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5529 Results
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Result 1401 to 1450

News Headlines

Coronavirus hits a critical year for nature and the climate

New global agreements on biodiversity, oceans and COP26 climate talks could be derailed by Covid-19

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Scientists long puzzled over plastic 'missing' from our oceans—but now it's been found

You've probably heard that our oceans have become a plastic soup. But in fact, of all the plastic that enters Earth's oceans each year, just 1% has been observed floating on the surface. So where is the rest of it?

News Headlines

Enough is Enough. African nations must unite against illegal fishing

As the continent arguably most affected by the problem of ‘stolen fish’, Africa could secure food for its people while providing the blueprint for victory, according to the findings of a Blue Paper commissioned by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy and launched this February at ...

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Time to choose a sustainable future for food and farming in Europe

Can the European Agriculture Policy finally reorient to boost nature and health or is it destined to drive factory farms, chemical-laden monocultures, and global deforestation?

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Muduga leaping frog is first new member of its genus found in over a century

A new species of frog endemic to the Western Ghats, a mountain range in India that is considered a global biodiversity hotspot, is the first new addition to the genus Walkerana in more than a century.

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Snapping Shrimp Make More Noise in Warmer Oceans

As oceans heat up, the ubiquitous noise of snapping shrimp should increase, posing issues for other species and human seagoing ventures.

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PepsiCo renews sustainable palm oil policy to close supplier loophole

Environmental activists have welcomed food and beverage giant PepsiCo’s move to update its palm oil sustainability policy, following years of pressure over a supply chain tainted by deforestation, peatland conversion, and labor rights violations.

News Headlines

Attenborough urges halt to deep sea mining plans

Sir David Attenborough has urged countries to halt plans to mine the deep sea following the publication of a new report from Fauna & Flora International (FFI) that warns the practice could cause significant loss of biodiversity, disruption of the ocean’s life-support systems and its carbon stora ...

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Chiquita Announces New Updated Sustainability Report

Chiquita, the leading banana company, honors its global responsibility by continuing its sustainability practices that have led the industry for nearly three decades.

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Japan’s plastic addiction is affecting oceans and burdening marine life

Japanese society is compact. There’s little space on a resource-strapped island nation. Centered in densely populated metropolitan centers, citizens work closely with one another to ensure a harmonious society.

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Plastic found in amphipods in Earth's deepest ocean trench

March 6 (UPI) -- Plastics are being ingested by amphipods living in one of the deepest places on Earth, the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench.


Postponement of the Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum - Berlin, Germany, 7-9 April 2020

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/JSH/AER/88592 (2020-026)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; GTI Focal Points; Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity; relevant organizations; indigenous peoples and local communities

pdf English 
News Headlines

Fifth Environment Assembly to focus on nature

Nairobi, 06 March 2020 – With less than a year before the world meets for the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly, the UN’s highest-level environmental forum, “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” has been announced as the theme.

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OPINION: Restoring nature could be Europe's saviour

In Europe, almost a quarter of wild species are at risk of dying out and many ecosystems are too degraded to sustain their social and economic benefits

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Indigenous Innovations Provide Blueprint for Climate-Resilient Design

A new book, Lo—TEK: Design by Radical Indigenism, highlights centuries-old technologies that provide a powerful toolkit for sustainable architecture and design in the modern age.

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East Africa’s reefs being fished at unsustainable rates, study finds

Fish populations in coral reefs off Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique are being harvested at unsustainable rates, new research has found.In the study published in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series, researchers calculate that 70% of the region’s coral reefs have fish stocks below levels nee ...

News Headlines

215-Million-Year-Old, Sharp-Nosed Sea Creature Was Among the Last of Its Kind

Researchers gave the marine reptile the genus name Gunakadeit in honor of a sea monster from Tlingit oral history. As the frigid Alaskan waters lapped at his heels, Patrick Druckenmiller repositioned his saw against the algae-dappled rock.

News Headlines

Illicit wildlife products 'slipping through the net'

A study has called into question the effectiveness of measures to clamp down on the illegal wildlife trade. Critically endangered eels have been sold recently in Hong Kong stores, despite bans on their international trade, according to DNA evidence.

News Headlines

S. Africa vows to combat wildlife crime

South Africa marked the World Wildlife Day on Tuesday, vowing to make concerted efforts to combat wildlife crime. "Our country, supported by its people, partners and in cooperation with other countries, will continue with these efforts in an integrated manner until this war is won," according to ...

News Headlines

When the stakes are high: Sustaining all life on earth

I would like to begin by thanking His Serene Highness for his incredibly warm hospitality and for the friendship between the principality and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) over the years. We are delighted at the prospect of deepening our cooperation on many of the most pressing environment ...

News Headlines

Liberia: Think Blue, Live Green! Youth Forum On Clean Oceans and Healthy Environment Takes Place in Marshall City

The Think Blue, Live Green awareness campaign for sustainable and clean communities proudly supported by the Embassy of Sweden Monrovia and organized by Miss Boss Lady (MBL) International got underway on the weekend of February 29, 2020 with a one-day youth forum in Marshall City, Margibi County.

News Headlines

The birds and the bees: Transform your garden or balcony into a wildlife haven

Just like humans, animals like living near coastal plains and waterways. In fact, cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are "biodiversity hotspots"—boasting fresh water, varied topographies and relatively rich soil to sustain and nourish life.

Press Release

World Wildlife Day highlights importance of sustainable use of wildlife for people, planet and prosperity in “biodiversity super year”

Geneva/Montreal/Nairobi/New York, 3 March 2020 –Joining the global celebration of the United Nations World Wildlife Day, representatives of UN Member States, UN System organizations, international and non-governmental organizations, rural communities and youth gathered at the UN Headquarters in ...

News Headlines

2020: The Year to Super Charge Our Work on Nature

This year’s World Wildlife Day, with the theme of Sustaining All Life on Earth, heralds a year where we must commit to transformative change to stop what will otherwise be a devastating crash in our natural systems

News Headlines

So Far, a Business-as-Usual Plan for Transformational Change

ROME, Italy – Last week, the countries of the world gathered in Rome to discuss their collective global response to the alarming IPBES report indicating that we could lose about 1 millions species to extinction within the next few decades and that the Earth’s natural systems were breaking down, ...

News Headlines

These stylish handbags were made from plastic fished out of the ocean

Rothy’s, the brand known for trendy shoes made from recycled water bottles, has just unveiled a collection of handbags and accessories. Like the shoes, the bags are made from recycled plastic. Only this plastic was fished out of the ocean.

News Headlines

3 billion-year-old Earth had water everywhere, but not one continent, study suggests

What did Earth look like 3.2 billion years ago? New evidence suggests the planet was covered by a vast ocean and had no continents at all. Continents appeared later, as plate tectonics thrust enormous, rocky land masses upward to breach the sea surfaces, scientists recently reported.

News Headlines

World Wildlife Day: UN chief urges ‘more caring’ relationship with nature

People everywhere need to remember that we depend on Mother Earth to survive, the UN chief said in his message for World Wildlife Day marked on Tuesday, advocating for “a more caring, thoughtful and sustainable relationship with nature”.

News Headlines

For Mexico’s forgotten cloud forests, sustainability and protection are key

In 2009, scientists estimated that Mexico’s tropical montane cloud forests — hillside woodlands blanketed in fog and rain — were down to 28% of their original extent. Fifty-three percent of what was left was considered secondary forest, regenerated from primary forest that had been cleared for a ...

News Headlines

Designing plastic to break down in the ocean is possible, but is it practical?

Creating plastic containers that easily degrade in sea water would be a dream solution to the growing problem of plastic waste in the ocean, but a team of Penn State New Kensington researchers suggest that, at least for now, recycling and finding plastic alternatives may still the best way of ha ...

News Headlines

Marine Conservation Methods Paying Dividends In Oracabessa Bay

On Jamaica’s north coast, Oracabessa Bay’s biodiversity sustains its natural beauty and bounty, in addition to a sustainable source of income for those who learn how to dwell in harmony with nature. Ahead of tomorrow’s World Wildlife Day, Oracabessa Bay sits as a nesting site for the endangered ...

News Headlines

Catastrophes triggered by warming oceans

Climate change is causing the oceans to heat up rapidly. This not only has dramatic consequences for marine life, but also means there will be more extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods and forest fires.

News Headlines

UNEP launches Glowing Glowing Gone campaign on loss of coral due to climate change

This World Wildlife Day, the Wild for Life campaign is excited to partner with The Ocean Agency, an organization that utilizes the power of creative collaboration to accelerate ocean conservation and climate action. To foster change, the Ocean Agency raises awareness of the ocean’s most pressing ...

News Headlines

Bid to get ‘aquatic wild meat’ off the menu and under protection

Scientists and conservationists have long expressed concern about the consumption of bushmeat, mindful of its impact on wildlife and human health. Yet the marine equivalent has received relatively little attention, even as dwindling resources have led more small-scale fishers in places such as W ...

News Headlines

The European Search For A Strategy To Help Both Farmers And Biodiversity

European Union member states are trying to adopt more sustainable agriculture practices, amid debates over subsidies and protests from the sector.

News Headlines

Antarctic ice walls protect glaciers from warm ocean water

Feb. 27 (UPI) -- The planet's oceans are capable of storing a lot more heat than Earth's atmosphere.

News Headlines

Ecologically diverse clades dominate the oceans via extinction resistance

A paper on animal biodiversity pattern by a team of researchers led by the Biology Department at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilos is featured in the February 28, 2020 issue of the journal Science.

News Headlines

Saving Mozambique’s seagrass

Creating the conditions for sustainable seagrass restoration in Maputo and Inhambane bays “People can’t think of Inhaca without thinking about seagrass,” says Salamao Bandeira of Maputo’s Eduardo Mondlane University, knee-deep in the shallow waters on the seaward side of Maputo Bay, as he points ...

News Headlines

Eerie seal 'ballet' beneath Antarctic iceberg wins underwater photo prize

An iceberg towering above the sea surface is an impressive sight, but the view from below is positively otherworldly. A breathtaking photo captured by French photographer Greg Lecoeur in chilly ocean waters near Antarctica revealed a mesmerizing scene: a drifting quartet of crabeater seals (Lobo ...

News Headlines

In Antarctica, the Sinister Stirrings of Climate Change

In 1916, Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton was forced to make a treacherous voyage across the open waters of the Southern Ocean after his ship ‘Endurance’ was crushed by pack ice and sank in the Weddell Sea. Along with five members of his party, Shackleton set out for the island of South Geor ...

News Headlines

Government moves to rid Nigerian waters of pollution

The Federal Government has launched an action plan to tackle the challenge of marine litter and plastics, to ensure cleaner seas and ocean for healthy living and protection of maritime ecosystem.

News Headlines

Scientists discovered the first animal that doesn't need oxygen to live. It's changing the definition of what an animal can be

You'd think all animals would need oxygen to live, right? Wrong. Researchers just discovered a unique organism that doesn't need to breathe. Instead, the tiny parasite lives in salmon tissue and evolved so that it doesn't need oxygen to produce energy.

News Headlines

Biodiversity ‘fundamental’ for global food systems, at “heart’ of development – UN agriculture chief

Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), told negotiators on Monday that as agriculture and food systems are “at the heart of the concept of sustainable development”, they are central to deliberations regarding the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework, which is exp ...

News Headlines

Scientists document striking changes in Pacific Arctic ecosystems

Pacific Arctic ecosystems are undergoing dramatic changes because of warmer ocean water, a multidisciplinary team of scientists reported in the journal Nature Climate Change.

News Headlines

Scientists call on government to increase ambition to save our ocean

In the last decade there has been rapid expansion in the area of ocean designated as a Marine Protected Area (MPA).Despite this progress, marine biodiversity continues to decline, placing at risk the health of our oceans and the critical role the oceans have in supporting human well-being

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Why drought-busting rain depends on the tropical oceans

Recent helpful rains dampened fire grounds and gave many farmers a reason to cheer. But much of southeast Australia remains in severe drought.

News Headlines

Conserving wildlife is a matter of our own survival

As Uganda prepares to join the rest of the world on March 3, 2020, to celebrate the United Nations World Wildlife Day, it is imperative to reflect on both the global and local themes; sustaining all life on earth and Sustaining Wildlife in Uganda for the present and future generations, respectively.

News Headlines

What will it cost to save the earth's oceans?

In 2015, 193 countries agreed on 17 global objectives for ending poverty and protecting the environment by 2030. These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included SDG 14, to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”

News Headlines

Sisi reviews plans to upgrade natural reserves, preserve biodiversity

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi urged the involvement of the private sector and youth in the projects of the Environment Ministry, including the development of the infrastructure of the natural reserves, while preserving their biological diversity, the Presidency said in a statement on Sunday.

News Headlines

Buzz off, honey industry: National parks shouldn't be milked for money

Among the vast number of native species damaged by the recent bushfire crisis, we must not forget native pollinators. These animals, mainly insects such as native bees, help sustain ecosystems by pollinating native plants.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1401 to 1450
Results for: "sustainable ocean initiative"
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme