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Will follow with Ravi Sharma
This side event is aimed at Parties willing to further develop their National Clearing-House Mechanisms. The Secretariat will provide guidance and present possible strategies for several types of National Clearing-House Mechanisms.
A short symposium with presentations on the importance of SDRs on the conservation of biodiversity and poverty alleviation in the Brazilian Amazonia. Speakers will include representatives of four Sustainable Development Reserves (Cujubim and Mamirauá, in the Amazonas State, Iratapuru in Amapá St ...
The GEF has recently granted PDF B funding for a UNEP-GISP proposal to raise awareness and build capacity in the prevention and management of invasive species. The Side-Event will introduce the project, the pilot countries, and the issues confronting them.
Several tropical countries around the world are designing and implementing large-scale conservation networks termed biodiversity corridors. In this event, organizations from South America, Africa and Asia will present their perspectives on how to integrate bussiness into the implementation of th ...
The event has as objective to present an applied strategy for the conservation in Brazil and Portugal, after the partnership between private companies and NGOs. In these countries similar works have been done by the local conservationists NGOs SPVS (Brazil) and Quercus (Portugal) to protect last ...
At COP7, the Parties adopted a framework for assessing progress towards and communicating the 2010 target at the global level, which lists specific goals and targets to be achieved by 2010. SBSTTA recommended a number of headline indicators and means to measure progress toward achieving them. ...
Presentation of case studies prepared by Indigenous Peoples commissioned by the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB).
A workshop to illustrate efforts by the indigenous Wapichan people to document their customary use of biodiversity and to ask the government to implement Article 10 (c) of the Convention, which requires Parties to "protect and encourage customary use of biological resources in accordance with tr ...
The event will present and discuss the research results of The Andean Amazon Initiative for the Prevention of Biopiracy. The researches have special emphasis on issues related to articule 15 of the CBD - International Regime on Access and Benefit-Sharing and it's elements (certificates of origin ...
Presentation of cases, experiences and challenges related to the oil & gas exploration,transportation and production in biodiversity sensitive environments.
Concept for HOB side event during CBD/COP8 A. Background The ‘Heart of Borneo’ initiative presents a unique opportunity to conserve a total of 220,000 sq km of pristine equatorial rainforest i.e. almost 30% of the world’s third largest island. WWF aims to assist Borneo’s three nations (Brunei ...
Successful examples of sustainable use of principally non timber products by traditional communities, in Savanna Biomes from Brazil, Venezuela and two African Countries, will be presented as repliable models for poverty alleviation. Advance of the industrial agriculture and pasture and deficient ...
Presentation of research findings on customary law as the basis for TK protection and ABS, and of the case of the Equitable Benefit-Sharing agreement between communities of the Potato Park, Peru.
Learn how Indigenous Biocultural Heritage Areas in Peru are breaking new ground in conservation of biological and cultural resources through a holistic approach to conservation.
Presentation of ABS case studies in francophone countries.
Presentation on the potential impact of GURTs to agricultural biodiversity and the rights of farmers to seeds. Emphasis on how terminator technology will not only terminate the diversity of genetic resources, but it will also terminate the rights and lives of farmers and farming communities.
Panel discussion on Clean Development Mechanism, Ecosystems and Citizenship Panel members: Roberto T. Hosokawa, PhD Post-Doctorate in Agrarian Sciences, University of Freiburg, Germany. PhD in Forest Economics and Management, University of Freiburg, Germany. Specialization in Forest Engineerin ...
The central strategy of the side event Addressing the link between Conservation and Poverty - Community Conserved Areas (highlighting Extrativist Reserves in Brazil) is to – a) Promote the idea of Community Conserved Areas Globally as an important mechanism to address the link between conservat ...
ABIF debriefing session on existing efforts to mobilize amazonian data housed in natural history museums and herbaria
This will be the official book release in Brazil of the new book, Transboundary Conservation, produced by CEMEX, Conservation International, Agrupacion Sierra Madre, IUCN, the WILD Foundation and the International League of Conservation Photographers. The book launch will include presentation b ...
The Commission of Education and Environmental Communication of the World Conservation Union (IUCN/CEC) comprises of the Project of Global Environmental Citizenship, supported by the Global Environmental Facilities, and the PNUMA/ORPALC, executed by six international networks of civil society and ...
Brazil has nearly 12% of its territory protected as Indigenous Peoples lands. It has been framed as protected thanks to its high potential for the promotion of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Notwithstanding this high profile of environmental concern, the management of Indigen ...
The growing interest for traditional ecological knowledge at all levels is generating significant demand for information, case studies and research. In France, approaches based on the concepts of heritage and the terroir have been developed, thus making it possible to better understand, conserv ...
Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors (PIIPA) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington D.C. that helps developing countries find no or low-cost intellectual property assistance. We presently have over 55 projects around the world in areas as diverse as helping with IP l ...
The Aldeias Vigilantes (Vigilant Villages) Project is being carried out in the Brazilian state of Acre. The project consists in empowering indigenous communities and establishing a communication system in order to prevent acts of biopiracy. Represntatives of Amazonlink and the Ministry of En ...
films from around the world 'suits and savages' 'development at gunpoint' plus 3 shorts from italy, uk and nigeria
Presentations and discussion of an integrated cooperative approach focussed on research for the protection of biodiversity of the Mata Atlântica region. (4-5 speakers from Brazil and Germany) plus discussion Speakers: 1.Representatives of the funding agencies/ministries of Brazil and Germany ...
The IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management and its partners will present the Ecosystem Approach case studies and capacity building efforts they have implemented over the past three years.
In the light of COP 8 discussions on goals and targets on forests we wish to share the participatory process in Sweden with quantitative, time-bound, agreed and achievable targets for implementation of ecological, economic and social aspects of forest policy.
A large proportion of the forests in the Amazon lies into public lands. In Brazil, 75% of the Amazon are public forests (over 300 million hectares). The decision regading the regulation and administration of those forests is crucial to garantee its conservation and sustainable management. In Br ...
The side event will include project presentations of GEF-supported projects and programs on island biodiversity, including good practice.
A presentation of Klabin's director about a macro approach of sustainability in pulp and paper business with a focus on environment, industrial systems and forest
Panel I - International intiatitives fro mainstreaming biodiversity in productive landscapes 1. "Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development: Case Studies from South Africa" 2. "Integrating Biodiversity Conservation into Catlle Farms in Colombia and Costa Rica" Panel II - Developing biodiversi ...
RedLAC is a network composed of 21 Environmental Funds located in 14 countries of the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region. This network currently manages a combined budget of US$ 700 million, channeling nearly US$ 70 million per year into projects. Up to date, RedLAC members have financed ...
FFI has, in recent years, been addressing the question of how to link its conservation work more closely with the poverty reduction agenda. This meeting will report on the opportunities and challenges of this work, at both project and policy level. The topics include: the imperative for conserva ...
The outcome of studies on the exchange, sustainable use and conservation of farm animal genetic resources, and related policy aspects, will be presented.
Parties (one country from each region) will share their experience with integrating the 2010 biodiversity targets into national MDG strategies, and in particular into MDG 7 on environmental sustainability.
The side event explores: 1. information on: · the numbers of tourists engaging in “wildlife watching” tourism activities, · the range of “wildlife watching” tourism activities (for example, ranging from bird watching to whale watching, from interest in large mammals to coral reefs and sharks) ...
Case studies from the BirdLife International Partnership on working with people for the conservation of biodiversity in small island developing states.
The World Heritage Centre will provide a brief overview of the state of natural WH sites, followed by an update on existing and planned activities pertaining to the conservation of biodiversity. Question and answer session to follow.
Presentation of independent monitoring report on the implementation of FCCC Art.4.1(d)
Launching of Namibia's Biodiversity knowledge management sets - best practice. Presentation of a biodiversity publication on Namibia's past and present biodiversity experiences. A presentation of Namibia's protected areas network
GEF finances or is on the verge of financing 09 full-scale projects in the Southern Cone of South America. All of them share some objectives and targets, but are developed with different strategies as the environmental situation and socioeconomic background of regions are different. The COP-08 ...
Presentation of case studies prepared by Indigenous Peoples commissioned by the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB).
This event will discuss mechanisms and strategies of countries in the Southern Cone of South America to integrate biodiversity conservation and sustainable use into the productive landscape. Presenters will be GEF-funded projects sponsored by the World Bank and will be open to a broader audience ...
The public policies for conservation of nature have emphasized the creation of protected areas and the handling of natural resources. Notwithstanding the adopted strategy, in many cases, these strategies culminate in the application of models based on other realities in places whose communities ...
Update on the progress made in the first Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources and announcement of the first International Technical Conference Animal Genetic Resources.