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News Headlines

Unprecedented number of warm-water species moved northward during marine heatwave

During the marine heatwave of 2014-16, scientists from the University of California, Davis, noticed creatures typically seen only in places like Baja California, Mexico, showing up outside the UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory. These included warm-water species of jellyfish, crabs, nudibranchs, ...

News Headlines

Biomimicry: technology inspired by nature

Some of the most famous inventions and breakthroughs in design and technology have been inspired by nature. This is called biomimicry: but really, what is it? Biomimicry - or biomimetics - is the examination of nature, its systems, its procedures, processes and elements to then take inspiration ...

News Headlines

Tiny Costa Rica Has a Green New Deal, Too. It Matters for the Whole Planet.

It’s a green big deal for a tiny sliver of a country. Costa Rica, population 5 million, wants to wean itself from fossil fuels by 2050, and the chief evangelist of the idea is a 38-year-old urban planner named Claudia Dobles who also happens to be the first lady.

News Headlines

On Kangaroo Island and elsewhere, beware the lure of the luxury ecotourist

Kangaroo Island, less than 130 kilometres from Adelaide, is one of Australia's ecological jewels. Tourism Australia describes it as a "pristine wilderness", with cliffs, beaches, wetlands and dense bushland offering protection to native animals such as penguins, sea lions, pelicans, koalas and, ...

News Headlines

Low elevation forests finding it more difficult to regrow after fires due to climate change

A team of researchers from the University of Montana, the University of Colorado and the U.S. Forest Service has found evidence that suggests low-elevation forests have difficult recoveries after forest fires due to climate change. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy ...

News Headlines

Research connects dots among ocean dynamics, drought and forests

In a time of drastic change, humans look for predictability. A recent study led by a University of Wyoming researcher found that even in dramatically changing climates, mechanisms can be found that predict how those changes will play out. The last ice age was 11,000 years ago and, since then, cl ...

News Headlines

Immediate population management needed to save remaining caribou herds, study shows

The fate of woodland caribou rest on a varied, immediate and intense response to reduce predation rates, according to a University of Alberta-led comprehensive review of population recovery measures.

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Climate change could devastate painted turtles, according to new study

An Iowa State University biologist is sounding the alarm for the painted turtle, one of many reptiles for which climate change could prove particularly threatening.

News Headlines

Mystery solved—biologists explain the genetic origins of the saffron crocus

With a price tag of up to €30,000 per kilogram, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Sometimes it even exceeds the price of gold. Its typical aroma is produced by the apocarotenoid Safranal. Saffron is harvested from the flowers of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus), which blooms s ...

News Headlines

Bee diversity critical to world's food supply

Ecosystems that contain only a few bee species underperform in terms of plant production whereas those with many different species thrive, according to research which highlights the importance of bee diversity to securing the world's food supply.

News Headlines

Sloths: how did two different animals wind up looking so similar?

Sloths and guppies appear to have little in common – one is an arboreal mammal living in the slow lane, while the other is a tiny tropical fish with a frantic existence. Yet both could hold the key to better understanding a fundamental process of evolution.

News Headlines

Pathogens hitchhiking on plastics ‘could carry cholera from India to US’

Dangerous sewage pathogens have been found “hitch-hiking” on plastic litter washed up on some of Scotland’s finest bathing beaches, raising concerns from scientists the phenomenon could have far-reaching implications for human health worldwide.

News Headlines

Failure to govern geoengineering could destabilise peace and security

Climate change poses an unprecedented threat to humanity, one that appears increasingly likely to reduce global standards of living dramatically within our lifetime, and cause untold damage in the longer term. And, because addressing such a daunting planetary challenge requires radical approache ...

News Headlines

It’s time to let go of nitrogen fertiliser

In the first decade of the 20th century, two German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, developed a way to produce synthetic nitrogen cheaply and on a large scale.

News Headlines

A new paradigm for plastics

We have long known that the accumulation of plastic in the world’s landfills and oceans represents a growing environmental risk. More recently, we have come to understand that plastic poses an urgent – even deadly – threat to public health, too. And yet, global efforts to address the plastic cri ...

News Headlines

Can we tweak marine chemistry to help stave off climate change?

The world's nations are nowhere near to meeting the global Paris Agreement's goals on climate change of holding global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius compared to 19th-century averages, much less its more aspirational goal of holding temperatures to a 1.5°C rise.

News Headlines

Tracking Regional Climate Change from Pole to Pole

Generations of scientists have grown up learning about the polar regions of Earth and the long history of exploration and study of these extreme environments by pioneering researchers who pushed far beyond the geographic boundaries of their time.

News Headlines

Climate change protests to be staged across Ireland on Friday

More than 21 protest events are to be staged across the country on Friday coinciding with school strikes for action on climate change, which will be attended by thousands of pupils, according to some of the organisers.

News Headlines

Climate change poses risk to Australia's financial stability, warns RBA deputy governor

A deputy governor of Australia’s central bank has issued a stark warning that climate change poses risks to financial stability, noting that warming needs to be thought of by policymakers and business as a trend and not a cyclical event.

News Headlines

Climate change threatens rainfall for agriculture

A new study suggests climate change will significantly alter rainfall patterns for key agricultural regions, but the worst effects could be mitigated by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

News Headlines

Climate change is making springtime weird. Vivaldi's music shows how.

Dear Sara, I would like to read your prediction of the effects of climate change on the traditional four weather seasons.From a lifestyle preference, it has been nice for me to know that in the summer, there will be the warmth of the ocean.

News Headlines

New study explores impacts of marine and freshwater predators on ecosystems and society

A new study from a team of leading scientists reports on the diverse ways that aquatic predators, such as sharks and alligators, can impact ecosystems and also benefit human society. The study shows how these important ecological processes and ecosystem services to society can break down or reco ...

News Headlines

Field Sleuths: The Amateur Naturalists Who Are Discovering New Species

When mushroom hunter Terri Clements found a unique specimen near her home in Arizona, she couldn’t be certain by its appearance that she’d stumbled across a new species. She tracked down a commercial lab that would process DNA from samples she collected and studied the resulting sequences.

News Headlines

How to take a census of Earth's biodiversity? One team of researchers has a plan

How do you monitor the number and location of Earth's plants and animals at any given time? It's a daunting, planet-sized problem, but an international team of researchers has published a proposal for how to do just that.

News Headlines

UN accelerating commitments to restoration of ecosystem in Africa: official

The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is accelerating commitments to restoring ecosystem in Africa, said an official on Tuesday."We are accelerating commitments for ecosystem restoration to improve resilience in the region," David Cooper, deputy executive secretary of CBD told reporter ...

News Headlines

Freshwater fishes and other threatened but overlooked biodiversity must be new flagships for conservation (commentary)

“Why on earth would anyone give up working on tigers to focus on freshwater fish?” is the question I am asked most frequently since becoming the Executive Director of Shoal, a new initiative for freshwater biodiversity.

News Headlines

Africa: Why the World Needs an African Ecofeminist Future

Orthodox economic models have failed us all, but women across Africa are resisting them and coming up with visionary alternatives. We need an "African ecofeminist future". And by we, I don't just mean Africa, I mean everyone.

News Headlines

The 'ecological foundations of society' are in peril, a massive UN report warns

Human activities are degrading the global environment at a pace that could endanger the "ecological foundations of society" and human health, according to a landmark United Nations report released Wednesday.

News Headlines

UN report warns of millions of early deaths by 2050

A landmark UN report published on Wednesday warned the world to drastically scale up environmental protections, or cities and regions in Asia, the Middle East and Africa could see millions of premature deaths by mid-century.

News Headlines

Environment damage behind 1 in 4 global deaths, disease, says landmark UN report

A quarter of all premature deaths and diseases worldwide are due to manmade pollution and environmental damage, the United Nations said Wednesday (March 13) in a landmark report on the planet's parlous state.

News Headlines

Communicating the health of the planet and its links to human health

The Rockefeller Foundation–Lancet Commission on planetary health1 in 2015 argued that although human health has improved dramatically between 1950 and 2010, this gain was accompanied by unprecedented environmental degradation that now threatens both human health and life-support systems.

News Headlines

'Almost certain extinction': 1,200 species under severe threat across world

More than 1,200 species globally face threats to their survival in more than 90% of their habitat and “will almost certainly face extinction” without conservation intervention, according to new research.

News Headlines

Enough scandalous time-wasting on climate change. Let's get back to the facts

Over the past 30 years I have reported so many broken climate policy promises and quoted so much rhetoric that proved to be hollow, it is difficult to trace it back to the start. I think it’s a faded press release from 11 October, 1990 headed “government sets targets for reductions in greenhouse ...

News Headlines

What do gardens bring to urban ecosystems?

"A healthy community requires healthy soil." This idea spurred a consortium of researchers, farmers, and community garden practitioners to dive into the challenges -- and opportunities -- of urban agriculture. Their efforts, now in a second year, may highlight how urban soil can be a resource fo ...

News Headlines

An urban wetland springs to life among Bogota’s high rises

An open plaza in Bogota’s northeastern business district has been radically transformed from a place of pure pavement to a vibrant urban wetland. Colombian architecture firm Obraestudio completed the project in 2016 in the Santa Barbara business center to revitalize the outdoor common space shar ...

News Headlines

Students are striking for action on climate change — a truancy everyone should applaud

Consider this a note explaining why one of us will be absent from school on March 15 — and why everyone else should applaud this truancy.

News Headlines

One Planet Summit climate change talks to take place in Kenya

Kenya and Africa, will for the first time, host the third One Planet Summit on March 14 in Nairobi, making history while also making a crucial point about climate change.

News Headlines

Review of noise impacts on marine mammals yields new policy recommendations

Marine mammals are particularly sensitive to noise pollution because they rely on sound for so many essential functions, including communication, navigation, finding food, and avoiding predators. An expert panel has now published a comprehensive assessment of the available science on how noise e ...

News Headlines

Researchers find fighting and mating success in giant Australian cuttlefish influenced by sidedness

A team of researchers from the University of Rennes in France, Southern Cross University in Australia and the Marine Biological Laboratory in the U.S., has found that both fighting and mating success with giant Australian cuttlefish are influenced by behavioral lateralization. In their paper pub ...

News Headlines

When forests are not forests at all, can fire be used to better manage them?

In the last week of February, Bandipur Tiger Reserve lost over 60 square kilometres of forest to a massive fire, despite the best efforts of hundreds of people who tried to put it out. The incident was widely covered in the news, with sensational pictures of supposedly charred animals, grabbing ...

News Headlines

Flight of the jellyfish, eel and barnacle along the California coast

Marine biologist Jacqueline Sones was strolling along a beach near this Northern California fishing village one foggy summer morning when she spotted an unfamiliar jellyfish bobbing in the surf.

News Headlines

Barrages: l'Afrique au defi de l'impact ecologique des projets hydroelecttriques

Le continent africain fait face à un important défi énergétique et écologique, lié à la croissance économique et démographique du continent. Pour fournir de l’électricité à leurs industries et à leurs populations, les pays se tournent souvent vers l’hydroélectricité, un potentiel énorme encore s ...

News Headlines

Scientists Discover New Stiletto Snake Species in Africa

The stiletto snakes, also known as burrowing asps, are members of Atractaspis, a genus with over 20 validly described species.These burrowing and venomous snakes are famous for their unique skull anatomy and venom delivery system, allowing them to attack and stab sideways with a fang sticking ou ...

News Headlines

L’Union européenne a annoncé qu’elle allait investir 100 millions d’euros supplémentaires pour la protection de la biodiversité en Afrique centrale.

Le programme régional d’appui pour la préservation de la biodiversité et des écosystèmes fragiles en Afrique centrale (Ecofac) va recevoir de l’argent frais. L’Union européenne a promis d’injecter 100 millions d’euros pour soutenir ses actions dont l’objectif est la préservation de l’abondante b ...

News Headlines

Chine : amélioration de la biodiversité dans des lacs principaux de Mongolie intérieure

La région autonome de Mongolie intérieure, dans le nord de la Chine, a constaté une amélioration de l'environnement écologique et de la biodiversité dans trois lacs principaux de la région au cours de ces dernières années.

News Headlines

Des animaux dans les vignes : quand les plus gros, mangent les plus petits

Certains insectes et acariens peuvent nuire à la vigne et à la production de raisins. Pour limiter le recours aux traitements phytosanitaires, les vignerons renforcent de plus en plus la biodiversité, et favorisent ainsi les espèces utiles, consommatrices de ravageurs de la vigne.

News Headlines

L’artificialisation des sols progresse, même sans pression démographique et économique

Bien que l’objectif de limiter l’artificialisation des sols soit clairement annoncé depuis le Grenelle de l’environnement de 2007, puis réaffirmé dans le plan biodiversité de juillet 2018, celle-ci continue à progresser en France.

News Headlines

L'archipel Juan Fernández, terre de Robinson Crusoé, protège son écosystème

Au Chili, l'archipel Juan Fernández abrite une biodiversité des plus riches. Ses habitants tiennent à la préserver.Au début du 18ème siècle, le marin écossais Alexander Selkirk s'échoue sur l'archipel Juan Fernández, situé à environ 700 kilomètres des côtes chiliennes. Sur ces terres inhabitées, ...

News Headlines

La RDC à l’heure de la gestion durable des forêts

En République Démocratique du Congo, près de 50 millions de personnes dépendent directement de la forêt pour la couverture de leurs besoins quotidiens : production agricole sur défriches, chasse, cueillette de plantes et substances de la pharmacopée traditionnelle, bois de feu et bois d’œuvre.

News Headlines

L’utilisation des ressources naturelles a triplé en 50 ans

Selon «Global Resources Outlook 2019», élaboré par le Groupe international d’experts sur les ressources et présenté lors de la quatrième Assemblée de l’ONU-environnement, l’extraction des ressources naturelles a plus que triplé depuis 1970, avec notamment une multiplication par 5 de l’utilisatio ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1401 to 1450
Results for: ("News Headlines")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme