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5529 Results
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This surf school in Chennai has cleared 24,000 kg of trash from beaches and oceans by offering free surfing lessons

Bay of Life Surf School in Chennai not only teaches surfing and other sports, but also cleans and maintains the Kovalam beach and the water bodies.

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Introducing Down to Earth, our new project on the biodiversity crisis

Why a reporting initiative on the science, politics, and economics of an ecological catastrophe is so badly needed. You can probably guess the three global threats that topped a recent list from the World Economic Forum.

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Recognizing the true guardians of the forest: Q&A with David Kaimowitz

Over the past 20 years, the conservation sector has increasingly recognized the contributions Indigenous communities have made toward achieving conservation goals, including protecting biodiversity and maintaining ecosystems that sustain us. Accordingly, some large conservation NGOs that a gener ...

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The climate emergency is here. The media needs to act like it

Ahead of Earth Day, the Guardian is partnering with newsrooms around the world in a joint initiative calling on journalists to treat the climate crisis like the emergency it is

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These People Are Losing Their Gods to Climate Change

As Uganda's mountainous ice caps melt, ethnic groups are losing the traditional belief systems that have sustained them for thousands of years.

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Indian Researchers Have Found a New Species of Butterfly in Western Ghats

Researchers have discovered a new species of butterflies namely – sinhala ramaswamii sadasivan 2021 – adding to the expanding list of butterflies in India. The new taxon of Lycaenid butterfly belonging to the Nacaduba genus was discovered by researchers in the Agasthyamalais in the Western Ghats ...

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Nestlé joins billion-dollar industry initiative tackling Southeast Asia deforestation

The Nestlé group has joined a major industry initiative in Southeast Asia targeting the protection and restoration of over 500,000 hectares of tropical forests playing a central role in palm oil production, reports Neill Barston

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Global network to eavesdrop on oceans quieted by COVID

Scientists will take advantage of an unprecedented fall in shipping activity to listen in to the world's oceans and study how manmade noise affects marine ecosystems, the project organisers said Thursday.

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New fish species named in honor of University of Georgia ecologists

University of Georgia ecologists Mary and Byron "Bud" Freeman are being recognized for their contributions to freshwater science in the most fitting way possible—with the naming of a newly discovered fish species in their honor.

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New technology will identify sources of plastic in the ocean

Worldwide, eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year, despite greater awareness of recycling and the use of disposable plastic.

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The ocean is becoming more stable: Why that might not be a good thing

If you've ever been seasick, "stable" may be the last word you associate with the ocean. But as global temperatures rise, the world's oceans are technically becoming more stable.

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Climate Change Demands Industry Change — Let's Figure It Out

By now, it's common knowledge that the Earth's climate is changing at an alarming rate, and human activity is a contributing factor. It's also widely acknowledged that the infrastructure that's powering exciting advancements in technology — things like cloud computing, AI and IoT — has a big sus ...

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Ringed seals under consideration for listing under Species at Risk Act

Fisheries and Oceans Canada will begin consultations this fall on whether to list ringed seals under the federal Species at Risk Act. The consultations will begin nearly two years after the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, or COSEWIC, declared the animals a species of s ...

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Africa is creating its own Great Wall - and it’s green

Green is not the first colour you typically associate with the arid Sahel region in Africa. But a pan-regional initiative could change this significantly by 2030, following a pledge for new funding of more than $14 billion.

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Human activities sound an alarm for sea life

Humans have altered the ocean soundscape by drowning out natural noises relied upon by many marine animals, from shrimp to sharks.

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The brain may have evolved to regulate digestion in presence of light rather than food stimuli

Many life forms use light as an important biological signal, including animals with visual and non-visual systems. But now, researchers from Japan have found that neuronal cells may have initially evolved to regulate digestion according to light information.

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COVID-19 pandemic threatens to reverse gains made on Sustainable Development Goal 1 and 2

A new study analyzing bean production and food security across 11 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, found COVID-19 pandemic-related restrictions to significantly impact bean production. Border controls and high transport costs have led to drops in production of the key food security crop, threate ...

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Protect populous coastlines to fight climate change, scientists say

An ocean protection strategy that targets densely populated coastal areas, rather than ringfencing the most remote corners, could deliver game-changing climate benefits. It could also increase food production and restore the biodiversity of fragile ecosystems, scientists have said.

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Corporate advocacy on climate causes gets louder

For decades, companies have been lobbying in Washington D.C., and at other capitals around the world. Much of it has gone against the interest of sustainable outcomes.

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Food tribes must find common ground to solve hunger and climate change

Divisions over what makes a healthy, sustainable diet are so entrenched it is easy to assume that ‘food tribes’ – from the plant-based movement to the committed carnivores – have nothing in common.

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Is deep-sea mining a threat to our oceans or the secret to a greener planet?

On March 30, four global companies announced they wouldn't use materials sourced from deep-sea mining in their products and supply chains or fund research into the practice.

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Endangered Loggerhead Turtle Rescued

A Loggerhead Turtle was found caught in a fishing net at Al Qana in Abu Dhabi and has been nursed back to health.The turtle was saved by the Environmental Agency in Abu Dhabi and The National Aquarium, the largest aquarium in the Middle East, and is a breed of turtle not commonly found in the UA ...

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Degradation of reef keeps coasts at risk

The size and impact of Pacific Ocean tsunami waves on the Australian coastline are significantly reduced by healthy coral structures in the Great Barrier Reef, research shows.

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How millet production can empower women farmers, strengthen agriculture

Recently, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution initiated by India with Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Russia and Senegal to mark 2023 as the 'International Year of Millets'. This move will help bring global attention on millets, which are nutritionally and eco ...


Invitation to the joint virtual sessions of the fifth Science Policy Forum for Biodiversity and the eighth International Conference on Sustainability Science

Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/CC/DM/89538 (2021-022)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, other Governments, relevant IGOs, NGOs and indigenous peoples and local communities’ organizations

pdf English 
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New WHO-IUCN Expert Working Group on Biodiversity, Climate, One Health and Nature-based Solutions

Leading experts engaged in the science-policy interface of public health, biodiversity, and climate change will collaborate in an innovative initiative led by the WHO and IUCN to help guide decision makers toward a healthier, greener and more sustainable future as they navigate the challenges of ...

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Five facts you didn’t know about bamboo forests

June marks the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: an initiative led by the UN Environment Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization, which aims to drive attention towards the urgent need to value and protect our ecosystems.

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Eco.business Joins forces with Co-operative Bank to Finance Sustainable Agriculture

The eco.business fund has provided its first investment in Kenya in the amount of Ksh 1 billion to Co-operative Bank of Kenya, one of the leading commercial banks in the country. The subordinated loan will be on-lent to sustainable agribusinesses, contributing to the fund’s mission of conserving ...

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Why more land-based fish farms could improve global food security

A tidal wave of interest is building in farming the seas. It’s part of a global rush to exploit oceanic resources that’s been dubbed the “blue acceleration.”

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Participants at “Gender, Climate Change, and Migration” event were briefed on the VC platform

Gender equality, women’s protection, and empowerment are keys to the disaster risk reduction and climate change agendas, and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To enable this, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the global roadmap to reduce disaster losses by 2030, cal ...

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2021 May Be Our Last Year to Fix Both Climate and Nature, Suggests WWF

Earth Hour comes ahead of key events when world leaders will take critical decisions on nature, climate change and sustainable development, setting the course of our future.

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Two New Species of Screech Owls Identified

Ornithologists from the United States, Brazil and Finland have described two new species of the owl genus Megascops from the Amazon and Atlantic forests.

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Plastic in the ocean: The facts, effects and new EU rules

Find out key facts about plastic in the ocean with our infographics, as well discover their impact and how the EU is acting to reduce plastic litter in the seas, Society.

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Creating a Sustainable Green Recovery with Twelve Digital Art Shows

Climate change has been described by the World Health Organization as this century's biggest threat to human health. A sustainable green recovery plan from the pandemic necessitates understanding the links between climate change, health, and inequality; and implementing ambitious climate change ...

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Actor Ted Danson and Philanthropist Wendy Schmidt Are Fighting to Save Our Oceans

One day around 1986, Ted Danson was walking on the beach in Santa Monica Bay with his two daughters. At the time, Danson was the star of the beloved sitcom Cheers, in which he played the affable bartender Sam Malone. He was also feeling a growing sense of responsibility that came along with mone ...

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Monitoring atmosphere, ocean and climate from space

Our society is increasingly weather and climate dependent.Data from Earth observation and meteorological satellites have become vital for forecasting the weather at all ranges, monitoring the climate, and producing timely warnings and other information that support public and private decision ma ...

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Green Deal poses ‘opportunities and threats’ to Spanish farming, stakeholders warn

The European Green Deal offers opportunities and challenges to Spanish farmers, stakeholders have warned, highlighting that Spain needs more support in the transition towards a more sustainable model of agriculture. EURACTIV’s partner EFE Agro reports.

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Protecting the ocean would solve climate, food and biodiversity crises. Can countries get fisheries on board?

Marine protection offers a combined solution to several of humanity’s most pressing challenges as global heating intensifies and fisheries struggle. But how can governments convince communities that conservation gains are worth waiting for?

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First-of-its kind study offers blueprint for ocean protection

A first-of-its-kind study has examined the benefits of protecting the world's oceans.The study, published in Nature on Wednesday, endorsed protecting 30 percent of the world's land and ocean by 2030 in order to protect biodiversity, restore fisheries and combat the climate crisis.

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Virtual pollination trade uncovers global dependence on biodiversity for food consumption

Recently, a published study in Science Advances assessed the contribution of pollinators to international market flows and showed that biodiversity conservation is essential to sustain global consumption patterns. This study results from the work of an interdisciplinary team that integrated rese ...

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Melting ice: What's the big deal?

The melting of the polar ice caps has often been portrayed as a tsunami-inducing Armageddon in popular culture. In the 2004 disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow, the warming Gulf Stream and North Atlantic currents cause rapid polar melting. The result is a massive wall of ocean water that swamp ...

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Protecting what we value: World Water Day in Asean

The theme of this year’s celebration of World Water Day, commemorated today (Mar 22) is “Valuing Water,” which highlights the vital role of water sources – from our health and well-being to the sustainability of our society’s economic growth and development, notes Dr Theresa Mundita S. Lim, Exec ...

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Preventing future pandemics by ending the wildlife trade

It is a global problem and it is particularly bad in Asia, especially China. The demand from that region for wildlife has meant that illegal trade is now bringing in animals from Africa and South America to Southeast Asia. Instead of decreasing, the illegal wildlife trade to Southeast Asia and C ...

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Investors urge Europe to prioritise climate in agriculture reform

A $2-trillion group of investors calls for reducing direct support for commodities with high emissions, such as red meat, and redesigning incentives to put a value on sustainable farming

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Protecting the World’s Oceans

In 2015, palau, a nation of more than 300 coral and volcanic islands in the western Pacific Ocean, expanded on decades of marine conservation to create a 193,000-square-mile protected area encompassing an extraordinary 80% of its ocean waters.

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Value of cooperation for sustainable development in transboundary river basins

Can cooperation across sectors and countries help to achieve sustainable development? How do stakeholders in the Indus and Zambezi basins envision the future and how can they make that future a reality? IIASA researchers looked into these questions as part of a large-scale initiative with intern ...

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This is when oceans could start emitting ozone-depleting gases

The world’s oceans are a vast repository for gases including ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs. They absorb these gases from the atmosphere and draw them down to the deep, where they can remain sequestered for centuries and more.

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Mysterious circling behavior discovered among marine mammals

Prior to the development of sophisticated tracking devices, the movements of animals in the ocean were largely unknown. According to a new study from Cell Press, tracking technology has revealed some unexpected circling behavior among marine mammals.

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Lessons learned in Burkina Faso can contribute to a new decade of forest restoration

Forest landscape restoration is attaining new global momentum this year under the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), an initiative launched by the United Nations. Burkina Faso, in West Africa, is one country that already has a head start in forest landscape restoration, and offers valu ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 951 to 1000
Results for: "sustainable ocean initiative"
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme