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15374 Results
Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 2001 to 2050

News Headlines

Policy coherence between disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation - Case Study Benin

The case studies aim to enhance the understanding of policy design and implementation practices in support of DRR and CCA, identify good practice examples and provide recommendations to advance coherence between DRR and CCA practices in the four countries.

News Headlines

Island states meet to discuss suing Global North over climate change

Leaders of small island nations met on Tuesday to discuss suing countries in the Global North for the damage caused by emissions.

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An alternative take on our changing climate, from a leading meteorologist

Plagued with exceptional heat waves and record-breaking extremes, 2021 came in as Earth’s 6th hottest year on record according to NASA). But how does 2021 compare to various decades in the past century?

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Sisi urges supporting Africa to face climate change as he chairs roundtable in Brussels

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi highlighted the need to support the African continent in facing climate change through providing concessional climate funding.

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Plastic pollution is bad, but how exactly is it linked to climate change?

From bags caught in hedgerows to bottles bobbing in the ocean, the visible signs of our single-use plastic addiction are everywhere. We all know that plastic pollution is a big problem. But what is less talked about is exactly how plastic contributes to global warming.

News Headlines

Tata Steel : Foundation's ‘The Green School' showcases its milestones on climate change front at the World Sustainable Development Summit 2022

The Green School, a joint initiative of Tata Steel Foundation and TERI, participated in the ongoing World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) to showcase its work on climate change related issues and the various milestones achieved over the years.

News Headlines

How the US commitment to lower emissions will affect the fight against climate change

US President Joe Biden has made tackling climate change a top priority. One of his first orders in 2021 was to appoint John Kerry as the first US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. The Biden-Harris Administration have, since then, pursued an environmental agenda, backed by a push for clear ...

News Headlines

Restored tropical forests will store carbon even in the face of climate change

Across vast swathes of the tropics from Southeast Asia to Africa forests have been felled in recent decades, but at least in some areas reforestation efforts are expected to be underway in coming years to restore biodiversity and create potent new carbon sinks.

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Here’s how far people want the government to limit their freedoms for the sake of the planet – new research

An opinion poll carried out just before the 2021 UN climate conference COP26, found that 79% of UK respondents “would accept stricter rules and environmental regulations” imposed by their governments. And yet 44% “don’t think [they] really need to change [their] habits”.

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Focus on ridding forests off invasive alien species

The Forest department has planned a special project to eradicate prioritised invasive alien species from the forests of the State during the 2022-23 fiscal.

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Turkey eyes win-win with mastic trees for burned forest areas

Located right across the Greek island of Chios, the Çeşme peninsula of Turkey lags behind the island in terms of its most famous product: mastic, a plant used in the production of chewing gums and as a spice in cuisines of the two neighboring countries.

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Ancient Methane Gas Ocean Cores Reveal Clues about Global and Environmental Changes

According to a study performed by two researchers from Texas A&M University, sediment cores gathered from the Southern Ocean dating back 23 million years are offering better insight into how ancient methane escaping from the seafloor could have resulted in regional or global climate and environm ...

News Headlines

Indigenous Comcáac turtle group saves sea turtles in Mexico’s Gulf of California

Mayra Estrella’s father always spoke to her about sea turtles. Growing up, she remembers hearing stories linking a pair of turtles to the very existence of the Comcáac people, the Indigenous people of which she and her father belong.

News Headlines

A conservation paradigm based on Indigenous values in DR Congo (commentary)

The Batwa Indigenous peoples lived in the Kahuzi-Biega forests of present-day Democratic Republic of Congo for centuries before Belgian colonial rule imposed formal change in 1937 with the establishment of the Zoological and Forest Reserve of Mount Kahuzi.

News Headlines

Argentine environmentalists sound the alarm on climate change

Pointing to the wildfires, drought and heat waves that have marked the start of 2022 in Argentina, environmental organizations call for adaptation, mitigation and effective laws to protect the ecosystem.

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Sound provides new insight into the lives of blue whales

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest animal ever to inhabit Earth. Despite its gargantuan size, many aspects of its biology, behavior and ecology still elude us. This magnificent mammal spends most of its time below the ocean's surface, out of sight from scientists seeking to un ...

News Headlines

In heatwave conditions, Tasmania's tall eucalyptus forests no longer absorb carbon

Southern Tasmania's tall eucalyptus forests are exceptionally good at taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converting it into wood.

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How racialized trauma functions as a barrier to enjoying nature

The closure of a gate at a national wildlife refuge in Denver about a decade ago ensured protection for bison, bald eagles and other wildlife inside, but also created a physical and metaphorical barrier for people living in diverse communities just outside the fence.

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Research shows that millipedes use a sucking pump to ingest liquid food

Whether it involves nectar-sucking butterflies or blood-sucking mosquitoes, the ingestion of liquid food has long been known for many insects and other arthropods.

News Headlines

Emerald ash borer can survive polar vortex

Winters on the Canadian prairies can be brutally cold, but researchers at Western University and Natural Resources Canada have found that even a freezing polar vortex poses little problem for the invasive emerald ash borer.

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New armless abelisaur dinosaur species discovered in Argentina

A new dinosaur which formed part of an array of 'unusual' creatures has been discovered in Argentina.

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New group of plants was one of the first to colonize the land

Minute fossils unearthed in preserved charcoal point to the existence of an entirely unknown group of plants that were among the first to move onto land.

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Plants under anesthesia reveal surprising parallels with humans

The carnivorous Venus flytrap can be anesthetized with ether. Some surprising parallels to anesthesia in humans emerge.

News Headlines

How our album of birdsong recordings rocketed to #2 on the ARIA charts

Australia is losing its birds at an alarming rate—one in six species are now threatened with extinction, predominantly due to climate change, land clearing and worsening bushfires.

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Study: Satellites may help predict ice avalanche threats

Satellite images could offer a new way to monitor for avalanche threats to remote mountain communities, according to Aberdeen scientists studying a deadly Himalayan avalanche.

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How bad is Storm Eunice – and is it a result of climate breakdown?

Storm Eunice is battering parts of the UK, felling trees and scattering roof tiles as forecasters warn of a “significant threat to life”. But is it caused by climate breakdown, and can we expect an increase in such disruptive storms?

News Headlines

The great greenwashing scam: PR firms face reckoning after spinning for big oil

This week a peer-reviewed study confirmed what many have suspected for years: major oil companies are not fully backing up their clean energy talk with action.

News Headlines

The week in wildlife – in pictures

The best of this week’s wildlife pictures, including a patient great tit, a hungry lemur, and a lucky escape for one humpback whale

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Uganda Ranked Amongst Most Biodiversity Rich Countries

The Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Tom Butime has said Uganda has been ranked among the top most biodiversity rich countries globally.

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This woman discovered climate change 5 years before the man who gets credit for it

Chances are you’ve never heard of Eunice Foote, but she was the first person to document climate change. Five years before the man credited for discovering it.

News Headlines

What are the most serious health risks of climate change?

The latest research into health-related risks associated with climate change has come in. Based on the contributions from more than 80 experts, the comprehensive study, entitled Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate:

News Headlines

Biodiversity meets the bottom line

Net-zero commitments exploded last year, with the number of companies making them doubling. Race to Zero, part of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, estimated that net-zero commitments covered about 68 percent of the global economy in 2021, compared to just 16 percent in 2019, a mo ...

News Headlines

Speed Dating with the Future, a Romance with Science and Biodiversity

In a busy world where love is a complicated affair, speed dating is one way to connect, but can it work to ignite more sustainable relationships with nature? Are we open to a romance with science and evidence?

News Headlines

Why we need biodiversity on our dinner plates – and why it’s disappearing

In the early 70s, American botanist Jack Harlan proclaimed that mass extinction was underway in America’s fields.

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Podcast: Defending New Guinea’s forests with birds-of-paradise and ecotourism

The third episode in the New Guinea series of Mongabay Explores covers the island’s unique birds-of-paradise, and their symbolism as ambassadors for both the island’s beautiful landscape, and also the culture of the people who live there:

News Headlines

Study: Corals doomed even if global climate goals met

Coral reefs that anchor a quarter of marine wildlife and the livelihoods of more than half-a-billion people will most likely be wiped out even if global warming is capped within Paris climate goals, researchers said recently.

News Headlines

World spends $1.8tn a year on subsidies that harm environment, study finds

Research prompts warnings humanity is ‘financing its own extinction’ through subsidies damaging to the climate and wildlife

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The people building edible cities

"I view urban agriculture as a wonderful Trojan horse," says Nicolas Brassier, owner of Peas&Love, an urban farm that has expanded to seven sites across France and Belgium in the past two years

News Headlines

The wonder of wetlands: the secret weapon in the battle against climate change

Saltmarshes can store carbon from the atmosphere fifty times faster than a tropical forest. As part of our monthly update on the state of our planet we visit the Venice lagoon with scientists working to protect these special wetlands and ask if these environments could be nature's secret weapon ...

News Headlines

An international treaty to curb plastic pollution risks being watered down. New Zealand needs to take a stand

Following years of discussions, support for a global treaty to stem the tide of plastic pollution is now widespread, with 75% of UN member states backing the idea.

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Treasured trash: UK waste gets new lease of life

From facial scrubs using coffee grounds to clothes made from plastic bottles and furniture decorated with agave fibres, efforts to upcycle or repurpose waste products are gaining traction in Britain.

News Headlines

Two humpback whales spotted near Hawaii and Mexico just weeks apart

A team of researchers affiliated with institutions in the U.S., Mexico and Australia has found evidence of humpback whales traveling thousands of miles to mate. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, they describe their findings and what it could mean for conservation efforts f ...

News Headlines

Fruit flies possess more sophisticated cognitive abilities than previously known

As they annoyingly buzz around a batch of bananas in our kitchens, fruit flies appear to have little in common with mammals. But as a model species for science, researchers are discovering increasing similarities between us and the miniscule fruit-loving insects.

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Hunting or other wildlife regulations can make a population more viable, if done correctly

This may sound counterintuitive, but reducing the number of animals in a population can help the remaining individuals to survive through the winter.

News Headlines

Environmental benefits of whale strandings are being overlooked in coastal regulations

The environmental benefits of stranded whale and dolphin carcasses are being undermined by coastal regulations which require remains to be quickly disposed of, a new study has found.

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Risk of soil degradation and desertification in Europe's Mediterranean may be more serious than realized

Europe's Mediterranean countries produce a significant portion of the world's wines, olives, nuts and tomatoes. But research shows that the region's farms and orchards are the most susceptible in Europe to soil degradation and desertification.

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A life-changing fertilizer for rural farmers in Kenya

Most commercial fertilizer travels a long way before it reaches rural farmers in Kenya. Transportation costs force many farmers to rely on cheap, synthetic fertilizers, which can lead to the acidification and degradation of their soil over time.

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New map and report expose growing dangers along whale 'superhighways' across the globe

A comprehensive new map and report tracking whale migrations around the globe highlights where they go in the high seas and the cumulative impacts the animals face from industrial fishing, ship strikes, pollution, habitat loss and climate change.

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Two new embryos ceated in race against time to prevent the extinction of the northern white rhinoceros

In two sets of procedures between October 2021 and February 2022 the BioRescue consortium created two new northern white embryos, bringing the total to 14.

News Headlines

Flippers and flutes: How music helps us talk to dolphins

The universal language of music could serve as a gateway to communicate with dolphins and possibly open doors to learn more about the naturally curious creatures, according to researchers from The Australian National University (ANU).

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 2001 to 2050
Results for: ("News Headlines")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme