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5529 Results
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Result 51 to 100

News Headlines

11 ocean-friendly companies like Patagonia and Adidas that are removing plastic from our seas and transforming it into cool new products

From sunglasses to skateboard wheels, the array of products being made from recycled ocean plastics is growing so rapidly it's dizzying.

News Headlines

11 spectacular bird migration bottlenecks from around the world

Migratory birds move in their countless millions across the Americas, Africa and Eurasia each spring and autumn. These epic journeys often take place on broad fronts, but birds also concentrate at bottlenecks where geographical features funnel them over narrow ocean crossings, or where rich feed ...


11th IALE Conference. Avian Landscape Ecology: Pure and Applied Issues in the Large-Scale Ecology of Birds

10 - 13 September 2002, Norwich, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


11th Pan African Ornithological Congress

20 - 25 November 2004, Djerba, Tunisia


11th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development - CSD-11

28 April - 9 May 2003, New York, United States of America


12th Meeting of the States Parties to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea

16 - 26 April 2002, New York, United States of America


12th Oceans Sciences Meeting

26 - 30 January 2004, Portland, United States of America


14th Annual Symposium: Investing in Biodiversity

18 - 19 November 2002, Baltimore, United States of America


14th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development

1 - 12 May 2006, New York, NY, United States of America


15th Annual BIOECON Conference Conservation and Development: Exploring Conflicts and Challenges

18 - 20 September 2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

News Headlines

169 Islands that Offer Hope for Stemming the Extinction Crisis

Restoring islands by eradicating damaging, non-native invasive mammals such as rats, cats, goats, and pigs has repeatedly proven to be a high impact conservation action. New research published in PLOS ONE shows this conservation action can have a major contribution towards stemming the global ex ...


16th Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum

5 - 7 April 2002, The Hague, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)


16th Session of the UN Comission on Sustainable Development

5 - 16 May 2008, New York, United States of America


17th Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum

15 - 17 November 2002, Valencia, Spain


19th meeting of the BioNET FUND Supervisory Board and Advisory Group

2 - 3 February 2006, Egham, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Press Release

1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity promotes strengthening links between biological and cultural diversity

29 OCTOBER 2016 – The 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity, held from 27-29 October in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, produced a regional Declaration on Biocultural Diversity and an annex of practical actions that can be taken at different levels to strengthen the links between ...


1st Chios Summer School on Sustainable Tourism

13 - 18 September 2010, Chios, Greece


1st Global Taxonomy Initiative Regional Workshop in Asia

10 - 13 September 2002, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia


1st PATA Sustainable Tourism Conference

23 - 26 October 2002, Banten, Indonesia


1st Regional Session for Europe of the Global Biodiversity Forum

23 - 25 April 2003, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

News Headlines

1t.org Announced to Accelerate Nature Restoration to Tackle Climate and Biodiversity Crises

1t.org is a World Economic Forum initiative, designed to support the trillion tree community. It is being set up with the initial financial support of Marc and Lynne Benioff. 1t.org is a platform for leading governments, businesses, civil society and ecopreneurs committed to restoring and refore ...

News Headlines

2,000 companies ranked by sustainability influence

The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has revealed the “SDG2000”, a list of the companies that have “the most influence” over our ability to move to a more sustainable future. Listed, private and state-owned companies identified include Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Tesla, Coca Cola, Tencent and Sta ...

Press Release

20 years after their birth, three sister Rio Conventions reaffirm their collective responsibility for sustainable development

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 21 June 2012 – The heads of the secretariats of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reaffirmed their determination to work to g ...


2005 ECOSOC High-Level Segment

29 June - 27 July 2005, New York, United States of America


2006 Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Taxonomic Databases Working Group

15 - 22 October 2006, St. Louis, United States of America

Side Event
Side Event

2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership: Lessons learnt from tracking the current target, and recommendations for post-2010

The 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership draws on the outputs and experiences of over 40 partner organizations, as well as a range of Parties, MEA bodies and the private sector in understanding the challenges faced in monitoring progress towards a global biodiversity target. In support of th ...


2010 Calendar for the Latin American and Caribbean sub-regional workshops organized in collaboration with the Indigenous Women's Biodiversity Network (IWBN) in the region and with the financial support of the Government of Spain

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/DM/69772 (2009-163)
To: CBD National Focal Points and Indigenous and Local Communities

Under Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Parties undertake to respect, preserve and maintain the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, and promote their wider a ...

pdf English  Spanish 

2010 International Day for Biological Diversity

Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/DA/fd/67429 (2009-057)
To: CBD National Focal Point and International Organizations

Celebrating the International Day for Biological Diversity provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and countries to pay homage to the diversity of life that sustains us all. The day serves as an annual reminder that the efforts being carried out to preserve biodiversity and use it ...

pdf English 

2010 Top End Sustainable Living Festival

5 - 6 June 2010, Darwin, Australia

Press Release

2010 Winners Announced for the Indigenous Tourism and Biodiversity Website Award

Montreal, 12 March 2010 – To recognize excellence in the sustainable use of biodiversity in tourism operated in areas managed by indigenous and local communities, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity in collaboration with the leading sustainable travel web portal Planeta.com ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 51 to 100
Results for: "sustainable ocean initiative"
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme