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  • Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (1686)



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1686 Results
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World Maritime Day

30 September 2021, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


World Maritime Day

30 September 2022, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


World Maritime Day

29 September 2023, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


World Heritage Marine Policy Workshop

9 - 10 September 2004, Paris, France


World Conference on Marine Biodiversity

26 - 30 September 2011, Aberdeen, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Press Release

Workshop will discuss biodiversity and natural disasters: Healthy ecosystems minimize damage resulting from natural disasters such as tsunamis

Healthy ecosystems are more resilient in the face of natural disasters such as hurricanes and tsunamis. Careful attention to their rehabilitation can save both lives and property, says a series of papers to be presented at a workshop on 8 February 2005 entitled: Biodiversity and Natural Disast ...


Workshop on non-indigenous species in the Mediterranean

6 - 7 December 2005, Tunis, Tunisia


Workshop on indicators of the effectiveness of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (31 October and 2 November 2022); Webinar on Ecological Connectivity - Insights for post-2020 indicators (31 October 2022)

Reference: SCBD/IMS/NP/JC/MC/90585 (2022-063)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, PoWPA Focal Points, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 

Working Together for the Conservation of Marine Turtles

22 October 2004, Zihuatanejo, Mexico


Working Group on Ocean Fertilization (IMO)

31 May - 3 June 2011, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

News Headlines

Women show the way as India pushes 'eco-miracle' seaweed

Draped in a colourful saree and shirt, Lakshmi Murgesan dives into the azure waters off India's southern coast to collect seaweed, which is being hailed by scientists as a miracle crop that absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees.

News Headlines

With Ocean Health Declining, Biodiversity Convention Must Respond

A study published in January in the journal Science found that the oceans are heating up faster than predicted, resulting in rising sea levels, acidification and deoxygenation that are destroying coral reefs and have the potential to bring forth more extreme weather events.

News Headlines

Will Probiotics Save Corals or Harm Them?

Manta rays and whitetip reef sharks glide past socially distanced visitors at Rio de Janeiro’s hangar-sized AquaRio aquarium. In a laboratory upstairs, above the main gallery, a new experiment is underway, one that marine scientists hope will enhance the survival prospects of the world’s coral r ...

News Headlines

Will China cast its vote for Antarctica, and the planet?

Beijing could be the key to unlocking a positive outcome at the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), writes American marine biologist Sylvia Earle.

News Headlines

Why the UN Ocean Conference is a key step on the road to recovering ocean health

A healthy ocean is critical to all life on Earth, and the UN Ocean Conference is a step in this direction. However, the ocean’s health is declining – from overfishing to acidification.

News Headlines

Why sharks matter’: Q&A with author and shark biologist David Shiffman

In the introduction to his new book, conservation biologist David Shiffman quotes Senegalese forestry engineer and conservationist Baba Dioum: “In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught,” Dioum says.

News Headlines

Why more land-based fish farms could improve global food security

A tidal wave of interest is building in farming the seas. It’s part of a global rush to exploit oceanic resources that’s been dubbed the “blue acceleration.”

News Headlines

Why more female penguins are washing up dead in South America

Every year, thousands of penguins become stranded on South America's coast - with females three times more likely to wash up dead or injured than males.

News Headlines

Why it’s time we woke up and listened to the ocean

The importance of protecting biodiversity is not lost on Tanzanians. Our country is well known for its incredible beauty and diverse ecosystems: home to an incredible 24 percent of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.

News Headlines

Why are whales big, but not bigger?

Both toothed and baleen (filter-feeding) whales are among the largest animals ever to exist. Blue whales, which measure up to 100 feet (30 meters) long and can weigh over 150 tons, are the largest animals in the history of life on Earth.

News Headlines

Why a California delicacy won't be on the menu this Thanksgiving

Crabbers are postponing their harvest to avoid entangling whales, as the climate crisis fuels new dangers

News Headlines

Why Noah's Ark won't work

For ocean species to survive climate change, large populations needed

News Headlines

Where did these holes in the ocean floor come from? 'Nobody knows,' says scientist

Social media users consider aliens or sea monsters — but NOAA researcher suspects an animal culprit. Mysterious, neatly aligned holes have been discovered deep in the ocean — and scientists are stumped about their origin.

News Headlines

Where Scallops Dwell

I'm not sure many of us ever consider a scallop’s origin as its white and orange meat sits, neatly presented on its open shell over crushed ice, at the fish-counter. Nor do we give much thought to how it was taken from the sea, or perhaps even at what cost.

News Headlines

When seas turn rough, gleaning keeps the fish on the table for some communities

Communities living close to hard-bottomed shallow shores are more likely to hand-catch marine animals during seasons when other types of fishing often aren’t possible, a new study shows. The findings suggest that worsening sea conditions due to climate change will increase the importance of this ...

News Headlines

What’s the future for Sri Lanka’s ‘lost’ population of whales?

This is the same sperm whale pod Blue Planet filmed off Sri Lanka – but flocking tourists are making it less of a safe place for these stunning animals

News Headlines

What went right this week: ‘jewel of biodiversity’ found, plus more positive news

“A jewel of biodiversity”. That’s how scientists have described a newly discovered reef complex off the coast of east Africa, where corals appear to be thriving despite the climate crisis.

News Headlines

What is sea foam? What to know about when oceans get rough

When storms kick up normally tranquil seas, don't be surprised if water resembles a frothy substance. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea foam forms when the organic and artificial matter in the ocean is agitated by wind and waves.

News Headlines

What is dead pool? A water expert explains

Journalists reporting on the status and future of the Colorado River are increasingly using the phrase “dead pool.” It sounds ominous. And it is.

News Headlines

What does a healthy coral reef sound like?

When a team of scientists listened to an audio clip recorded underwater off islands in central Indonesia, they heard unusual sounds - something which sounded like a crackling campfire.

News Headlines

What do record ocean temperatures tell us about climate change?

In 2019, the oceans reached higher temperatures than at any other point in recorded human history, according to a new analysis published on 13 January in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (1). The new record demonstrates, unequivocally, the reality of global warming

News Headlines

What are wetlands and why do we need to protect them?

Just as forests are called as the ‘lungs of the earth’, wetlands are the ‘kidneys’ that regulate water and filter waste from the landscape. The kidney comparison aside, wetlands are the primary sources of freshwater, buffers of floods and droughts, recycler of nutrients and chemicals, and inextr ...

News Headlines

What Sealed The Fate of The Giant Megalodon? Its Ancient Teeth May Reveal The Answer

The largest sharks ever to have roamed the oceans parked their young in shallow, warm-water nurseries where food was abundant and predators scarce until they could assume their title as kings and queens of the sea.

News Headlines

What Do We Want from Our Oceans?

This is a question we need to ask ourselves but before answering we need to acknowledge the diversity of expectations and aspirations that we all have for oceans, which cover more than two-thirds of the planet’s surface.

News Headlines

What Are Ocean Dead Zones?

The sea. Windy, calming, exhilarating. Even a brief visit to the beach can reinvigorate you with new life.

News Headlines

Whales share songs from other oceans

New research suggests that humpback whale populations in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are picking up musical ideas from one another, and incorporating the new phrases and themes into their songs.

Action by

Western South Pacific Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs), 22-25 November 2011, Fiji.

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JL/JG/77026 (2011-136)
To: CBD National Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal Points in Western South Pacific Region; other Governments; competent organizations and regional initiatives

In decision X/29, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity requested the Executive Secretary to organize a series of regional workshops, with a primary objective to facilitate the description of ecologically or biologically significant marine areas through ap ...

pdf English  Spanish  French 

Webinar to provide an overview of the draft modalities for modifying the descriptions of ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs) and describing new areas, 17 April 2024

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/JL/JA/JG/91606 (2024-029)
To: CBD national focal points, SBSTTA focal points, marine and coastal biodiversity focal points, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant global and regional organizations/initiatives

pdf English 

Webinar to launch CBD Technical Series No. 99: Review of the Impacts of Anthropogenic Underwater Noise on Marine Biodiversity and Approaches to Manage and Mitigate Them, 5 May 2022

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/JL/SK/JA/JG/90299 (2022-026)
To: CBD National Focal Points, marine and coastal biodiversity focal points, SBSTTA Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant global and regional organizations/initiatives

pdf English 

Webinar on Regional Seas Programmes and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, 1 October 2020

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/ML/JA/JMQ/89131 (2020-076)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 
Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 51 to 100
Results for: ("Marine and Coastal Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme