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News Headlines

New protections for high value conservation areas

The NSW Government has today announced the opening of nominations to identify and protect Areas of Outstanding Biodiversity Value (AOBVs) on both private and public lands across New South Wales.

News Headlines

New survey to define protection measures for Seychelles’ Grand Police area

A new survey is being undertaken at the Grand Police beach to assess the biodiversity of fauna and flora as well as define protection and conservation measures for the area.

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Newly declared dugong conservation reserve will help protect marine biodiversity

In an effort to protect the dugong, the Tamil Nadu government declared 500 sq. km of the biodiversity-rich waters in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, where the marine mammal is found, as the country’s first dugong conservation reserve. Announced in September last year, the reserve is spread over ...

News Headlines

No fishing allowed in Ascension Island’s new marine protected area

Ascension Island, in the southern Atlantic Ocean, is getting a new marine protected area twice the size of the United Kingdom (UK).

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No-take marine areas help fishers (and fish) far more than we thought

One hectare of ocean in which fishing is not allowed (a marine protected area) produces at least five times the amount of fish as an equivalent unprotected hectare, according to new research published today.

News Headlines

One Size Does Not Fit All Rivers: Diverse Protection Mechanisms Needed To Keep Them Connected

The world’s rivers are like an uninsured Ferrari being driven through an ice storm: exceptionally high value combined with inadvisably high level of risk and vulnerability.

News Headlines

One of a kind study provides roadmap for protecting oceans in keeping with UN goal

The United Nations had set a goal that 10 percent of the oceans were to be made Marine Protected Areas (MPA) by 2020. MPAs are protected areas of seas, oceans and lakes that can be used as wildlife refuges or research facilities. These areas restrict human activity and promote conservation.

News Headlines

Opening protected area off New England coast to commercial fishing compromises protections

A study published this week in the scientific journal Frontiers in Marine Science found that opening the 3.14 million acre Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument to commercial fishing reduces species protection in the richly diverse and vital ecological area.

News Headlines

Ottawa introduces new rules to protect right whales in Canadian waters

The Liberal government said Thursday it is enhancing measures to reduce risks to North Atlantic right whales, an endangered species largely due to human activity.

News Headlines

Over 2.5 million hours of sea bottom trawling ploughed Europe’s ‘protected’ areas in 2020

As the global nature conservation community gathers in Marseille for the IUCN World Conservation Congress, at which marine protection targets will be discussed, Oceana releases new data revealing how EU countries continue to allow destructive fishing in Europe’s supposedly ‘protected’ areas and ...

News Headlines

Over three-quarters of the world’s vital carbon stores are unprotected

Only 23 per cent of Earth’s most vulnerable and crucial carbon storage ecosystems are in protected areas. But a study that pinpoints these carbon stores could help inform initiatives to keep them safe from development, while also protecting biodiversity.

News Headlines

Owls Head development would mean 'complete destruction' of its ecology, says biologist

Several scientists at Saint Mary's University in Halifax are adding their names to the growing list of people who want the Nova Scotia government to abandon plans to pursue a sale of Owls Head provincial park.

News Headlines

Panama expands the limits of the Coiba protected area

On June 8, World Oceans Day, the President of Panama Laurentino Cortizo signed an executive decree that expands the limits of the Cordillera de Coiba protected area, a step that will double the amount of Panamanian marine surface that is under some degree of protection.

News Headlines

Philippines’ new marine protected area includes community-led monitoring program

Encompassing more than 54 acres of thriving coral reef habitat, the new marine protected area in Batangas empowers local residents as stewards of the reef, enjoining them in a uniquely ambitious two-year program to monitor its health.

News Headlines

Plan devised for key pond habitat

The National Conservation Council has approved a much needed conservation plan for Meagre Bay Pond, one of Cayman’s oldest protected areas. The conservation law provides for management plans to protect important habitat and allow public access. Meagre Bay is in need of help to restore the water ...

News Headlines

Plan for Indigenous Protected Area in Canadian Arctic Clears Key Hurdle

The diverse and rich ecosystems of Arqvilliit (Ottawa Islands) are a refuge and feeding and breeding ground for northeastern Hudson Bay species, from polar bears and marine mammals to the thousands of eider ducks that nest here.

News Headlines

Portugal Establishes the Largest Fully Protected Marine Reserve in Europe

Today the government of Portugal expanded a marine protected area around the Selvagens Islands, creating the largest fully protected marine reserve in Europe at 2,677 square kilometers. The Selvagens islands are a small archipelago in the North Atlantic located midway between Madeira and the Can ...

News Headlines

Portuguese islands create Europe’s largest protected marine area

The Selvagens Islands Nature Reserve, created 50 years ago in Portugal’s Madeira archipelago, is home to a unique ecosystem. A newly adopted legal framework makes it the largest protected marine area in Europe and the North Atlantic.

News Headlines

Preserving biodiversity: begins the path to create new protected areas in the country – Unidiversidad

Priority is given to projects to create national parks and reserves in the provinces of Córdoba and Río Negro. They have unique ecosystems. The importance of their care to cushion climate change. Infographics.

News Headlines

Pristine Arctic reserves will benefit wildlife and Inuit communities

Canada's newest marine protected area is expected to be a refuge for wildlife as other parts of the Arctic face instability.

News Headlines

Project to Expand the Marine Territory of Cocos Island Begins the Final Stretch

In order to protect new sites of marine conservation interest, the government and environmentalists seek to expand the marine territory of Cocos Island, while the fishing sector – artisanal, longliner, purse seine fishing and tourist fishing – expresses their opposition to the plan. at a time wh ...

News Headlines

Proposal could create world's largest protected area in Antarctic

Across the planet, eco-systems are in a dire state. Many believe a mass extinction is under way, the sixth since life first started in the primaeval melting pot billions of years ago.

News Headlines

Proposed bill seeks to ensure more protected areas in Seychelles

A new bill to replace the National Parks and Nature Conservancy Act is being proposed in Seychelles to ensure more protected areas in the island nation.

News Headlines

Protect 30% of Earth to avert ‘irreversible’ biodiversity loss – former ministers say

Governments should sharply expand protected areas for animals and plants to cover 30% of the planet by 2030 to pull back from “the precipice of irreversible loss of biodiversity”, a group of former foreign ministers said on Tuesday.

News Headlines

Protect This Place: The Fragile and Enchanting Costa Dos Corais

Protect This PlaceCosta dos Corais harbors one of the largest reef formations in Brazil and is rich in biodiversity —groups of algae, fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic mammals, along with its namesake corals. I

News Headlines

Protected Areas Are Not Safe from Climate Change

A new study showing the most vulnerable protected areas—the poles and the subtropics—could help prioritize their care.Approximately 15% of the world’s land is designated as protected areas to conserve our planet’s biodiversity. Currently, there are over 240,000 such protected areas.

News Headlines

Protected Hungarian forest by the Tisza River destroyed

An old floodplain forest in Hungary was destroyed by unauthorized clear-cutting in a protected area near the Tisza River.

News Headlines

Protected areas expand by 635,000 ha

Some 635,000 hectares of natural lands added to the country’s protected areas due to the biological values, Mehr news agency reported on Monday.

News Headlines

Protected areas in East Africa flourishing

East Africa’s protected areas are largely successful at preserving important habitats, with nearly seven per cent turned into agricultural land, a study has shown.Protected areas, locations in which human activities are strictly controlled to allow endangered species to prosper, are a boon for l ...

News Headlines

Protected areas need effective management to protect biodiversity

Protected areas have a mixed impact on wildlife and don’t always boost biodiversity, according to a study published in Nature. This is the largest ever global survey about the impact of protected areas.

News Headlines

Protected areas now cover nearly 17% of Earth’s surface: U.N. report

The area of protected land on Earth has increased to seven times the size of India since 2010, according to a report released May 19 by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

News Headlines

Protected areas saw dramatic spikes in fires during COVID lockdowns, study finds

The number of fires inside protected conservation areas across the island of Madagascar shot up dramatically when COVID-19 lockdowns led to the suspension of any on-site management for five months during 2020.

News Headlines

Protected forests to grow under new rules, says palm oil watchdog

KUALA LUMPUR, July 16 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - P rotected forest areas will grow by up to 10% under new rules to stop deforestation, the palm oil industry watchdog said on Tuesday, which is working to make the edible oil greener.

News Headlines

Protected marine areas should serve nature and people: a review of South Africa’s efforts

Marine protected areas in South Africa and across the world have an identity crisis. For some, they’re the answer to all marine conservation challenges. They prevent habitat destruction and unsustainable resource extraction, and provide resilience against climate change.

News Headlines

Protecting 30% of global lands could benefit biodiversity and climate change: Study

The study released by Science Advances says at least 1,000 species could benefit from protecting 30% of global lands by 2030.

News Headlines

Protecting a forgotten treasure trove of biodiversity

The Cerrado is the largest savanna region in South America, but compared to the Amazon Forest to the north, it does not attract much attention.

News Headlines

Protecting the World’s Oceans

In 2015, palau, a nation of more than 300 coral and volcanic islands in the western Pacific Ocean, expanded on decades of marine conservation to create a 193,000-square-mile protected area encompassing an extraordinary 80% of its ocean waters.

News Headlines

Protection eyed for waters around Izu-Ogasawara trench

The government plans to designate waters around the Izu-Ogasawara oceanic trench as a marine protected area (MPA) that limits fishing and other human activities.

News Headlines

Provide incentives for conservation outside protected areas

The policy of the Environment and Forestry Ministry to encourage regional governments to ensure non-state forest areas (APL) to have good forest cover and high biodiversity values as essential ecosystem areas (KEE) has received warm response from conservation NGOs.

News Headlines

Quebec entrepreneur, 93, donates cherished island after protecting it from city sprawl

Nature Conservancy of Canada will protect Île Ronde habitat for birds and vulnerable turtle species.

News Headlines

Québec honours its commitment and protects 17% of its land and freshwater territory

Minister of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change and Minister Responsible for the Laval Region Benoit Charette today proudly announced that the Québec government has honoured its commitment to protect 17% of its land and freshwater territory before the end of 2020.

News Headlines

RSPL: Largest Choco Hills is smallest protected area in Bohol

With little less than 400,000 hectares of agricultural, upland forests, open grasslands, beaches, fishponds and mangrove forests, keeping Bohol’s biodiversity is assured with the government’s efforts to declare the 16 protected areas in Bohol.

News Headlines

Rapid expansion of protected areas around the world failing to reduce human pressures on land

As the world races to meet the goal of protecting 17 percent of Earth’s land surface, a new study looks at how effective protected areas are at reducing human pressures — and finds that there is considerable room for improvement.

News Headlines

Razan Al Mubarak: indigenous people and youth must be empowered to protect biodiversity

Indigenous communities and young people must be empowered in order to protect the world’s biodiversity, says Razan Al Mubarak, the president of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

News Headlines

Researchers: ‘Yellowstone to Yukon’ work boosts conservation

It’s one thing to mount a decades-long conservation campaign on a continental scale like the Yellowstone to Yukon, or Y2Y. It’s another to prove anything about it worked.

News Headlines

Rewilding Patagonia: Chile's Great Conservation Leap Forward

A four-million-hectare national park in Chile is being brought back to life by restoring the land to nature.

News Headlines

Sanjayan, Harrison Ford of Conservation International learn about UAE’s biodiversity protection efforts

While touring the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, has highlighted the UAE’s continued efforts to conserve the desert environment and promote protected areas as ecotourism sites to Dr. M. Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation ...

News Headlines

Satellite-based estimates of reduced deforestation in protected areas needed

In the context of progressing towards new targets for a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, the debate remains on whether the emphasis should be on protected area coverage or protected area effectiveness.

News Headlines

Saving the sea: Gray's Reef serves as a model of conservation

Thanks to U.S. government protection for the past four decades, an area off Georgia's coast is now a spectacular home to hundreds of marine species.

News Headlines

Scientists urge UN to create protected zone across third of planet’s oceans

Scientists have laid out a strategy to protect nearly a third of the world’s oceans by creating a massive network of sanctuaries. Released ahead of a major vote on the issue at the United Nations (UN), the study describes a blueprint for a strategy many now see as crucial to preserve wildlife an ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 151 to 200
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Protected Areas / In-Situ Conservation")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme