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28 April - 2 May 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Minutes of the meeting
Report of the Africa regional meeting on the Clearing-house Mechanism
Aims, Scope, Functions and Governance of a Broad-based Clearing-House under the Convention on Biological Diversity
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/36239 (2003-062)
To: CBD National Focal Points - least developed countries and small island developing satates
The Government of the Netherlands has generously agreed to provide both financial and technical resources to assist one or two countries to develop their clearing-house mechanism national focal point websites
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/36236 (2003-063)
To: CBD National Focal Points – Latin America and the Caribbean
A joint clearing-house mechanism and Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) regional meeting will be held on 12 to 14 August 2003 in Cancun, Mexico, for the Latin American and Caribbean region, with the generous support of the Government of Belgium and the Inter-American Biodive ...
Information for participants
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/36237 (2003-076)
To: CBD National Focal Points - Central and Eastern Europe<br>
cc: CHM National Focal Points - Central and Eastern Europe, International thematic focal points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee, Relevant international organizations
A joint Convention on Biological Diversity Clearing-House Mechanism (CBD-CHM) and European Community Clearing-House Mechanism (EC-CHM) regional meeting will be held from 9 to 11 September 2003 in Prague, The Czech Republic, with the generous support of the Government of Belgium and the European ...
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning the Clearing-house Mechanism
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/36320 (2003-077)
To: CBD National Focal Points, CHM National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points and International Thematic Focal Points
In response to recommendations made at the Informal Meeting on Formats, Protocols and Standards for Improved Exchange of Biodiversity-related Information held from 19 to 20 February 2003 in Montreal, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has developed a web-based CBD controll ...
Provisional agenda<br><font size="1" color="ff0000">New version edited on 15 Jul. 2003</font>
Communication mechanisms for indigenous and local communities<br>Report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Traditional Knowledge and the Clearing-House Mechanism
Provisional agenda
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Provisional agenda
Annotated provisional agenda
4 - 10 October 2003, Tsukuba, Japan
6 - 10 October 2003, To be determined, Japan
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/39159 (2003-106)
To: CHM National Focal Points and Informal Advisory Committee Members
A CHM Toolkit has been developed in cooperation with the European Community Clearing-House Mechanism (EC CHM), the Government of The Netherlands, the Government of Belgium and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) with the aim to assist Parties and Governments to establish national ...
Activities related to the CBD web enhancement initiative
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/39217 (2003-112)
To: SBSTTA National Focal Points, CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee and International Thematic Focal Points
Pursuant to Article 17 and Article 18.3 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and in support of Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) programme of work, the Secretariat of the CBD developed a web-based tool to search, locate and retrieve information ...
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/40063 (2003-114)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee and International Thematic Focal Points
The Executive Secretary informs Parties about the development of a web-based tool to analyze thematic reports on alien and invasive species, forest ecosystems, mountain ecosystems, protected areas and technology transfer and cooperation.
Scientific and technical cooperation and Clearing-House Mechanism<br>Results of the independent review of the Clearing-House Mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity
9 November 2003, Montreal, Canada
Operational procedures for the Informal Advisory Committee of the Clearing-House Mechanism
Minutes of the meeting
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/39932 (2003-120)
To: CBD National Focal Points – least developed countries and
small island developing states
Project to assist two or more countries to develop their Clearing-House Mechanism websites
Clearing-house Mechanism activities during the inter-sessional period
Progress report on the mechanisms for implementation
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/39993 (2003-122)
To: SBSTTA National Focal Points, CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee, International Thematic Focal Points
Pursuant to Article 17 and Article 18.3 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and in support of the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 7), the Secretariat of the CBD developed a web-based tool to search, locate and retrieve information on COP decisions
16 - 18 December 2003, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Report of the joint Latin America and Caribbean regional meeting on the Clearing-House Mechanism and the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network: Building partnerships through effective networking
Report of the Convention on Biological Diversity Clearing-House Mechanism and European Community Clearing-House Mechanism joint regional meeting for Central and Eastern Europe
Usage analysis of the Convention on Biological Diversity website
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/40692 (2004-005)
To: CHM Informal Advisory Committee members, CHM National Focal Points and Relevant International Organizations
The Secretariat has developed a CD-ROM version of the new CHM Toolkit in an effort to ensure its widespread use and application
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/40740 (2004-009)
To: SBSTTA National Focal Points, CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee, International Thematic Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, ICCP National Focal Points (where biosafety focal points have not yet been designated) and CBD National Focal Points (where biosafety focal points have not yet been designated)
A tool to search for ICCP recommendations is available on the Convention’s website at: <a href='/convention/search.aspx'>http://www.biodiv.org/convention/search.aspx</a>
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/42172 (2004-012)
To: CBD National Focal Points, CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee and International Thematic Focal Points
An information database on incentive measures is available on the Convention’s website at: <a href='/programmes/socio-eco/incentives/case-studies.aspx'>http://www.biodiv.org/programmes/socio-eco/incentives/case-studies.aspx</a>. The database allows to search, locate and retrieve information usin ...
Over 2 000 world experts on biodiversity and sustainable development are gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity. <p>Journalists and members of the public can stay abreast of all the development ...
13 - 17 February 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Provisional agenda
Enhancing the CHM as a mechanism for connecting people to people particularly for technology transfer and development<br>(paper submitted by the New Zealand CHM National Focal Point)
Minutes of the meeting
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/43241 (2004-031)
To: CBD National Focal Points, CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee, International Thematic Focal Points
CBD information centre online catalogue now available on the web at <a href='/doc/info-centre.asp'>http://www.biodiv.org/doc/info-centre.asp</a>
30 September - 2 October 2004, Sorrento, Italy
Draft operational procedures for the informal advisory committee on the biosafety clearing-house
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/45094 (2004-088)
To: CBD National Focal Points in the Asia and Pacific Region
CHM National Focal Points in the Asia and Pacific Region
Informal Advisory Committee of the CHM
Relevant international organizations
Clearing-House Mechanism regional meeting on the Clearing-House Mechanism for Asia and the Pacific, 30 November to 2 December 2004.
2 - 3 November 2004, Montreal, Canada
Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/45094 (2004-092)
To: CBD National Focal Points in the Asia and Pacific Region
CHM National Focal Points in the Asia and Pacific Region
This is a reminder of the Secretariat’s earlier communication dated 28 October 2004 regarding the invitation to make nominations for the Asia and Pacific regional meeting on the clearing-house mechanism, to be held in Amman, Jordan on 30 November to 2 December, 2004 (Reference: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/ ...