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475 Results
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Result 101 to 150

News Headlines

Conservation groups to sue EPA over manatee deaths

Three conservation groups have filed formal notice of their intent to sue the Environmental Protection Agency if it doesn't take steps to protect manatees from water pollution in Florida

News Headlines

Contribute with the Well-Being of the Oceans by Reducing Single-Use Plastics

The oceans allow the transport of most of the world trade, they are an important source of food and employment. Costa Rica is home to 3.5% of the world’s marine biodiversity. Its marine territory is 11 times larger than the land part. Despite these figures, Alejandra Villalobos, executive direct ...

News Headlines

Coral bleaching disease triggers closure of access to Cozumel reefs

Some of the most popular reefs around the island of Cozumel will be closed to the public due to white band disease, which is killing the coral. The Natural Protected Areas Commission (Conanp) will restrict access to much of the Cozumel Reefs National Marine Park beginning in October.

News Headlines

Coral: Palau to ban sunscreen products to protect reefs

Palau is set to become the first country to impose a widespread ban on sunscreen in an effort to protect its vulnerable coral reefs. The government has signed a law that restricts the sale and use of sunscreen and skincare products that contain a list of ten different chemicals.

News Headlines

Coronavirus UK lockdown causes big drop in air pollution

The nationwide shutdown caused by the coronavirus outbreak has led to big drops in air pollution across the UK’s major cities, new data analysis shows. Levels of toxic pollutants were likely to fall even further, scientists said, as traffic remained off the roads but prevailing westerly winds fr ...

News Headlines

Coronavirus puts brakes on global plastics production

Global plastics production declined slightly in 2020 as a result of the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, only the third time since World War II that output has fallen, an industry body said Thursday.

News Headlines

Costa Rica to completely ban polystyrene due to environmental impact

President says his countrymen must make changes ‘in our minds but also in our actions’

News Headlines

Could Protein-Based Bioplastics Bring Relief for Oceans and Landfill?

More than eight million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year—a serious danger for the environment and health. Biodegradable bioplastics could provide an alternative.

News Headlines

Could a Seaweed-Eating Microbe Help Solve the Ocean Plastic Crisis?

The use of traditional plastics poses a major threat to the world's oceans: If current trends continue, plastics will outnumber fish by 2050. But the oceans might also contain the solution to this massive problem, researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have discovered.

News Headlines

Country diary 1921: deadly impact of upstream pollution

There has been a wretched mishap in the vale which runs down to the sea between the great caverned rocks. Through this vale, celebrated for its beautiful nestling village, its old church and nunnery, its plume-like elms housing a rookery, its banks of primroses and violets and ferns, there runs ...

News Headlines

Country diary: catch these twinkling stars before their lights go out

In the hedgerows the blackthorn is shooting sprays of small white blossom upwards, thus signalling the end of the winter. If this is so, then we have had an exceptionally warm and wet season. Perhaps counter-intuitively, such weather can spell disaster for many insects; adapted as they are to si ...

News Headlines

DDT still affecting lake ecosystems 50 years after it was banned

June 12 (UPI) -- The highly potent pesticide DDT was banned more than a half-century ago, but the toxic chemical persists in lake ecosystems and continues to impact freshwater food chains, according to a new study.

News Headlines

Data from outer space used to map air pollution and its impact on health

How can data from outer space be used to impact human health? NASA's Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) mission will study how different types of airborne particles affect human health over the short term, long term and during pregnancy.

News Headlines

Dead and stranded turtle hatchlings alarm Queensland officials

Queensland’s environmental authorities have raised alarm about large numbers of flatback turtle hatchlings that are dying soon after leaving the nest in the waters along the Capricorn coast region of Queensland.

News Headlines

Dead whale 'had 40kg of plastic in its stomach'

A dead whale has been found washed up in the Philippines with a stomach filled with 40kg of plastic. Workers at D'Bone Collector Museum in Davao City recovered the body of the Cuvier's beaked whale before making the discovery.

News Headlines

Dead whale washed up in Philippines had 40kg of plastic bags in its stomach

Marine biologists horrified to find 16 rice sacks and multiple shopping bags inside Cuvier’s beaked whale

News Headlines

Deadliest plastics: bags and packaging biggest marine life killers, study finds

Plastic bags and flexible packaging are the deadliest plastic items in the ocean, killing wildlife including whales, dolphins, turtles and seabirds around the globe, according to a review of hundreds of scientific articles.

News Headlines

Declaring key ocean habitats off-limits to human activities protects biodiversity and guards against climate change

Ocean life is increasingly threatened: offshore drilling has polluted ocean waters while overfishing has stripped fish populations of their abundance, pushing stocks to the point of collapse.

News Headlines

Do mussels reveal the fate of the oceans?

More than 10 million tons of plastic debris enter the oceans every year and are found in nearly every oceanic layer. They start out as large floating items and eventually break down into much smaller pieces called microplastics. T

News Headlines

Do you toss biodegradable plastic in the compost bin? Here's why it might not break down

Over one-fifth of all plastic produced worldwide is tossed into uncontrolled dumpsites, burned in open pits or leaked into the environment. In Australia, 1.1 million tonnes of plastic is placed in the market, yet just 16% (179,000 tonnes) is recovered.

News Headlines

Does the air pollution on the London Underground harm your health?

On any given weekday, the London Underground sees up to five million passengers hopping on and off its network. Its 11 lines serve 272 stations, and at peak times there can be over 500 trains hurtling around beneath the streets of London.

News Headlines

Drug pollution concentrates in stream bugs, passes to predators in water and on land

Sixty-nine pharmaceutical compounds have been detected in stream insects, some at concentrations that may threaten animals that feed on them, such as trout and platypus. When these insects emerge as flying adults, they can pass drugs to spiders, birds, bats, and other streamside foragers. These ...

News Headlines

Drugs have dangerously polluted the world’s rivers, scientists warn

Humanity’s drugs have polluted rivers across the entire world and pose “a global threat to environmental and human health”, according to the most comprehensive study to date.

News Headlines

Dumping plastic in waterways is 'criminal', pope says in TV interview

Dumping plastic in waterways is “criminal” and must end if humanity wants to save the planet for future generations, Pope Francis said in a television interview on Sunday.

News Headlines

EU air quality slowly improving but still deadly: report

Air pollution is slowly easing in EU countries but still causes nearly half a million early deaths each year, the European Environment Agency (EEA) said in its annual report published Monday.

News Headlines

EU bans widely used pesticide over safety concerns

One of the world’s most common pesticides will soon be banned by the European Union after safety officials reported human health and environmental concerns.

News Headlines

EU reaches agreement on single-use plastic ban

A plan to ban single-use plastic products such as disposable plates and straws has been agreed. EU member states and the EU parliament still have to give the provisional agreement the go-ahead.

News Headlines

Earthworms like to eat some plastics, but side effects of their digestion are unclear

Earthworms are a welcome sight for gardeners and farmers because the wriggling invertebrates recycle nutrients from soil, making them more accessible to plants. As worms burrow, they consume almost everything in their path, including microscopic plastic pollution.

News Headlines

Effect of environmental contaminants on the health of pet cats

Companion animals are in close contact with human surroundings, and there is growing concern about the effects of harmful substances on the health of pet cats.

News Headlines

Egypt Red Sea province to ban single-use plastic

Egypt's Red Sea Governorate is to introduce a ban on single-use plastics that are destroying marine life, the province's top official said Wednesday.

News Headlines

Elephants dying from eating plastic waste in Sri Lankan dump

Sri Lanka (AP) — Conservationists and veterinarians are warning that plastic waste in an open landfill in eastern Sri Lanka is killing elephants in the region, after two more were found dead over the weekend.

News Headlines

Elephant’s trunk may be one of most sensitive body parts of any animal Bees: Air pollution prevents pollinating insects from finding flowers

Air pollution is causing problems for insects by preventing them from sniffing out the crops and wildflowers that depend on them, new research suggests.

News Headlines

Environment Agency launches major investigation into sewage

Water companies are at the centre of a major investigation by the financial and environmental watchdogs after they admitted they may have illegally released untreated sewage into waterways without permits.

News Headlines

Environmentalists have removed nearly 40 tonnes of trash from the Pacific

The sailing cargo ship Kwai docked in Honolulu last month after a 25-day voyage with 40 tonnes of fishing nets and consumer plastics aboard, gathered from what has become known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

News Headlines

Essential Science: Time to ban glitter? A microplastic risk

A recent study from the journal Geochemical Perspectives finds that microplastics have been detected at the deepest point of the ocean, Challenger Deep, in the western Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench. See: “Microplastics contaminate the deepest part of the world’s ocean.”

News Headlines

Europe-banned insecticide ‘threatens Africa’s food security’

[CAPE TOWN] Scientists are calling on African policymakers to act urgently to control the use of pesticides called neonicotinoids, which threaten the wider ecosystem and food security, and have been banned by the European Union.

News Headlines

Even our own bodies now contain plastic waste. It’s time to get drastic

We are what we eat, and what we eat reveals something about what we are in return. So it shouldn’t be all that surprising that humans are now apparently eating plastic, given what we mostly are is thoughtless enough to have littered the planet with the stuff.

News Headlines

Examining the microplastics in the Indian Ocean

They may be tiny, but they pose a global problem for humans and the environment: microplastic particles. These are plastic particles with a diameter between one micron and five millimeters.

News Headlines

Experts aim to improve assessment of global chemicals management

UK hosted workshop to create quantifiable process for measuring progress

News Headlines

Experts call for global strategy to monitor effect of airborne plastic pollution on oceans

An international team of experts has called for the creation of an observation network to monitor the effect of airborne plastic pollution on oceans.

News Headlines

Exposure to microplastics may alter cellular function

Pollution from miniscule pieces of plastic, or microplastics, have been a growing concern for scientists, public health advocates and environmentalists as these nondegradable items have increasingly made their way into waterways and even the air we breathe.

News Headlines

Fears of environmental disaster as oil-laden ship sinks off Sri Lanka

A chemical-laden cargo ship is sinking off the coast of Sri Lanka, sparking fears of an environmental disaster. The Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl had been on fire for almost two weeks before the blaze was put out this week.

News Headlines

Fish ponds and water harvesting: climate-smart farming comes to Kenya

It might not be clear why a fish pond project should take root in a region surrounding the great Lake Victoria. After all, as the second largest freshwater lake in the world, it should be able to support the fish and the people that depend on its resources.

News Headlines

Fishing for solutions to the plastic problem

More than 35 percent of fish caught in the waters off southern Australia contain microplastics, and the problem is most acute in South Australia, with plastic found in 49 percent of fish, according to research from the University of Adelaide.

News Headlines

Flipflopi sets sail on expedition to map impact of marine litter in the Western Indian Ocean

There is limited data on the extent and impact of marine litter in the Western Indian Ocean region; Flipflopi and partners will map the extent of marine litter in the ocean and around the UNESCO heritage site of the Lamu archipelago; the baseline study will be used to inform potential interventi ...

News Headlines

Floating ocean plastic can get a boost to its wave-induced transport because of its size

Plastic pollution and other ocean debris are a complex global environmental problem. Every year, ten million tons of plastic are estimated to be mismanaged, resulting in entry into the ocean, of which half will float initially. Yet, only 0.3 million tons of plastic can be found floating on the s ...

News Headlines

Floating parks made from plastic waste could unite communities to tackle pollution

The equivalent of one truck of plastic waste is dumped into the ocean every minute, but what if it could be caught and removed before it drifted out to sea? One such solution, called the Recycled Park Project, is being floated in Rotterdam. Developed over the last five years, the idea is turning ...

News Headlines

Floral foam adds to microplastic pollution problem

As the cut flower industry hits one of its busiest periods, new research has shown that the water-absorbing green floral foam used by florists is contributing to the world's microplastic problem.

News Headlines

Fortune favours the prepared: Fixing the COVID-19 waste problem to build back better and tackle climate change

COVID-19 showed that the world was unprepared to cope with a surge in medical waste — but it also presents an opportunity to fix a problem that has huge implications for mitigating climate change, fighting pollution, and creating resilient health systems.

News Headlines

Four in 10 Americans live in counties with unhealthy air pollution levels

New research from the American Lung Association find that more than four in 10 people – a whopping 135 million in the US – live in counties with unhealthy levels of particle or ozone pollution.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 101 to 150
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Chemicals and Pollution")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme