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595 Results
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Result 101 to 150

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Cleaning campaign commences in Red Sea island Magawish in Hurghada

With the participation of dozens of nursing school students and Hurghada youth center members, a campaign was organized Tuesday to clean up the beaches on “Magawish” island, located near the shores of Hurghada in the Red Sea.

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Drug pollution concentrates in stream bugs, passes to predators in water and on land

Sixty-nine pharmaceutical compounds have been detected in stream insects, some at concentrations that may threaten animals that feed on them, such as trout and platypus. When these insects emerge as flying adults, they can pass drugs to spiders, birds, bats, and other streamside foragers. These ...

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Tracking The Movement Of All Plastic Litter In The Ocean Is Crucial

At the end of October the European Parliament approved EU’s plans to ban, by 2021, throwaway plastics, which make up over 70% of the marine litter. This is part of the newly launched EU’s plastics strategy and of speeding up global action on marine plastics pollution. The G7 summit in Canada in ...


World Soil Day 2018

5 December 2018, Rome, Italy

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100% of Sea Turtles in Global Study Found With Plastics in Their Bellies

A new study of sea turtles in three oceans and seas drove home the point, green campaigners said Wednesday, that the world's governments and corporations are not doing enough to reduce plastic pollution—and marine life is suffering as a result.

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Microplastics found to permeate the ocean’s deepest points

Like the food particles that clump together in the middle of a kitchen sink, plastic debris is gathering in the deepest reaches of the ocean.

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An Ambitious Project To Clean Up the Ocean's Garbage Patch Isn't Working

The ocean holds hundreds of millions of tons of plastic, and none of it is going anywhere anytime soon.

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Scientists decry lack of data on ocean pollution

[SÃO PAULO] Scientific databases contain little information on pollution in marine conservation areas, according to a broad review of research on chemical pollution and its biological effects on the ocean.

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How Does the Nile’s Pollution Affect Its Ecosystem and Us?

Bassita, a click-funding initiative famous for its social media awareness campaigns, introduced the ‘VeryNile’ initiative on Saturday, in a bid to solve Egypt’s Nile pollution by creating a sustainable ecosystem that recycles the plastic and waste collected from the river.

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EU reaches agreement on single-use plastic ban

A plan to ban single-use plastic products such as disposable plates and straws has been agreed. EU member states and the EU parliament still have to give the provisional agreement the go-ahead.

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Plastic pollution: Do beach clean-ups really make a difference?

Picking up trash from river beds and beaches has become a popular activity around the world. But do clean-ups really help tackle the growing problem of plastic pollution? DW's Brigitte Osterath reports from Honduras.

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Pollutants from wildfires affect crop and vegetation growth hundreds of kilometers from impact zone

Pollutants from wild fires affect crop and vegetation growth hundreds of kilometres from impact zone, research shows.The startling extent to which violent wild fires, similar to those that ravaged large swathes of California recently, affect forests and crops way beyond the boundaries of the bla ...

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Scientists discover Earth's deepest point is polluted by plastic

While the deep ocean is filled with nightmarish creatures that terrorize even my waking thoughts, there's a much more terrifying crisis for the Earth: the plastic apocalypse.

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You Can't Just "Clean Up" the Plastic in the Ocean. Here's Why.

Since the early 1950s, there has been an estimated 8.3 billion tons — and counting — of plastic produced on the planet, according to a 2017 study published in the Science Advances journal. The United Nations Environment Program reports that roughly 60% of that lump sum has made its way to landfi ...

News Headlines

Could a Seaweed-Eating Microbe Help Solve the Ocean Plastic Crisis?

The use of traditional plastics poses a major threat to the world's oceans: If current trends continue, plastics will outnumber fish by 2050. But the oceans might also contain the solution to this massive problem, researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have discovered.

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Floating parks made from plastic waste could unite communities to tackle pollution

The equivalent of one truck of plastic waste is dumped into the ocean every minute, but what if it could be caught and removed before it drifted out to sea? One such solution, called the Recycled Park Project, is being floated in Rotterdam. Developed over the last five years, the idea is turning ...

News Headlines

How a Seaweed-Eating Microbe Could Help Fight Plastic Pollution

Around 8 million metric tons of plastic are estimated to enter the oceans every year. But the oceans could provide a solution to this plastic pollution problem. In a new study published in Bioresource Technology, scientists report that certain salt-loving microorganisms could eat seaweed and pro ...

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Bolivian bees under threat from coca pesticides

High up in the Bolivian cloud forest, a woman tends to her bees, smoker in hand, working from hive to hive under a canopy of leaves to delicately gather panels of honeycomb. It's a bucolic scene that experts say won't last, for the bees are dying.

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The ocean garbage patch is tiny compared to our carbon footprint

Last summer, I volunteered in Indonesia on the islands of Simeulue and Bangkaru. During this unique opportunity, I helped to monitor and protect the local green sea turtle population, and I witnessed firsthand the effects of waste on the environment.

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Quieter ships could help Canada's endangered orcas recover

With the death of the young female orca calf known as J50 in the Pacific Northwest in September 2018, the population of southern resident killer whales has fallen to 74.

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See How This Non-Profit Is Using The Blockchain To Clean Up The Niger Delta

Cleaning up the oil spills along the Niger Delta is no quick or easy task.Yet for one 501(c)(3) non-profit it's dedicated to alleviating the oil spill issues by Shell and other companies, which are impacting people's lives, through the use of the blockchain.

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Watch how air pollution moves across Europe

This is what pollution looks like on a European scale.The animation shows the concentration and movement through the atmosphere of nitrogen dioxide. NO₂ is a problem gas that is produced primarily by vehicle exhausts and industrial activity via the burning of fossil fuels.

News Headlines

Plastic in the ocean: Plastic producers team up and pledge $1bn to combat the plastic problem

Plastic-producing companies around the world have teamed up and committed to investing more than $1 billion to cut our plastic waste.The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW), made up of almost 30 companies, will build solutions that will reduce the amount of plastic created and help deal with si ...

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Pollution in India Could Reshape Monsoons

Over the next decade, more than 400 large dams will be built on the Himalayan rivers—by India, China, Nepal, Bhutan, and Pakistan—to feed the region’s hunger for electricity and its need for irrigation. New ports and thermal power plants line the coastal arc that runs from India, through Southea ...

News Headlines

The End Of Plastic Cutlery, Plates And Straws: EU Market Says Goodbye To Single-Use Plastic Products

Europe wants to lead the fight against plastic pollution. On January 18th EU member states confirmed the provisional agreement reached between the presidency of the Council and the European Parliament on a new directive to introduce restrictions on certain single-use plastic products.

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Plastic pollution increasing at the top of the Earth

Increasing amounts of plastic pollution have been detected in Europe's most northern Arctic regions.Scientists are registering high concentrations of microplastic particles not only in Arctic waters but also in the Arctic ice and snow.

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New Australia mass fish deaths in key river system

Thousands more fish have died in a key river system in drought-hit eastern Australia just weeks after up to a million were killed, authorities and locals said Monday, sparking fears an ecological disaster is unfolding.

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Microplastics flushed into the oceans are causing mussels to lose their grip

Microplastics flushed into the oceans are causing mussels to lose their grip, a new study warned. The tiny particles of plastic fragments are affecting the ability of mussels to attach themselves to their surroundings and triggering an immune response in the mollusc.

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Plastic waste in oceans killing marine life in coastal waters in VN

An X-ray and ultrasound scan at a hospital showed an astonishing amount of plastic waste inside the turtle. Despite thorough care and endoscopic surgery, the turtle was still weak and needed more time to recover.

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Plastic in Britain's seals, dolphins and whales

Microplastics have been found in the guts of every marine mammal examined in a new study of animals washed up on Britain's shores.

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Scorecard measures nutrient pollution in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha

UN Environment has been working with a broad range of partners to better assess the health of lake ecosystems in India, Kenya and the Philippines. Economic activity in and around Lake Naivasha, and the rapidly growing population, have placed mounting environmental pressure on this important sour ...

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Plastic in the oceans is not the fault of the global south

Plastic pollution in developing Asia is often in the spotlight, but the conversation largely ignores the role of Western countries in the plastic waste trade.

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The new plastic threat to marine life: Glue-like substances secreted by ocean bacteria

Microplastics are merging with bacteria and turning into large clumps in sea water, scientists have discovered. Glue-like molecules emitted by bacteria - called biopolymers - join with the plastic particles to form large masses.

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Ce « mur vivant » qui filtre le plastique dans le port de Sydney est un espoir contre la pollution

En collaboration avec Reef Design Lab et le Sydney Institute of Marine Science, Volvo a conçu une innovation qui pourrait ramener de la biodiversité tout en combattant la pollution marine. Baptisé Living Seawall (la digue vivante), ce mur se compose de tuiles faites en béton marin dont la struct ...

News Headlines

Are forests now playing a role in air pollution?

A study suggests that as forests change, higher levels of nitrogen oxides are to be expected, making it more difficult for some regions to meet national air quality standards.

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Slaking the World’s Thirst with Seawater Dumps Toxic Brine in Oceans

Growing populations and tightening water supplies have spurred people in many places—including the Middle East, Australia, California and China—to look to the oceans and other salty waters as a source of new drinking water. But desalination plants are energy intensive and create a potentially en ...

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Tasmania's lakes among most contaminated in the world

Metal contamination levels in some of Tasmania’s lakes are among the highest in the world, a new study has found, while those within the state’s Wilderness World Heritage Area have also been badly polluted by mining.

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Plastic-Free Year,’ ‘Plastic-Free Legacy’ programmes encourage recycling

Several initiatives to bolster tourism by encouraging the public and youth to recycling and eliminate single-use plastics have been launched by been launched by the Ministry of Tourism.

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From paradise to landfill: beloved California beach covered in trash

Beachgoers hoping to stretch their legs on southern California’s famous Seal Beach were surprised to find a mountain of trash instead of sand and surf this week.

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Brûler les déchets verts est nocif pour la santé et l’environnement

Brûler les déchets de jardin peut paraître un geste anodin. C'est pourtant interdit par la loi, car néfaste pour l'environnement comme pour votre santé. Explications.

News Headlines

Sensing Change: How Sound, Light and Smell Can Affect Plants and Animals

Last week, Romulus Whitaker, known popularly as India’s ‘snake man’, published an Instagram post expressing his concern about the Sheraton Grand Hotel next door to the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust, outside Chennai, blasting loud music that was “triggering aberrant behaviour” among the animals.

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Boat made of old flip-flops flies flag for cleaner African seas

It was 6pm when an unusual rainbow-coloured boat, made of recycled plastic waste and discarded flip-flops gathered from beaches and roadsides, dropped anchor off the beach at Mtwapa, near Kenya’s coastal city of Mombasa.

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This unique map shows which rivers are most polluted with plastic

Every year, approximately eight million metric tons of plastic enters the world’s oceans – the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic every single minute.

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Can Our Individual Plastic Footprint Stop The Ocean Of Waste From Submerging Us?

Plastic production will increase by 20,000% in 40 years if we keep things how they are. Plastic is everywhere. Over the years it became one of the most used material, and it got to a point where the cars and planes we travel on are made at 50% by plastic, or where it is more common for clothes t ...

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It's not just microbeads - these are the beauty ingredients that are still polluting our oceans

Remember January 8th 2018? No? Well, it was a great day, namely because the UK government banned the production of microbeads in rinse-off cosmetics, including shower gels, soaps and face wash.

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Cleaning up Everest – the world's highest rubbish dump

Mount Everest has turned into a dumping ground as the growing numbers of climbers leave their trash behind on the mountain.

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Indonesians clean up the beach one sandal at a time

Hundreds of people sifted through a vast wasteland of rubbish strewn across a beach in Indonesia on Thursday, underscoring the Southeast Asian archipelago's mammoth marine waste problem

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World's deepest waters becoming 'ultimate sink' for plastic waste

The world’s deepest ocean trenches are becoming “the ultimate sink” for plastic waste, according to a study that reveals contamination of animals even in these dark, remote regions of the planet.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 101 to 150
Results for: ("Chemicals and Pollution")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme