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Action by

Thematic Consultation on the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework - Virtual Meeting

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/CC/88917 (2020-051)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; UN organizations and specialized agencies; IGOs; NGOs; indigenous people and local communities and relevant stakeholders, organizations and initiatives

pdf English 

Invitation to the Side Event on "Urgent Action on Biodiversity for Sustainable Development - Update on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework with a focus on how biodiversity contributes to Planetary and Human Health"

Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/JBM/89013 (2020-049)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, international organizations, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 

2020 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Reference: SCBD/OES/EM/CS/88984 (2020-047)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, and ABS Focal Points

pdf English 
Action by

Call for Proposals under the Bio-Bridge Initiative

Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/ET/CPa/88836 (2020-042)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 

World Oceans Day 2020

8 June 2020, New York, United States of America


World Bee Day 2020

20 May 2020, New York, United States of America

News Headlines

Where fashion’s transparency falls short

The resounding message from Fashion Revolution’s annual Transparency Index: many apparel brands are becoming more transparent, considered by many to be a proxy for how aggressive their sustainability efforts are.

News Headlines

Scientists Discover 1.9 Million Plastic Pieces On Ocean Floor

Scientists have found the highest microplastic contamination ever recorded on the ocean floor. According to BBC News' latest report, the water contamination was found in sediments pulled from the bottom of the Mediterranean located near Italy.

News Headlines

Plastic, paper or cotton: which shopping bag is best?

On March 1, New York State instituted its plastic bag ban, joining seven other states in an attempt to lessen litter, garbage in landfills, ocean pollution, and harm to marine life. March 1 was also the day that New York acknowledged its first coronavirus case. And despite the fact that Californ ...

News Headlines

Ocean acidification prediction now possible years in advance

CU Boulder researchers have developed a method that could enable scientists to accurately forecast ocean acidity up to five years in advance. This would enable fisheries and communities that depend on seafood negatively affected by ocean acidification to adapt to changing conditions in real time ...

News Headlines

Experts apply microbiome research to agricultural science to increase crop yield

The global demand and consumption of agricultural crops is increasing at a rapid pace. According to the 2019 Global Agricultural Productivity Report, global yield needs to increase at an average annual rate of 1.73 percent to sustainably produce food, feed, fiber and bioenergy for 10 billion peo ...

News Headlines

Parallel threats of COVID-19, climate change, require ‘brave, visionary and collaborative leadership’: UN chief

And against the backdrop of threatened lives, crippled businesses and damaged economies, the UN chief warned the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also under threat.

News Headlines

Management of natural assets is key to sustainable development: Inclusive wealth provides the way forward

Sovereign nations typically measure economic success in terms of GDP (income) but this approach is risky as it fails to track and measure the impact of this on nature. Inclusive wealth, on the other hand captures financial and produced capital, but also the skills in our workforce (human capital ...

News Headlines

Ocean biodiversity has not increased substantially for hundreds of millions of years, study finds

A new way of looking at marine evolution over the past 540 million years has shown that levels of biodiversity in our oceans have remained fairly constant, rather than increasing continuously over the last 200 million years, as scientists previously thought.

News Headlines

White-faced capuchin monkeys come down from the trees on Panama's Coiba Island

Crossing a 23-kilometer stretch of ocean from mainland Panama to Coiba, the largest offshore island in the Eastern Pacific, a group of intrepid biologists hoped to find species never reported there before. But in addition to discovering new species, the 2015 Coiba BioBlitz crew was surprised to ...

News Headlines

Researchers analyze how the fungus that causes verticillium wilt attacks olive trees

Researchers from the Universities of Valencia and Cordoba, as well as from the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), have studied the fungus that causes verticilosis, a disease that kills millions of olive trees.

News Headlines

Coronavirus: we're in a real-time laboratory of a more sustainable urban future

A pause has been forced on urban life. Quiet roads, empty skies, deserted high streets and parks, closed cinemas, cafés and museums—a break in the spending and work frenzy so familiar to us all. The reality of lockdown is making ghost towns of the places we once knew. Everything we know about ou ...

News Headlines

Global public tells the United Nations: Take action on climate change and the environment

The United Nations is marking its 75th anniversary at a time of great upheaval, as COVID-19 continues to spread, exacting a heavy toll on lives, societies and economies in all regions of the world. In January 2020, the UN75 initiative launched a global conversation, inviting people around the wo ...

News Headlines

Bold project hopes to DNA barcode every species in Costa Rica

Let’s be honest: many conservationists may start their careers with big ambitions. But as they, and their careers, age, those ambitions — especially in light of the Anthropocene — understandably shrink. Saving one forest or one species begins to look like a large enough legacy — and for many it ...

News Headlines

New species of moths discovered in the Alps named after three famous alpinists

The discovery of new, still unnamed animal species in a well-researched European region like the Alps is always a small sensation. All the more surprising is the description of a total of three new to science species previously misidentified as long-known alpine moths.

News Headlines

Only ‘A-list’ of coral reefs found to sustain ecosystems, livelihoods

Most of the tropical reef sites around the world are no longer able to simultaneously sustain coral reef ecosystems and the livelihoods of the people who depend on them, as human pressure and impacts of climate change increase, a new study shows.

News Headlines

Silence is golden for whales as lockdown reduces ocean noise

In cities, human lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic have offered some respite to the natural world, with clear skies and the return of wildlife to waterways. Now evidence of a drop in underwater noise pollution has led experts to predict the crisis may also be good news for whales and oth ...

News Headlines

“Global Diversity Curves Are Misleading” – Ocean Biodiversity Has Not Increased Substantially for Hundreds of Millions of Years

A new way of looking at marine evolution over the past 540 million years has shown that levels of biodiversity in our oceans have remained fairly constant, rather than increasing continuously over the last 200 million years, as scientists previously thought.

News Headlines

Tube worm slime displays long-lasting, self-powered glow

When threatened, the marine parchment tube worm secretes a sticky slime that emits a unique long-lasting blue light. New research into how the worm creates and sustains this light suggests that the process is self-powered.

News Headlines

We can restore marine health by 2050, finds study

The future for the world’s oceans often looks grim. Fisheries are set to collapse by 2048, according to one study, and 8 million tons of plastic pollute the ocean every year, causing considerable damage to delicate marine ecosystems. Yet a new study in Nature offers an alternative, and more opti ...

News Headlines

North Pole soon to be ice free in summer

The Arctic Ocean in summer will very likely be ice free before 2050, at least temporarily. The efficacy of climate-protection measures will determine how often and for how long. These are the results of a new research study involving 21 research institutes from around the world, coordinated by D ...

News Headlines

Leading role for UOW in Antarctic science collaboration

University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers will play a leading role in the new $56 million Australian Research Council (ARC) Special Research Initiative in Excellence in Antarctic Science, announced by Federal Minister of Education Mr Dan Tehan today (Tuesday 21 April).

News Headlines

Arctic research expedition likely faces extreme conditions in fast-changing Arctic

In October 2019, scientists trapped a ship filled with equipment in Arctic sea ice with the intention of drifting around the Arctic Ocean for a full year, gathering data on the polar regions and sea ice floes. However, a new study indicates there is a chance the expedition may melt out months be ...

News Headlines

COVID-19 is wake up call for global food systems, say experts

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has exposed a crisis in the global food system, the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) — a panel of developmental economists, agronomists, nutritionists and sociologists from 18 countries — said in April 2020.

News Headlines

Uptick for renewable electricity generation in 2019

While the ongoing health, political, economic and social impacts of the coronavirus pandemic continue to preoccupy people across the world, as recovery plans are discussed and taking shape, decision makers are encouraged to use this as an opportunity to set our societies on a more sustainable de ...

News Headlines

Social distance, sustainable cities and building public health capacity

The spread of the coronavirus and the need for social distance is seen by some as a fundamental challenge to globalism, population density, and urban life. The virus is both a challenge and a catastrophe, but it does not change the basic appeal and benefit of our way of life.

News Headlines

Biodiversity, pandemics and the circle of life

This was supposed to be a big year for biodiversity — a "super year," as the United Nations proclaimed it as recently as February. A number of landmark global meetings were planned: a World Conservation Congress in France; a United Nations Ocean Conference in Portugal; and a Nature Summit in New ...

News Headlines

New Species of Wood Snake Found in the Western Ghats

The sun beat down mercilessly. Being in the vicinity of south India’s highest peak, in one of the coldest months – December – made no difference. After a tiring morning session of surveying for snakes and other small fauna in the high-elevation grasslands of Kerala’s Eravikulam National Park in ...

News Headlines

The models of climate change on marine ecosystems

Modelling is a necessary tool for assessing future impacts of climate change. A major comparative study Sarmiento simulated the effect of greenhouse gas emissions using six Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) to examine which aspects of the models determine how ocean biology res ...

News Headlines

Take the oceans video challenge now from home.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many across the world are figuring out how to move forward with day-to-day activities as the plans to address the health, socio-economic and recovery issues take shape. But nature, now more than ever, needs us to pay attention to its warning signals and to take care ...

News Headlines

Some good news about coral reef conservation

Amidst all the bad news about coral reef bleaching, an international team has shed light on what conservation measures are working to preserve these fragile ecosystems while balancing various social and ecological needs. “People have different goals for sustaining coral reefs,” says lead author ...

News Headlines

Ancient marine crocs adapted like whales to ocean life - only earlier

A wondrous lineage of crocodile relatives that developed into fast-swimming seagoing predators at a time when dinosaurs dominated the land adapted to life in the open ocean with a pivotal evolutionary modification also present in whales.

News Headlines

Microsoft is building a ‘Planetary Computer’ to protect biodiversity

"The species of the world are connected with each other. I think that’s actually one of the lessons, the real reminders, if you will, of the year 2020, as we all live every day with the issues obviously created by COVID-19," observed Microsoft President Brad Smith, during a video launch Wednesda ...

News Headlines

Climate change isn't going away — it's still important to recognize Earth Day

This Sunday, April 19, Earth Week kicks off with a virtual stage of speakers, activists, scientists and performers. To celebrate the event’s 50th anniversary, the Earth Day Initiative has gathered a lineup of high profile guests, including Elizabeth Warren, Katherine Hayhoe, Gina McCarthy, Karen ...

News Headlines

Will Climate Change Threaten Earth’s Other ‘Lung’?

Ask someone on the street about the importance of the Amazon, and there’s a reasonable chance the response will include an understanding that forests play an essential role in storing and cycling global carbon. Follow that question with another on the importance of ocean phytoplankton, and there ...

News Headlines

Ocean deoxygenation could be silently killing coral reefs, scientists say

In March, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef suffered its most widespread bleaching event to date. Sixty percent of the reef underwent moderate to severe bleaching, and some corals may never recover.

News Headlines

Simulating early ocean vents shows life's building blocks form under pressure

Where did life first form on Earth? Some scientists think it could have been around hydrothermal vents that may have existed at the bottom of the ocean 4.5 billion years ago. In a new paper in the journal Astrobiology, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory describe how they mimicked pos ...

News Headlines

Wet markets are not wildlife markets, so stop calling for their ban

As places where one usually buys groceries, Asia’s “wet markets” have certainly received far more attention of late than would be normally expected of an everyday neighborhood destination.

News Headlines

Why humans have themselves to blame for the coronavirus pandemic

No one could have predicted the timing and trajectory of the Covid-19 pandemic, triggered by a novel coronavirus leaping from a bat into a pangolin (apparently) and from there into a person. Even so, scientists knew that a pandemic of some kind would come our way sooner or later. In the past few ...

News Headlines

Rewilding bison in the Carpathians to preserve wilderness strongholds and migration routes

Nature is significantly degraded across much of Europe, impacted by factors such as infrastructure construction, intensive agriculture and forestry, and the disappearance of naturally occurring, large-bodied animals such as large carnivores and bison.

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Bats find road traffic noise 'iritating', causing activity to decrease by two-thirds

A new study has shown that road traffic noise causes bat activity to decrease by about two thirds and suggests that the negative effects could be felt considerable distances from the source.

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COVID-19 and the SDGs: moving forward after the crisis

COVID-19 is raging everywhere, resulting in much of the world in self-isolation and the closing of borders worldwide. With comparisons to the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic, we are experiencing a literal one-in-100-year event.

News Headlines

More than half of all Earth’s ocean life died off 444 million years ago because it ran out of oxygen

More than half of all of Earth’s ocean life died off 444 million years ago because of falling oxygen levels, a study has found. Experts believe that the ‘Late Ordovician’ mass extinction 450 million years ago was due to widespread ‘anoxia’, or oxygen depletion, over a three million year period.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1301 to 1350
Results for: "sustainable ocean initiative"
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme