no longer be able to implement rapid sweeping change in the nation's energy system.

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Biodiversity science–policy panel calls for broadening value-of-nature concepts in sustainable development

The Intergovernmental Science–Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) approved the Summary for Policy Makers of the Assessment Report on the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature on 9 July 2022 in its ninth plenary meeting in Bonn, Germany.

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Natural regeneration and women-led initiatives help drive Atlantic Forest Pact

When she was 6 years old, Ludmila Pugliese de Siqueira moved with her family to the state of Amazonas in northeastern Brazil. Her father was a geologist and worked on the construction of the Balbina Dam in the 1980s.

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Evidence of stronger overturning circulation in the Pacific during the last glacial period

Located between Australia and New Zealand, the Tasman Sea is an important but so far neglected component of the global ocean conveyor belt.


CBD Side Event at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2022

Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/PT/JB/90432 (2022-042)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, PoWPA Focal Points, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Focal Points, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, and relevant organizations

pdf English 
News Headlines

First Nations' ancient fish bones may help us adapt to climate change

The study of 5,000-year-old fish bones on the West Coast is revealing how Indigenous people adapted to warming oceans — information that could shape present day adaptations and fisheries management as the climate crisis advances, University of Victoria researchers say.

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Stronger integration of international negotiations needed to protect the ocean

International solutions are needed to protect the ocean. Two sets of regulations currently under development offer an opportunity to expand protections, but a greater degree of alignment between the two must be achieved.

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Depths of North Atlantic ocean once as warm as the Mediterranean

A new study of ancient ocean temperatures, published today in Science, shows that the deep North Atlantic Ocean was once 20°C (68 °F)—warmer than the surface of the modern Mediterranean.

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Climate evolution in the Southeast Indian Ocean during the Miocene

The Miocene, 23 to 5 million years ago, was an important period for the formation of the Antarctic ice sheets (AIS). The mid-latitudes in the southern hemisphere are the area where the westerlies prevailed and the climate there is sensitive to the volume changes of the AIS.

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Delayed slow ocean response to CO2 removal causes asymmetric tropical rainfall change

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the major greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. Climate changes under increasing CO2 radiative forcing (called "CO2 ramp-up") have been widely projected using numerical experiments.

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Photorhabdus luminescens is a true all-rounder: Insect pathogenic bacterium also helps to combat fungal infestation

Future food shortages are expected to become exacerbated in many parts of the world. With this in view, sustainable biological techniques are being explored that could increase the yield of cereals and other food crops and which, unlike the use of chemical pesticides, are environmentally compatible.

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Construction begins on controversial water project inside Lake Malawi National Park

The government of Malawi has initiated construction works for a water project inside Lake Malawi National Park, despite court challenges and sustained protests from conservationists who say the project threatens the park’s UNESCO-recognized biodiversity and archaeological sites.

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The rise of coral-eating snails

WA researchers are monitoring coral-eating snails at Rottnest amid concerns of a future outbreak on the famous island. Every month, Murdoch University Ph.D. student Veera Haslam dives into the ocean at Rottnest to search for Drupella cornus snacking on the island's reefs.

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We built an algorithm to predict how climate change will affect future conflict in the Horn of Africa: here’s what we found

The Horn of Africa, on the eastern coast of the continent, is currently being battered by an intense and sustained drought thanks to which around 20 million people are going hungry. And, given the ongoing armed conflict in the region – particularly in Somalia and Ethiopia – safely getting nutrit ...

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UN Ocean Conference: 198 countries adopt Lisbon Declaration

All 198 members of the United Nations unanimously adopted July 1, 2022 the Lisbon Declaration on ocean conservation. The nations, on the last day of the UN Ocean Conference 2022, committed to follow science-based and innovative actions on an urgent basis

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UN talks urge faster steps to ensure ‘critical’ ocean health

A United Nations conference warned Friday that measures needed to protect the world’s oceans are running late and urged countries to accelerate their implementation.

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Sharks: Facts about the ocean's apex predators

Long portrayed in pop culture as remorseless people-killers, sharks in reality are no Hollywood monsters. Sharks are a diverse group of mostly predatory fish, including the largest living fish, with skeletons made of cartilage.

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Marine Conservation: An Overview of Pollution by Dumping in the Ocean and International Laws to Combat it

Despite their immense importance for our wellbeing, humans have recklessly polluted the world’s ocean by dumping huge quantities of plastics and toxic substances from industrial activities.

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The value of a biodiversity management and action plan

A growing awareness of the implications of the loss of biodiversity resulted in the establishment of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the 1992 United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Earth Summit. Since its inception over 196 countries, including South Africa, have or are in ...

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Global Biodiversity Framework Talks Achieve “Varying Levels of Progress”

The Open-ended Working Group on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF), charged by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) with developing a “new set of global goals and targets to guide parties towards a nature-positive future,” achieved pr ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 51 to 100
Results for: "sustainable ocean initiative"
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme